
My Own Little Nightmare

As if times weren't hard enough living as a male omega, his estranged uncle decides to leave 23 year old Kai in millions of debt. Ultimately the Yakuza have no options but to keep him as a 'Pet', however they soon begin to unravel a silent web of lies wrapped around Kai's family. 25 year old Mizuki Daiki, next head of the clan, hates the mere sight of this boy more than anything but... why can't he stop thinking about him?

Caitlin_Kennedy_5410 · Urban
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4 Chs

Your 'Pretty' Scary Huh?

Sitting proudly on the mat sipping a glass of sake in hand was a man so domineering you felt shadows close in on you from all sides. In his black and gold encrusted dragon yukata, sneering at the pitiful crown of dogenza was the 'worst' man in Japan. A litter of shaved headed men lay at his feet unable to move a muscle without say so. A young women gently leans over and pours the man more sake only to be pushed aside roughly as he stood.

"You realize what's at stake here I'm sure?" Everyone flinched, who knew someone could be born with such a low demonic tone. People began frantically looking at one another wondering if they should answer that or was it rhetorical?

"My son is a very capable man, and I wish to grant him a very capable clan so...tell me why MY FUCKING CAR IS MISSING!" The young woman shrieked in fear as he kicked the sake jug at the pitiful men below. Even as the sharp glass nipped their shaven heads they remained obedient.

Mizuki Jun, Daiki's father stood 6"7 built like a diamond house above the rest, his indoor slippers crooked and strained. You could tell he was always a fair headed man sporting a long white mane and shiny teeth. Even in old age his muscles stayed firm as a rock, he was approaching 70 which was why his son was soon to be king. Last but not least was the typical Mizuki family trait...golden yellow eyes like a heavy sunset. They pierced into your soul like a hot needle and never faltered.

"IORI!" He bellowed calling upon the head of the click, immediately he shot up straighter than a plank.

Iori, "Yes Boss!" There he stood with his stunning cat like eyes unwavering in the face of fear, a slither of scars down one side. This man knew how to be a Yakuza and that was why he was doted upon.

Jun, "What happened?" Formally he in-quested and Iori tried his best not to stutter.

Iori, "Last night we found security footage of a few drunk teens from the neighboring gang boss. They wanted to steal Daiki's in hope to get his attention. Seems they made a mistake." Swiftly Jun put his hand up to halt the rest.

Jun, "Mistake? Did you just say it was a fucking MISTAKE! This is my territory you all understand that, so do your god damn jobs properly or I'll sign your death warrants too! Maya!" The female by his side scrambled to her feet and bowed respectfully before running to her masters side. She was petite and wore big lenses, wearing a miniskirt and suit. Neatly her hair was scraped back into a bun and she wore heels that barely supported those skinny ankles.

Iori held up the security camera footage and showed her. It only took a few seconds but she looked very worried.

Jun, "Spit it out, who is that boy?" Maya looked closer just to confirm. It was like a comedy sketch watching two of the guys stumble about just looking for a rush while one walked casually over to the black Mercedes even daring to wink at the camera before breaking it's window and entering.

Maya, "I believe it's the son of the Muzan group sir." Jun let out an unnerving chuckle. So it was true...this boy was also next in line for their group his silver fox eyes said it all. 'Your in a world of trouble'

Jun, "Get the fuck out all of you, if i see any of your faces I'll kill you. Iori fetch me Daiki immediately." Like that they all scarpered tripping over one another as they went. Jun sat back down and looked at his empty glass of sake with a sigh. Iori very carefully stood ahead of him.

Iori, "Daiki is in a bit of trouble according to Aki boss. Apparently they got caught up with an unstable Omega."

Jun, "I'm aware I sent him on the job idiot, I don't care tell him to kill the bastard and get here NOW!"


Kazuma, "Quick get the car ready! Boss are you alright!" Daiki stumbled out of the apartment with a blanket in hand and blood dripping from his head.

