
Chapter 253

I called him over because I knew that before I would raise myself up and walk over to where he was sitting, all the herbs would have fallen down and there was no way I was going to hobble back to pick a new set. When he finally got to where I was, he assumed the same position that I was in, but I gestured for him to sit while facing me, it would definitely be easier for smooth application of the herbs. I took more water from the lake and mixed it with the herbs, so it would produce enough liquid for him to drink. When I was satisfied with the quantity that I had gotten, I asked him to bend his head down to where I was and slurp as much as he could from my palm. I knew he was not happy with the taste, as he scrunched his face immediately the taste hit his tongue, this made me laugh out loud at him. He was someone that was not easily afraid and faced his situation head on with a Stony face but something as simple as a herb would bring him down a notch. But despite how cute he was, it did not stop me from telling him to slurp it all up till it was finished, he needed it for a swift recovery.

With the liquid finished, I started to rub the herbs directly on his wounds, he would flinch and scrunch his face when I applied it on some open wound or on some sore spot, but apart from that, he took it like a man that he was. Since I was done with the front, I asked him to turn his back towards me. I gasped as I saw it, it was way worse than the front was, how was he able to be calm and ignore such pain?. I quickly applied the herbs, when I saw him clenching his hands on the ground whilst biting his lips, I knew it was extremely painful for him, I tried blowing on the injuries immediately I applied the herbs, but I could not go on for long before I would have to stop and catch my breath. When I was done, I bent his head towards the lake, I used my hands to scoop water up and poured on his head and took some to wash his face.

I could not allow him the luxury of dipping his body in the pool, because it would waste all the effort I went through in putting the herbs on him and I was extremely happy that I applied on him first because there was no way that I was going to miss out on splashing in the lake, the temperature was perfect, not too cold or hot just warm the way it would relax and soothe my muscles. I was only waiting for him to be settled so I can ask him to go a bit further.