
My Playful Heart: Isla del Fuego series 3

Ruche_Spencer · Andere
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My Playful Heart 3

There is an awkward and chilly silence when Keira and Owen meet the Earl at the cellar. "Enjoying yourselves so much, huh?" the Earl asks sardonically at them, more likely focus on Owen.

Owen nods, ignoring the Earl's sarcasm. "I am, sir, and thank you for your invitation?" he replies. The Earl inhales harshly then turns to Keira. There's a tacit understanding between them. Keira knows that her father is giving her the warning to back off. But, for once in her life, she wants to show her father that she has her own life and she must decide for whatever track she wants to take.

"What game are you playing this time, Keira?" he asks softly.

Keira shrugs and shakes her head as she holds Owen's arm tightly. "I am not playing any tricks, father," she answers. "What you saw is pretty much what you get." Owen can feel her cold hand, clenching his arm. He gives Keira a tap on her shoulder, reassuring her that it's gonna be alright.

The Earl tightens his grip on the shot glass he was holding and lightly nods. "I see!" he scoffs. "Don't test my temper, Keira," he adds while looking at his daughter in the eyes.

"Father, please. Can't you just trust me on this?" Keira exclaims. "Besides, I'm already grown up."

The Earl smirks. "Trust you? Is that the best decision you can have? Dating a commoner?" he grumbles.

Keira laughs, leaving her father astounded."I knew it! He's a commoner," she repeats softly. "This is ridiculous! What's wrong with dating a commoner? I love him. We love each other. That's all that matters, father. "

The Earl is speechless. Then, clears his throat. "Right! Maybe, I've given you the wrong context. I am not against dating a commoner. But, he," the Earl fixating his gaze at Owen, "is a stranger!" blatantly says.

"Father! He's not...," Keira answers in a loud voice.

"How dare you shout at your father? That man is turning you into a lowly girl. Look at you," the Earl roars.

"What? He is not," Keira says in frustration. "This is pointless, father. Whatever you say can't change the fact that he is my boyfriend!" she adds in a defiant tone.

Owen holds Keira's shuddering body and calms her down. "Hey, it's alright!" Keira takes a deep breath as she nods. Then, he turns to the Earl and says, "Sir, first of all, I am sorry for causing such strain in your relationship. However, I really love Keira and I am ready to prove myself worthy of your daughter's love. I am willing to undergo the baptism of fire if I have to."

The Earl smirks. "Are you?" he asks. Owen nods.

Silence. Neither of them speaks, weighing the situation.

The Earl clears his throat before he speaks. "Fine! From this day on, you will be introduced as my daughter's "GAY" friend."

"Dad!" Keira exclaims.

The Earl ignores Keira and goes on, "You're not allowed to show PDA. And one more thing, while you're in London, you're not allowed to show up together in public. Do you understand? Don't embarrass this family, Keira!"

Owen keeps quiet as he observes the Earl's every move. "Okay, sir! But, this won't change our feelings for each other and the extent of our relationship."

Now, it's the Earl's time to remain quiet as he looks at Owen in the eyes. Then, he sighs and nods before answering his phone. The Earl gestures them to leave to Keira's delight. She kisses his father and Owen nods at the Earl before going out.

"That was intense!" Owen jokes as they drive back to his flat.

"Is this funny to you?" Keira exclaims, punching Owen's thigh. He twitches in pain. Keira immediately apologizes as she gives his thigh a massage.

"Stop! You're waking the sleeping dragon!" Owen says, then winks at her. She tilts her head as she tries to understand his words as he chuckles at her confusion.

Upon realizing what he meant, she punches him harder. This time, he yelps and suddenly brings the car to a halt.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry," Keira says with her hands awkwardly raised in the air. She isn't so sure whether to tap his thigh or just ignore him.

"You owe me something, m'lady," Owen says before starting the engine. Keira sits equally anxiously and excitedly. She can't help but smile.

"Do as you please m' lord," she says with a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Owen gasps upon hearing her answer. "You'll regret this," he grunts.

As soon as they arrive at his apartment, he immediately grabs her and claims her lips.

"Sweet Keira," he thinks as he savagely kisses her.

"What should I do to you?" he asks huskily as he nibbles her ears. She moans.

"We... are... at the door, darling," she manages to say, fighting the intoxicating emotion that's clouding her mind. Owen is in the middle of unzipping his pants when Keira's phone rings. They ignore it for a while but when the ringing doesn't stop, she grabs her phone and presses the answer button without even looking who the caller is.

She clears her throat. "Hello," she croaks. She holds her breath when Owen's hand cups one of her breasts as he buries his head on her neck.

"My lady, are you free tonight?" it is prince Christian.

"Christian... um..." she's struggling to find the right answer because Owen suddenly bites her neck causing her to jolt.

"I'll call you later," Keira says before ending the call and turns to her boyfriend.

"Hmmm... was that the prince?" Owen asks without taking his eyes off hers. Keira nods.

Owen's expression suddenly turns dark. Keira isn't sure but she embraces herself, feeling cold. "What does he want?" he asks in a cold voice. Keira gulps.

"I- I don't know!" she replies, shaking in fear and anticipation. Wrong answer! She closes her eyes as he works his magic on her body, making her yearn for him and intensifying her desire.

"Owen... please," she moans.

"Please... what?" he teases as he enjoys watching Keira twitches in ecstasy. "Tell me what you want, darling."

"I want you," Keira manages to say.

Owen smiles and speaks, "As you wish, darling." Then, their bodies groove in a rythmic tune only they can hear.