Daiki, "Put this in the car and stop screaming you idiot, I'm fine just help me move this bastard!" Aki was sitting anxiously in the drivers seat chewing his nails. This was the first time he'd seen Daiki injured in his whole time with the Shinobu gang. One minute Daiki was looking at this poor broken Omega and the next he'd had a knife thrown at his face.All he did was reach out t6o touch his neck to assess the damage while the Omega shielded a knife from beneath his shirt as a last resort and slashed eyes closed. Kazuma wearily entered the den of filth and gasped seeing a small kid curled up in the corner with wild eyes brighter than the summer sky. If it wasn't for a stern slap on the back of the head from Daiki he could have looked at him all day.

Kazuma, "B-But boss he stabbed you!"

Daiki, "I don't give a fuck do what I say!" This frail little pup put up the fight of his life as Daiki reached to grab him.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" He screamed frantically kicking his good leg out in a fit. Kazuma quickly jumped into action and blocked the leg from kicking his boss. Jesus this kid was thin he thought, he'd handled heftier pencils. Patiently Daiki waited for him to lose his strength gripping both wrists. There weren't any tears coming out of those stunning eyes yet there was hatred.

Daiki, "Are you stupid!" He shouted in a tone that sent Kazuma stiff as well as the Omega.

Daiki, "Your legs broken and your about to saw off your head with your collar, I'm just trying to unleash you so sit fucking still, got it?" The Omega didn't make eye contact or speak he simply moved his head closer revealing a black leather collar far too tight, both men were surprised he could breathe at all. Heavy breaths from the struggle filled the musty room, Daiki pulled out his pocket knife and found the weakest point of the collar before nicking it open. It fell to the floor with a rattle and the Omega trembled profusely. Kazuma couldn't help but wince at the friction burns inflicted on this kid, or should he say man? It was hard to tell, Omega's had smaller physique's regardless but this person was something else, he needed feeding properly or he'd just break.

Daiki, "Better right?"

"I don't have money." Abruptly the Omega pushed him away with glaring eyes, his voice was course but pleasant and smooth, he sounded normal.

Daiki, "No shit Sherlock, I couldn't even collect appliances to compensate the debt. You're aware of that right?"

"So what do you want? Just kill me." Kazuma shuddered, he knew what usually happened to omegas when they couldn't pay up...they were forced into prostitution until they could. He'd...probably choose death too.

Daiki, "Hah! Your debt is too big for you to just die here. Hmm?" His pet chihuahua gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes he'd ever seen.

Kazuma, "Maybe he can help us, maybe he's smart or something and we could use him?" He said hopefully. Daiki hadn't turned a blind eye to this kids fate either, prostitution was sickly. It was a place he told his father he would never meddle in. Not only do their bodies die but their soul too, this kid wouldn't last five minutes he may as well kill him.

Daiki, "Help him up." Reluctantly the Omega hobbled to his feet not breaking eye contact for a second, it was dark in the room but didn't take away how beautifully pale his skin was. Surprisingly he was taller than Daiki initially thought, just slightly smaller than Kazuma.

"Are you going to kill me now?" He asked almost eager.

Daiki, "Your not worth the small hole I'd dig getting rid of you, we're going to hospital." With that he walked out cool as a cucumber leaving them both speechless.

Kazuma, "U-Um come with me we'll get you some help huh?" After he was rudely refused a helping hand the Omega limped towards the door and winced as the bright light stung his retina's. When was the last time he breathed fresh air or felt the sun on his skin. It was prickly and unpleasant so much so he wrapped himself up in a blanket to shield his weary body from the exposure.

Hirono, "Your kidding me that's...him?" All of this trouble and effort for such a scrawny guy? They watched him slowly make his way down the steps Kazuma close behind in case he fell, then the inevitable. His good leg gave out and he gasped as everything swooped into slow motion.

