
Chapter 151

Her voice could also be used to make the masters aware of what we go through daily from their hands and it could also be used to call for others to come for our aid. I have discovered that music is a universal language, it does not matter what language it is sung in, what matters is how you properly convey the emotions. When one is sad, in pain, happy or angry, it is reflected in the song and is easily known by whoever listened to it. The most important duty we have is to hide her and hope the masters does not discover it and exploit her to their gain

I am very sure that this would not be difficult as she always like to be alone and away from others, if not that I went to her hiding spot, I would never have heard her singing, so she would be able to remain hidden for awhile and if we become closer, I could warn her to keep her gift hidden until it is needed. One question that keeps popping up in my head is

'are we not exploiting her too as we plan to use her as a weapon to convey our will? What differentiates is from the masters?'

I would answer this by saying we do not want to exploit her but want her to fight besides us for a common will or goal but the masters would not care about what she wants, they would only continue to use her for their benefit untill she is worn out and surely replace her with the next available prospect too. I believe that there is a big difference between both way of thought. Before I discovered her talent, I had already wanted to befriend her for purely innocent reason, as she was the only female who was close to my age grade,

My head was already beginning to ache badly from the influx of thought, it was then I knew I had to let my brain rest for a bit and not stress it out. I tried sitting up again, although it took a lot of effort, I was finally able to do it. I had to lay my head against my knees for the dizziness to pass, when I felt my eyesight was stable and I was able to see clearly, I raised my head up to discover my next action or step. The most pressing need for me right then, was to relieve my bladder but I knew it was not going to be an easy feat with no one around to help me

I knew that standing up fully was out of the option for me now, as they was every cause for it to be a sucide mission if I attempt to do so myself without external help with a head injury. I slowly but surely crawled towards the woods, I was already sweating profusely by the time I got there and had to rest for a bit.