
My Pink Cinderella

Kingston kingsley a multi billionaire who went to Crystal hill high school but a dullard then fell in love with a pink goddess Angelina shaw but she disappear suddenly. Will kingsley later find his pink goddess?.

Daoistlt6hEr · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


The jet landed and a guy arrive with a jeep,which i think it is own by kingsley.we arrive at a hotel named King's Cinderella hotel,the hotel is a palace in heaven and even maybe beautiful and miraculous than heaven but i think the name sound weird,i just shrugs and we head inside. We enter inside the hotel and I think I'm gonna die by just seeing a room in this hotel,gosh this is so mysterious. A woman who was maybe in her thirties wearing a red dress so elegant approach us."Good Afternoon Mr Kingston, hope your journey was not stressful ? She asked blushing,her cheek turning into shade of red and revealing her cute dimples."No Vanessa, you have to show where she is going to stay and also ask some maids to help her"King ordered .

"Yes,boss" she replied and King left. Vanessa ask me to follow her,i follow her and she took me to where i'm going to stay,i mean my room. I think this place is personally decorated for me, this is too surprising than I ever imagine.A wow escape my mouth and i open my mouth in agape, Vanessa words make me get out of my dreamland."Missy, you are very lucky because I've never seen Mr King brought any woman here before,if you don't mind can I know who you are to him ?"she said those words like she is jealous, just like how Rebecca use to talk . And I think she is also like Rebecca,the bitches and an hypocrite. She speaks English."I'm his personal assistant and we are here for a business trip not for any romantic relationship,miss!" I replied hotly. "Then miss are you like dating him, you understand me" she grins winking at me,Nope, I'm sorry to disappoint you i am not his girlfriend and if you don't mind can you please excuse me because you are disrupting my peace" i shun her,tired of the hypocrite but Nevertheless she was shocked with my reply that she opens her mouth like an hungry fish."I'm so sorry for my insolence i will have my way now and two maids will be at your service as ordered by boss" she left and i close my door.I remove my nose mask and sunglasses but suddenly got a knock on my door and I went to open the door. Two pretty maids appear to be the ones knocking my door. I ushered them inside. "Good afternoon,we are the two maids assigned to keep your company and we are here to assist you "The tall and most beautiful among the two girls said ."okay" I reply ."Are you a human? you look so beautiful and even with your hair and that kind of eyes i am confident to say you are the prettiest woman in the world, are you a pink goddess or a pink fairy,wow you look so beautiful" The short hair girl smile at me as i gasps. "How do you know my hair is pink? Did you see it?" I asked beckoning to the girl as she pointed to the tips of my hair. "Please let this be a secret between us two, I don't want anyone to find out, please" i begged holding the hand of the two girl as they nodded. "Don't worry your secret are safe with us" the one with short hair replied. "Thank you so much and please can i get a dye?" I asked them. "Why not let the dye fade totally before you apply another" the tall girl said. "No, i have my reason" i replied with a sigh but i change the topic because if i don't i will start thinking. "Common, sit on the bed" i ushed as they smile at me and sit down. "You two haven't tell me your name" i said with a smile, I don't know why i like this two girls. Maybe their spirit flow with mine. "Oops sorry, I'm Riddy and i am twenty three" the short hair girl replied. "And I'm Dahlia, twenty two years old" the second girl muttered with a wink as i smile at them, they are so adorable and i have love them but i don't like that hypocrite vanessa or whatever she calls herself. "And your name!!" They mumble jolting me out of my thoughts as i blush, should i tell them my real name,i think i should because they mean no harm. "I'm Angelina shaw but please just call me stella in front of my boss,when we are indoor like this you can call me my name" i told them after breaking the silence. "Okay, pretty Angie" they both chorus, looks at each other and smile brightly. "You haven't tell us your Age" They whine mimicking me like i said the other time. "I'm twenty six years old" i replied as they gasps dramatically. "So, you are older than us and you look this young" the short hair girl(Riddy) mutter obviously shock by my age. "Can we call you big sister?" Dahlia asked holding my hand. "Yes you can" i wink at them. "Ahhh,we are sorry big sis we suppose to ask what you are gonna eat but we just loaded you with questions" Dahlia mutter with a puppy eyes, showing me her beautiful brown eye,this two girls are so pretty,i swear "No, you don't need to apologize,i also like talking to you two" i replied as they nodded happily. "So, what are you gonna eat?" Riddy asked. "I will eat anything you prepare for me" i answer truthfully because i don't have the time to even think of anything now. They both open my door and went out but almost immediately dahlia open back my door "And i will brought along the hair dye" she mumble as I smile and nodded. she closed back the door and went out.


"hey, kingsley why are you not home yet!!!" cha eun sang ranted on the phone. "I'm on a business trip" kingsley replied calmly. "How dare you go on a business trip without informing me!!!" she shouted. "Why will I tell you everything about me,not like you are my girlfriend or my wife" I shouted back at her. "Okay, I'm sorry but you suppose to tell me,you don't get that I will be worried,we are living together" she replied in a more gentle voice. "Have I made a mistake in letting you stay in my house?" I asked angrily. oh I'm loosing my temper because of this stupid nonentity. "Where are you and when are you coming back?" she asked again. "I told you to fuck off that it doesn't concern you!!!" I replied as I hang up.

To Be Continued.