Kazuma, "Shit!" he tried to grab him but just grazed his skinny arm, it was a good 12 steps to the bottom, he'd probably die with such a frail body. It amused this Omega so much he chuckled as he fell, death had come to save him from Yakuza. As his face went bowling towards the concrete floor a bitter scent caught his nose. Before he could react his eyes closed ready for the embrace of death when...a soft and gently embrace quickly wrapped around him. Daiki groaned as his back hit the pavement, still he went to check the lump on his torso immediately and luckily those blue eyes still had a little life in them. The Omega looked up from the broad chest of his cushion in utter disbelief. Did he catch him?

Daiki, " You're heavy brat get off." With that he coldly rolled him off and trotted over to the shady black vehicle ahead. The Omega sat there completely stunned, Kazuma helped him up and dusted him off but he didn't feel a thing. That was the first time anyone had selflessly sacrificed their own well-being for him. Kazuma smiled seeing the kid looking at Daiki like an alien.

Kazuma, "Haha! Just because were Yakuza doesn't mean were all monsters, your lucky you got Daiki-chan." ('Chan' is commonly added to names in Japan to show respect.)

"His name is Daiki?" Finally Kazuma was spoken too and he nearly burst with joy.

Kazuma, "Yeah! He's the head Yakuza in a couple of months, cool right?"

"Does he think it's cool?" They slowly started to make their way to the car Kazuma still weary in-case this kid folded like a table.

Kazuma, "Daiki-chan doesn't like normal lifestyles, they're boring." The Omega let out a sarcastic breath. Full Armani suit, high end Mercedes car, glimmering teeth probably topped up every few months, yeah...he'd pick that lifestyle too over this. Chatter died down as soon as the Omega entered the vehicle. Both of the twins had on protective masks, they were Alpha's after all. If that kid let any pheromones out while they were driving surely they'd all crash. Daiki uninterested puffed on his cigarette scrolling through his phone. Kazuma jumped in beside the Omega and they took off.

Aki, "O-Oi boss shouldn't we be going back to base your fath-"

Daiki, "Zip it. We're going to the hospital and that's it. I'll deal with the old man later." Hirono sheepishly glanced back, that wasn't a good idea what on earth was he thinking? Kazuma kept watch over the Omega peering through the tainted glass as the trees went by, he didn't seem scared or worried he was kind of in a state of acceptance.

Daiki, "Name?" The Omega stopped his train of thought and glared at this well to do man. Daiki smirked, there was a lot of fire in this kid he just didn't know it yet.

Daiki, "Are you deaf? What's your name so I can book you into hospital." It took a few seconds but finally he said his name.

"Inumaki...Inumaki Kai." Daiki laughed out loud, Inumaki could sometimes be meant as 'Dog' and Kai was the kanji for 'Ocean' just like his eyes. Like lightning he dialed up a number and within seconds a very tired sounding man answered.

Daiki, "I got a job for ya. Broken leg, lacerations oh and some pills you compute?" It was clear from the way he held the phone far away from his ear that, this person wasn't happy in the slightest. Without even listening for conformation he hung up.

Kazuma, "It's a pretty name." So finally they could call him something.

Aki, " Sasaki'll kill ya boss your dad already worked him to the bone this week after the shootout on Shinge Central." The Omega looked up, he had heard about that on TV and here he was sitting with the guys responsible.

Daiki, "Shut up, Sasaki-san owes me a favor." It was another ten minutes to the hospital and Daiki was starting to lose patience with this rebellious Omega, the cogs were turning he could see it and every now and again he would look at the care do9or handle.

Daiki, "If ya itching to die go ahead, we don't keep the doors shut back here." Kai startled and gave him another cold look, why was he watching him so closely? Did he really think such a frail kid could do something?

Kai, "Your really self righteous you know that?" Everyone simultaneously looked at the little Omega spouting such big words.

Daiki, "Hah?"

Kai, "What? just because you caught me before means I should just stick with you? Plus I don't smoke and your making my throat itch." All of a sudden someone had set this broken slot machine away and the coins were just pouring out.

Daiki, "Who the fuck do you think your talking too?" Intentionally he took a drag and puffed into Kai face. Coughing profusely he almost jumped out of his skin to see two fiery amber eyes inches away from his own.

