
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Fort Night Sucks-2

*Laura's POV*

"…I have a feeling something bad is happening and I want to make sure that the gate stays closed, no matter what." [Shin]

"Okay, be careful." [Laura]

"Yeah, we'll make sure nothing happens, sir." [Kati]

Shin grabs his weapon before heading out with Bode. When the door closes, Kati bolts the door closed and gives me a frightening smile.

"Okay, now that the boys are gone, spill it." [Kati]

"Umm…Kati? What am I actually supposed to spill?" [Laura]

"What else are girls supposed to talk about when left alone? Boys of course. So, what is it between you and Shin? You said you're not dating, but that feels like a lie. You seem really close. He even came here to make sure that you have something to eat. You childhood friends or something then?" [Kati]

"N-No, I met Sir Shin for the first time today at school. I saw him at the entrance ceremony, but other than that, I never talked to him before then." [Laura]

"So…your telling me that you just met this morning and didn't know each other before that?" [Kati]

"Yes exactly." [Laura]

Kati looks at me sulkily, as if sad about something.

"Are you okay? Why do you look so sad?" [Laura]

"I thought that we were friends, but I guess it makes sense to keep secrets from each other, I guess. I'm fine, not hurt at all." Says Kati while puffing out her cheeks.

"I'm not keeping any secrets about Shin. I promise that we just met." [Laura]

{Kati does bring up a good point. Why is it that I trust him so much? Maybe it was when he tried to protect me from the summoning spell. He did look really cool….Wait! what am I thinking about? No, I'm not some fair maiden in danger needed to be protected. I'm not falling for that old trope and I'm not my mother. All I know is that ever since I saw him, I felt a certain presence around him. At first, I was scared by what my mother told me about him this morning at breakfast, but as I talked with him, I found that he seemed normal. Of course, I am making sure to not to disrespect him in case his personality is all a trap, but what would the repercussions be if I were to relax around him now that we are no longer in the Empire…}

{Now that I think about it, when we were summoned here, I found that I unconsciously followed his advice and directions. It was as if something in my head told me to stay close to him…}

"Well since you promised I guess I'll believe you. So now that I know you don't have a relationship with him, is he single?" [Kati]

"Oh, are you Interested in him? Since you think we have a really close relationship, I can put in a good word. Hehehe was that why you were teasing me? Are you actually jealous by our "relationship?" That's so cute Kati." [Laura]

"Hahaha, no. He's fairly good looking, fit and seems smart, but unfortunately, he's not my type" [Kati]

"Ah I see." [Laura]

With that being said, Kati heads towards the back room where the bathroom is located.

"I need to go to the bathroom; I'll leave the door to you. I'll be back soon, ~don't miss me too much~." [Kati]

"No, it's fine. I'll watch the door." I say, smiling while watching Kati leave the room.

Although I smile at her comment on the surface, beneath my fake smile, restless thoughts cloud my mind.

{Hearing Shin being praised and hearing she's not Interested in him made me delighted for some reason. However, hearing her say she's not Interested in him made me a bit annoyed and angry. Is he not good enough for her or something? Actually, that's right, they wouldn't make a good match. She couldn't be of use to him like I could. He trusts me much more than he ever would you, Kati. That's right, you shouldn't be near him if you don't like him.}

My hand slides down my left thigh until it rests upon Aureole. Tracing the outline of the hilt with my finger, I slowly take it out of it sheathe and stare at its blade.

{I would hate to stain the white blade he named with the blood of that woman.}

|You are correct, my liege. Although I dedicate myself to your protection, I beg that you do not be use me in this manner. Your servant humbly apologizes for my misconduct and insubordination. If I may, your grace. I believe that my colleague would be of much better use to you in fulfilling your desire.| [???]

The shock of hearing a voice in my head returns me to my sanity.

{Huh? What was I just doing? Why do I have Aureole drawn?}

|I believe it be because we was about skin that girly alive. Kufufu, I await your commands Boss. Equip me and let us parade in the gore of our foes| [???]

Hearing another voice in my head, I look around the room for the source of the voice.

|My liege, if you are searching for me, I humbly suggest to look at your left hand|

Looking down at the blade in my left hand, I hesitantly ask, "Aureole, are you the one talking to me?"

|Of course, my liege. I have gained my consciousness, and a beautiful name. I, Aureole, wish to hereby pledge my eternal loyalty to your soul. May I be allowed to be bound to you, my liege?| [Aureole]

|Oi, don't get ahead of me, you pure bastard. Hey, Boss, can I join too? I feel like it'll be jokes. I'll pledge my everlasting loyalty and all that other mumbo jumbo.| [???]

|Acheron, I would suggest you treat your mistress with more care if you ever hope of being by her side.| [Aureole]

|I'm only here to kill things, not be some prissy paperweight.| [Acheron]

{Uhm, are you really talking to me right now or have I finally lost it?} [Laura]

|Yes, your colleague granted us names, so we have come alive, so to speak, my liege.| [Aureole]

{Right… since he named you, doesn't that mean you should want to serve him?} [Laura]

|What are you saying, my liege. Although I have become sentient due to his contributions, you, who was able to find us in our alcove, are our true master.| [Aureole]

|Aye, it's what he says Boss. That lad has style and dangerous air around him which I love, but I prefer to be of use to you, Boss.| [Acheron]

Not really understanding what is going on, I decide to accept their request.

