
Chapter 24: The Meeting IX


‘I believe I can fly

I believe I can touch the sky

I think about every night and day

Spread my wings and fly away-’

I sighed in frustration as Luke demonstrated how he could fly for the fifth time in five minutes by launching himself out of our grasp and jumping forward, or even to the road. Any time he did that Anne and I would immediately run after him, so he doesn't get run over. But this time I bent down, tired and tried to catch my breath. He was really heavy, more than a hundred kilograms of bricks.

“I'm so tired,” I groaned.

You can say that again, Anne said beside me.

“He's like drunk singer-” she paused like she was thinking,

“Or maybe its singer drunk. Whatever.” She finished and we watched as Luke demonstrated how he could fly by spreading his arms out wide and running forward,

“Are you sure we should leave him like that?” I asked worriedly.

“Nah.” She dismissed it with the wave of her hand,