
Chapter 125

The road ahead of us was unclear and murky, it was best for her to rest now but she will always be in our hearts and our memories. I thought about Maman too , how she would feel when I broke this news to her. I knew she considered Itoh like a daughter too, and such a news would hurt her badly. I felt so bad for Maman, she had experienced a lot of pain and loss of close one more than news that would bring joy to her. She does not have a child of her own or a husband and the people she considered family were dying one after the other leaving her behind,

We returned to the main part of the camp and was shocked to see a basket with assorted fruit in it placed beside corner. We all looked at it warily and wondered who would have kept them there, despite our hunger, no one made any attempt to get close to it. I sat down patiently waiting for when it would be time for the meeting, while majority of them went in search of food and other stuff that piqued their interest. There was no need for us to continue working or slaving ourselves for the guards, they element of fear we held for them had disappeared.

It was nice to see my people walking around feeling, without watching their backs or on the lookout for a guard hidden at one corner, waiting for them to mess up so he could use the whip on them. Some of them went to the river, to wash up and let loose a little. I could hear their shrieks of laughter echoing over here even with the distance, the guards were not worried because we had already given them out assurance that we were not running away.

I would have joined them at the river but my body felt like lead and the only thing enticing enough for me was sleeping. I laid down looking up at the sky. It did not take long before I slept off. When I finally woke up, it was late already and I could not remember the last time I slept like this, I was so relaxed and my body felt normal for once since we came here. My stomach rumbled and I could no longer resist the fruits, I scooted over to where it was kept but my mind was still torn apart.

I Felt like I was betraying my people if I ate the fruit and since I did not know if it's origin, it is possible that the guards poisoned it to get rid of us. My mind was filled with thoughts of food, so I did not care and proceeded to eat them, at least if I died, I know I did it on a full stomach. I ate till I was stuffed and had juice running down my face, they were all so good that I could not choose a favourite one.