
Chapter 529

When I noticed that I was running out of air quickly and he was not going to let me go anytime soon, I began to flare my legs and tried to fight with everything in me. I was constantly hitting the hand with which he held on to my throat,

" I will.... tell.... you" that was actually what I wanted to say to him but it all came out a jumbled mess. He must have been able to decode what I was trying to tell him because he let go of me at once. When I fell to the ground, I scrambled away from him scared and with my hand trying to soothe the burn on my throat,

He still stalked towards me, and when he got close enough he crouched so he was down to my eye level, and ran his fingers through my hair. Normally,I should know that I was meant to stay still and not aggrievate him further, but it was natural Instincts for me to pull my head away from him and I regretted it the moment I did so. His face twisted as a result of my action and right now, he was looking more like the elder that everyone knew he to be. The cold blooded killer who would get rid of anyone in his way. I actually felt it before I knew what was going on,

He gathered my mass of hair in his hands and yanked my head backwards with force, I let out a high scream that pierced through the darkness. Tears were already streaming down my face at this point and With the angle he was holding my head, my neck was straining and was already begining to hurt. I raised my hand up to touch the hand that was holding onto my head but he shook my hand off and slapped me across the face.

I really did not have anyone to blame but myself as to what is happening right now. If only I had not acted sassy, since I knew he had.a touchy temperament and had answered all his questions when asked, I probably would have been sleeping in his partners tent by now. My acts and actions were always putting me in trouble, I could hear Juna's voice in the background trying to plead on my behalf but it was all.a wasted effort as no one could get through to the elder when he is like this.

" I really did not want it to get to this point but it seems like violence is the only response that gets through to you " I could feel his breath on my face as he spoke,

With the way he was holding my head, he was also not in my view. I was left staring at the sky , knowing there were people around me but I could not see anyone. I was scared and the tears refused to stop but I was at his mercy and could do nothing else