Kai, "I'm not scared of you even if you do try to make me submit, I knew it you were an Alpha all along." It was true. Alpha's could release a pheromone to make their mate submit but sometimes did it unintentionally. Daiki didn't break and instead smiled creepily.

Daiki, "You think because deaths around the corner you've got nothing else to fear huh? Let me tell you this little kitten, I will be your worst fucking nightmare and I won't let you die until I'm done with you. There's a hell of a lot things worse than death and your lookin at em." Kazuma shuffled uncomfortably in his seat. Dai-chan scared him despite being his idol, every now and again he reminded them that they were just a stepping stone, a cape to lay over a wet puddle so his feet didn't get wet. Kai seemed to get the message too and piped down. They made their way to the back of the hospital and saw a shadow waiting outside. Before they could even relax the shadow bashed up against the window completely belligerent.

"How could youuuuuu! I need sleep Daiki I need sleep. WHYAREYOUDOING THIS TO MEEEE!" He wailed dramatically banging up against the glass.

Kazuma, "Poor Sasaki-san." Daiki sighed and rolled down his window revealing a fully grown man, dressed in a doctors coat, a stethoscope hanging precariously from his neck, full beard and all with snots and tears staining his face.

Daiki, "You're so dramatic, it's just one last job and I'll give you leave." Suddenly the mans eyes twinkled and grabbed his saviors hand in delight.

"Thankyouuuu! Your my angel Dai-Chan !" Kai looked on rather disgusted at this man nuzzling Daiki hand while he tried to smack him away. Sasaki Mamoru, exclusive Yakuza doctor, it was his job to patch up all of the illegally wounded members that got caught on a bad day. This man looked quite old, his hair was tinted with grey and looked wiry. His big crooked glasses showed some pitch black eyes and he was out of shape, still he looked capable.

Daiki, "Enough get off me! Listen just take this little shit for an exam before I kill him myself. Sasaki poked his head further in and saw what his hero had brought him.

Sasaki, "What have you done to this poor child?" He began caudling him and giving daggers to the twins in the front.

Daiki, "I ain't done nothing idiot, nothing he ain't done to himself now get going." Kazuma helped Kai out of the car and into a wheelchair. It was hilarious the way this doctor interacted with the 'Boss'. They bickered like family and Daiki didn't even flinch when Sasaki pulled the cigarette from his mouth and gave him a lecture. They must have known each-other for a long time.

Sasaki, "You wait outside , I'll tend to him." With that he waved Daiki away and took the wheelchair from Kazuma. There wasn't a bad vibe around this guy at all, Kai was pretty perceptive he could work people out quickly and this person, was a child at heart.

Sasaki, "Nice to meet you, I'm not Yakuza so don't worry as much." He smiled widely probably because Kai would be his last patient in a while, Kai bowed his head. Why was he going along with this? Was it because he had nothing else he was going with the flow? Or was this the way things were supposed to happen?

Sasaki, "I'll let you shower first then we'll patch you up, okay?" Kai was wheeled into an assisted shower room and panicked but thankfully he wasn't going to help him bathe instead he left a fresh gown and slippers on the side and left. All alone he sat in the ceramic white room with nothing but a dripping shower head for comfort. Honestly what the hell was happening right now? One minute he was on deaths door and the next a Yakuza's pet. Kai limped over to the shower seat and leaned his head back, he didn't even have the energy to remove his clothes so he peeled them off one by one. Wincing with each painful movement he finally was bare, he looked at the callouses on his knee and the dried blood on his torso, what a pitiful person he thought. It was lonely...he thought living in that place was lonely but nothing compared to this. With his last ounce of strength he turned on the shower and didn't move as it's icy cold water caught his pale skin first. Immediately the floor below ran red weaving in and out of his toes.

Finally his emotions began to spill out, through the lashings of water fell sorrowful tears, he tried to wipe them away in frustration but they wouldn't stop. It was warm. At last a feeling of peace he thought if he could stay there the rest of his life...he would.