
My Plot-Hole System

Long Tian is your everyday average person who just wants to lead a normal & peaceful life. But things just don't tend to go our way in life, suddenly receiving a System that seems to be a shameless combination of all the systems from the various overrated System Novels that he hates, his peaceful life is now a pipe dream. Let us follow Long Tian in this refreshing journey and see what fate has in store for him. If you'd like to support me, feel free. https://ko-fi.com/narcissistimmortal STRICTLY URBAN, NO FANTASY ELEMENTS. The Chapter Lengths will be adjusted eventually. *Picture in the cover does not belong to me.*

NarcissistImmortal · Urban
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33 Chs

I Have A System!?

It was about time, the entrance exam is fast approaching and students all over Country "Z" are trying their best to score good marks and enter a "Prestigious University". The better the university, the better future prospects it's students will have.

In "Dragon Gate" County, First Middle School, "Long Tian" is your everyday average student. Someone who is average in looks, studies, family background and almost everything. If nothing goes wrong he will enter a "Good University", find a "Good Job" a "Good Wife" and live the rest of his life just like his parents; at most a passerby in life.

Long Tian always wanted to live a peaceful life. In his life if there is something that Long Tian hates then it's probably cliches and overused tropes like face slapping, arrogant Main Characters etc. In fact, when Long Tian was born, his late Grandparents wanted to name him Long Aotian, but his mother decided to remove "Ao" because she did not want her son to be Arrogant or Overbearing, and Long Tian is very grateful for that.

Because seriously? Long Aotian!? how damn overused is that name. It was Study Hours now, and half of the students were fast asleep. After a lot of serious studying Long Tian started to feel sleepy.

Author's Note: The "Ao" in Long Aotian stands for Overbearing and Arrogant.

There was somehow a bad premonition in his heart, but hey, he was just an average joe. Nothing big would probably happen to him, with this kind of self assurance Long Tian pushed aside all his thoughts and fell asleep on his desk. Fifteen minutes passed and then suddenly something woke him up.


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"What the hell! who is it, who ruined my nap?" Long Tian got up and shouted.

Hearing his screams many sleepyheads lost their dizzyness and some of them who were asleep woke up, the students suddenly cast a hostile gaze. Long Tian calmed himself and silently took his seat.

Suddenly there was the sound of the bell ringing and school was done for the day. On his way home he pondered what that annoying sound was, after reaching his house, he quickly took a bath went to his room and slumped on his bed. Long Tian's parents were not home, they often went to foreign trips. Their family was earning good money and Long Tian being their only kid, they had a lot of money to spare.

"But what the hell was that soun.." before Long Tian could complete his sentence, that annoying sound came yet again.

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