
Chapter 394

" Are you trying to say I am not worthy of ruling the people?" He asked the shaman directly. I am sure that we could all hear the barely restrained anger in his voice, he was few seconds away from unleashing it,

 I thought this would make the shaman back down and just concede to saying what he wants to hear. But of course not, the tenaciousness and strength with I admired about her decided to roar it's head now and lead us all to her doom. She removed my hand that I had placed on her lips to prevent her from saying any other words.

" I said no such thing. I only said it was leaders that took on such tasks not mere people trying to impersonate"

'impersonate?' do not tell me that I heard it correctly. Why is she trying to get us all killed. I must have offended her in my past life or if possible, in the world to come. She must have seen it as a result of her ability and was trying to prevent it from happening by signing my death here. I was not even shocked when Donua stood up angrily and started pacing round the tent. He had more restraint than I thought, he did not get immediately. It seems he waited for the word to sink in properly, so as to figure out if she really was insulting him before he made a move.

"I will prove you all wrong. Elena, I will make sure Leo and Juna is found before the next day is over" with the force behind hos words, I knew he was going to deliver on his promise so as to save face,

What he did not know was that he was digging himself a pit, which he may not be able to come out first. I do not know why I did not think of this at first, the Shaman is very Smart I have to admit that. Instead of sucking up to him and his ego, I should have riled him up and made him angry. No man likes to be minisculed and would do anything possible to erode such assumption,

"How did you know that Juna and Leo were the ones missing?" He must not have realized when he said their names or else he would not have done so,

"What do you mean? You said so yourself not quite long" I do not know who he was trying to convince now, himself or me?. But I was not going to let him off the hook Immediately, it was time for me to play with him a bit,

"I never said such. I am very certain of it" my voice got a little loud toward the ending but I could not help it,

In a way, this was him admitting that he was on possession of the boys. He turned towards the shaman and Tufa, signalling them to come to his aid and back him up but they turned away from him.