
Romantic boy

A Boy, A Girl and A Love Story

Days are going very dry and dull. These are summer days, so obviously days will be dry, however it is not just weather, there is something missing in Sumanth's life, so he is feeling very dry, he wants that missing 'something' in his life to make his life lively, exciting and juicy.

Sumanth is doing engineering second year, he is 5 feet 9 inch tall, curly hair, having good physic, doesn't have mustaches, removed in first year because of ragging, friends said he looks cute without it, so then he continued without it.

He came to his native place for summer holidays. He doesn't like summer holidays, as he feel bore spending those days at his native place. He has a couple of child-hood friends at that place, with them he passes the time. They do a lot of things to come out of the boredom.

Visiting temples is one of it. They go to temple not for the sake of god, but just to do time pass.

They are in a temple, that day Saturday, many people have come to the temple. Girls are looking pretty with different dresses, making rounds to the temple, sometime having a slight eye contact with handsome boys and pretending that they didn't. Boys are doing same thing, looking at charming girls and trying to make an eye contact with them. Elders are busy in prayers and requesting god to fulfill their needs.

Sumanth is not exceptional, whenever he sees a pretty girl; he glance for sometime at her, then turns his head and continue searching for some other girl. He never glance a girl for more than 5 minutes.

That time a wonder happened.

Sumanth is sitting on steps of mandapam at back side of temple. People who wants to go inside the main temple ( Garbha Gudi ), they have to go through a queue, which is like a "U" shape. It has a left, right and a connecting line. The connecting line passes from back side of the temple, so people who sit on mandapam steps can see who are in that connecting queue line, and so Sumanth.

He noticed a girl in the queue, whose face is not appearing properly, wearing traditional Indian sari. She is talking with her friend turning other side. He can see only her hair; she has a very long dark hair and fell in a dead straight like a waterfall.

"In this modern time, girl having such a long hair, interesting" Sumanth is thinking.

He remembered all his classmates having pony tail and short hair. He doesn't like a girl who has a short hair.

He closely observed her; she might be around 5 feet 4 inch tall, fair complexion, and thin body. He is eagerly waiting to turn her head.

After some time, she turned her head, now Sumanth could see some more her. Her friend might have told joke or something, she is laughing. She has an icy white teeth and dark bloody red lips. The eyes are a piercingly sharp shade of gray. Eyebrows were arched over the curve before dispersing onto the bridge of her dainty nose. Overall, she is truly an unearthly beauty.

He forgot that he is in temple, totally attracted to her and glancing at her continuously. She is looking like an angle to him.

Slowly queue is moving, unintentionally she looked at him. He is looking at her straight, immediately, she turned her head. Her cheeks turned red with shy as she noticed that he is watching her.

Sumanth is having very sharp and attractive eyes. His friends used to say his eyes just look like a "Brad pit" eyes. Girls usually don't forget if they see his eyes once.

Her body language is totally changed, she is feeling nervous. She looked at him again to confirm that he is watching her. This time Sumanth turned his head other side, he realized how foolishly he is staring at her. But her beauty made him to look at her again.

Both had an eye contact for some time. .. He saw compassion, longing, loss, and warmth in her eyes – the whole spectrum of humanity, in two small but infinitely deep pools.

She entered into right line of the queue, so now he can see only back of her. He moved the corner of the steps, so that he can see her properly.

She is continuously talking with her friend. While talking, she turned back… and looked at him… He smiled… she quickly changed her head direction towards her friend.

Her monalisa-smile while turning is not escaped from Sumanth eyes. He knows that is a response to his smile. He decided to talk to her.

But, what to talk???

"Do I need to ask, What is your name ??"

"Where are you from ??"

"But, this is my home place, if someone sees that I'm talking with a girl in temple, then what about my prestige"

The queue is moving, she is nearing end of the line. After this they enter into temple.

He had a fight with his inner person who is objecting him. Finally his desire to talk to her had won the war. He got down from the steps and slowly walking towards the queue… He is very anxious…

She noticed him that he is coming towards her. She felt tensed… "Why he is coming towards me?"

He almost reached her

To be continued...