
Chapter 350

"Now that we are all in agreement, this is going to go on smoothly, the way I have planned it to be. If any of you go against my wishes, let's just say whatever you think I would do to you is minor, compared to what I have planned out" his eyes were so dark as he stared at them, you could barely see the white in it

I have to give it to them, they are trying. How were they still standing after he unleashed that look on them, I was further away from them and his eyes were not trained on me but I was shivering in fear. He waited until they gave their assent before he continued on with what he was saying. I was  already out of time, I am not sure I would be able to change what was going to happen here today, I could not leave but I also could not sit still and watch it all unfold before my eyes,

"Although I know no one would outrightly go against my word and whatever I tell them, Pa I still need you to speak to them and tell them why it had to happen. They will listen to you as they respect you and they believe you will always want the best for them"

"Since you already know that they hold me in such high esteem, why do you want to ruin it. Do you know what will happen when they find out I was lying to them?" Tufa cried out, it was very obvious he hated being powerless because if he had an ounce of Donua's power, he would not be forced to do what he hates and is against,

"Get over yourself, we are the only ones present here. My men would never betray me, if word gets out it would be as a result of your loose mouth, then you would have no one to blame but yourself. So your fate is in your hands" he told him callously

I do think about how Donua could treat someone he calls Pa so callously, it was as if he was making a mockery of the title. i watched as Tufa fell on his butt, Donua did not care or bother to check up on him and continued assigning task to everyone. The lady tried to help him but her stomach was getting in the way, so she could not fully get down with him, she tried her best to console him but it looks if it was making everything worse.  Tufa had tears running down his eyes, seeing him like that also made me start tearing up. At his age, he was no longer supposed to be crying but was actually meant to be rejoicing and happy for the life he has lived so far,

I would never wish for any parent to have a child like Donua, it may sound harsh but it is better for them to rather remain childless