
Chapter 532

" you really do not remember anything that would have made him to flee?. Try to think back again" I was shocked with the tone he used to deliver his words,

Looking at him now, he was just a worried father thinking about the wellbeing of his son. He looked like he aged overnight, if only he had used this time with me right from the onset, I am very certain that I would have been able to think of something that would help us both. I remembered that juna was here with us, but he has been silent and it would be so easy to ignore his presence,

" I think I remember but I am not sure if that was what instigated his race..." Before I was done with my statement, the elder was all up in my face, telling me to tell him the smallest details, no matter how insignificant I think it was,

" I told him that I came from his mother's tent and would need to return back soon. I remember that the look on his face was weird after I said this " I do not know how much help it would be to them but this was the only thing I felt could have added to his son's actions,

" His mother?" He asked me looking at me strangely,

I wanted to ask him if I stuttered while saying it but I reminded myself that I was not trying to incur more wrath on myself but was looking for ways to get out of this situation. I still wonder why they all have a strange expression on their face whenever she is mentioned, it must be that they are afraid of her. But who would not be after the stories that must have circulated about her.

" I was shocked that he responded that way. He was the one that took me to her tent and introduced me to her, so why would he be shocked when I mentioned her" I was actually asking myself a question and trying to figure out the reason for what was happening then

" Anything else?"

What elsy?, What else?, I asked myself as I ran my hand over my lips and chin, trying to think of anything that occured which would have aided his reaction too, but nothing of essence that I have not said came to my mind. I let my hands go limp by my side as I shook my head at him. His shoulder slumped immediately he saw my actions,

" He did not follow the right path to the tent!" I exclaimed out,

He looked at me weirdly, asking me to elaborate more with his eyes. His eyes had a glimmer of hope to it, I immediately I shouted that out.

" The path to his mother's tent where I came from was over there but he ran in this direction" I had both my hands spread out in both directions, trying to show him the correct path and where his child took.