
Chapter 217

Immediately I was able to achieve my goal, I puffed up all the air that I was holding in. I no longer cared about keeping up the pretence of being asleep. With my teeth clenched and one of my hands in a tight fist, I shakily but slowly wiped the tears away from my eyes. By the time I was done, I was breathing harshly and allowed my hand to fall back to my side. My efforts were certainly worth it as I could see and observe my surroundings better than before. It was very certain that I was still in the woods and it is a big miracle that I was still alive and I wondered how it came to be?. I felt life leaving me already and when I finally went limp in it's hold, I knew that it was seconds away from having me as it's next meal, something must have happened for it to abandon a meal that was already before it. When I turned my head towards where the noise was coming from, I got my answer. They had already erected a stand over a fire and were roasting the big snake on it just a few feet away from where I was lying down,

A huge part of it were already missing and from the look of satisfaction on the faces around the fire pit, I knew they were responsible for the demolition of that part. Most of them could not even sit properly, and had to lean back and support theirselves with their hands due to how full they were. A lot of them was tired already but some of them, it was obvious that it had been so long since they had access to such a meal, continued to gorged theirselves on it when it was very obvious that they were filled already. They rushed it and did not care if it was hot or would burn their tongue and hands, they just kept filling their mouth. The little that dropped to the floor, would instigate a mini battle between them all, they would abandon the meat on the stick and fight over the one on the floor. The older ones would only look at their behavior and nod his head as if they had learned well and this was the best form of survival instinct that they would need to thrive out there.

The thought of food made my stomach to rumble loudly, it was as if all my sense organs came alive then and I could now clearly inhale the sweet smelling savour of roasted meat, the skin slightly charred a bit, the inner part that were visible was so enticing and inviting, I could not help but lick my lips in response. I followed the oil as it dripped from the body of the snake directly into the fire, which would make the flames to flare up gently, and after some few minutes, finally settle back down again to it's normal state.