
27. West Tricked Me!

“Where is he? I thought he wanted to reach work before nine o’clock and it's ten minutes till nine, already.” Anne complained. We were standing beside, the cab we had called, with food and medicine, waiting for Luke to come so we could get going. I exhaled and scanned the surroundings for him. He came from a corner and started running when he saw us. A few seconds later, he was beside us panting,

“Get in, get in.” Anne shooed us inside.

“Okay, okay. Mother bear.” I mocked and entered, Luke entered and Anne followed. I let out a breath in slight annoyance.

“I have said this before and I will say it again, why would we squeeze lives out of ourselves here when there is space beside the driver?”

They shrugged and I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

“Hey Anne, I got this for you.” Luke shoved multiple bags at Anne. I looked at them closely and I realizes they were the shopping bags, Anne was missing.

“Oh my gosh. How did you get these? " Anne asked in disbelief.