{Uhm…Okay then? If you would like to work with me then that's fine with me.} [Laura]

As soon as those words leave my mouth, the daggers shudder in unison. A bright aura envelops both Aureole and its sheathe, painting their white hue a golden color for a brief moment before receding. As the hue fades, I can see that the pristine white blade now has a golden decal in the form of a regal fox, which encircles the blade.

Conversely, Acheron's reaction was the complete opposite. As Aureole's brightness grew more vibrant, Acheron's black blade and shaft seemed to absorb the light from its surroundings. The blade, which was already dark, grew even more so until a drop of red appeared on the blade. As if pulsating, the red dot expanded and squirmed across the blade until creating a sanguine decal in the shape of a crow.

| Please except my deepest thanks, my liege. I offer you my eternal support and pledge my soul to yours.| [Aureole]

|Ahh…I fancy this new form. Boss, let us do a celebratory dismembering to rejoice.| [Acheron]

When their forms settle, a voice echoes in my head.

*|Unlocked: Equipment|*

*| Weapons Equipped: Aureole and Acheron|*

*|New Skill Acquired: Thought Distribution.|*

*|New Skill Acquired: Soul Circuit.|*

*|New Active Skill Acquired: Sever|*

*|New Active Skill Acquired: Bypass|*

New Skill? We can get more skills than what was on our Spirit Plate?

Summoning my Spirit Plate so I can see it, I look at my Skills.


Name: :Laura Silva

Race: Human

Level: 1



First Title: Assassin


-> Obscure Lv. 1

-> Alchemy Lv. 1

-> Covert Lv. 1

-> Scope Lv. 1

->Exposure Lv. 1


Second Title: Mistress of the Night


-> Entrancement Lv. 1

-> Empress Lv. 1

-> Authority Lv. 1

-> *Blocked*

Third Title: Skirmisher


-> Litheness Lv. 1

-> Hardy Lv. 1

-> *Blocked*

Fourth Title: Politician


-> Commander Lv. 1

-> Figurehead Lv. 1

->Correspondence Lv. 1

Divine Protection: High Goddess Achlys




Sentient Dagger: Aureole Lv. 1 *New*

Sentient Dagger: Acheron Lv. 1 *New*

Equipped Skills:

-> Thought Distribution *New*

-> Soul Circuit *New*

Active Skills

-> Sever

-> Bypass




A torrent of information floods my head after summoning the Spirit Plate.

{New Skills? Oh, and now Aureole and Acheron appear here as well. Is this the effect of Soul Circuit?}

|Correct, my liege. Having accepted our pledge of fealty, you have permitted communication across our sources. Furthermore, allowing a connection will enable you to utilize our personal Skills alongside your Skills.| [Aureole]

|Yeah, Yeah. Can we get back to what you were doing Boss? I'm getting antsy just sitting here.| [Acheron]

"What was I doing…? Oh right, I was about to kill…" [Laura]


Being reminded by Acheron finally jostled my memory of what I was just planning on doing.

{Why would I ever want to kill Kati, especially for such a petty reason as that.}

Going back and examining what was going through my mind at the time, I try to find out what exactly happened to me.

{For some reason, I extremely mad with Kati. Her saying Shin wasn't her type got me angry enough to attempt to kill her, yet I don't think I was really that mad. Looking back, it was as if my control over my emotions was removed completely. That is scary. Will it happen again and will I end up hurting someone.}

|Worry not my liege, your condition is due to the intervention from a deity. Although I cannot cure your ailment, I can alleviate the symptoms through the Soul Circuit.| [Aureole]

{A deity is controlling my emotions?}

{You said you can help? So does that mean that I won't go crazy and try to kill someone for no reason?} [Laura]

|While I would love to provide you with a definitive answer, I cannot guarantee that you would be spared from emotional tampering from direct control. However, if we provide support, the current form of control that a deity has placed on you will not take any effect. That, I stake on my honor.| [Aureole]

{That makes me feel a little better. Although I don't really care much for being tampered with by a deity.}

|So, I take it we're not killing that lass? Can we kill that Divine Mutt who's interfered with ya then? I can sense them, and it feels like I got an itch I can't reach.| [Acheron]

{Divine Mutt?} [Laura]

|He means a Divine Beast, Your Grace. It is the type of deity that has influenced your emotions.| [Aureole]

Seeing how Acheron mentioned them first, I look at the black blade and ask about the Divine Bests.

{What are these "Divine Beasts"?} [Laura]

|Mutts 'r Mutts, they all die in the end.| [Acheron]

{I-I see...} [Laura]

{Yup, Okay. I'm never asking him for answers ever again. I'm not sure what I was actually expecting coming from this bloodthirsty savage...}

*Bang Bang Bang*

The thick steel door that separates the guardhouse and the gate mechanism bangs loudly, jarring me from my thoughts.

"Please could you open up Kati, Laura!" [Bode]

Sensing the urgency in his voice, I move to unlatch the thick steel bolt that keeps the door in place. Before I can unlock the door all the way, a shout from behind stops me from unlocking it all the way.

"Wait, Laura! Don't open it." [Kati]

Coming from out of the bathroom, Kati runs to her bow and picks it up. Notching an arrow on the bow and drawing it back, she then signals me to wait.

"What's the password, Bode?" [Kati]

"We don't have time, it's "Hostibus Noctis". [Bode]

{I'm fairly sure that's not the password that they set earlier, although it sounds similar. Maybe I was mistaken? I was never really good with languages.}

Looking at Kati, I receive a slight nod. Taking that as a sign to open the door, I pull back the bolt and step aside to let him in. Not knowing of course, that he wasn't alone.