
My Own Little Nightmare

As if times weren't hard enough living as a male omega, his estranged uncle decides to leave 23 year old Kai in millions of debt. Ultimately the Yakuza have no options but to keep him as a 'Pet', however they soon begin to unravel a silent web of lies wrapped around Kai's family. 25 year old Mizuki Daiki, next head of the clan, hates the mere sight of this boy more than anything but... why can't he stop thinking about him?

Caitlin_Kennedy_5410 · Urban
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4 Chs


It was deathly. Dry rapid air fueled through his powerful lungs sucking fear through the air. Droplets of insulation speckled the fallen black flag below. A pair of blue eyes watch in confusion as blood dripped from his side, ringing bells in his ears make the world feel like it's turning. Voices echoed around him in panic repeating the same words, over, and over.


3 Hours Earlier.......

Jun, "You reek, was fucking an Omega more important than your own clan!" He bellowed down on his grovelling son below. Daiki could feel the spray of spit on his scalp and shuddered.

Daiki, "I was on a job. A job 'YOU' asked me to do!" Jun quickly clipped the side of his face. Something was different today, his son was more resilient. He never raised his voice at his father. Iori his personal assistant sat there stiff as a board ogling Daiki with eyes saying 'Are you crazy?' Sadly for him he hadn't a clue what mood his father was in that day, or about the security footage.

Daiki spat the blood from his lip away and sighed, he was also heated today and just wanted a rest. Jun clicked his tongue and took a swing of his sake. Everything felt like it was closing in, an upcoming war, his son's sudden disobedience all he could do was clutch his head.

Iori, " Are you aware the son of the Kagami clan tried to steal your vehicle last night?" Daiki shot up in an instant and glared, surely they didn't wish for death that much. Iori was sniveling, speaking without permission but the quicker the ice broke the easier they could all swim. Jun nodded as Daiki looked questionably at his father.

Jun, "I told you months ago that this would be the most testing time for this clan but you paid no attention, now they've made the first move. And my idiot son was nowhere to be seen." Daiki suddenly realized why his father was so vicious today.

60 years ago in the Japanese prefecture, a war broke out so brutal the streets ran red. The Shikoku clan controlled majority of the imports, they of course dabbled in the usual drug trade but primarily food and cigarettes etc. Mizuki Jun sat ready to overtake his clan from his father, whom was tired and beginning to develop dementia. On the day of his fathers death and promotion of Jun as new leader they heard word that fires had been set at the port and multiple groups from the Shikoku clan had been murdered in cold blood. Drinks in hand soon turned to guns and before Japan even had a chance to react people were quarantined inside their homes. Fire and bullet holes riddled the street signs and people watched in horror as bodies littered the street like plastic bottles.

Jun was a miraculous man, he never lost his dignity. His crown freshly tilted he patiently waited for the rival Kagami clan to state their business. Turns out their own clan had also passed down the crown to a younger member and his first orders were to overtake Japan. Naively he sent every man without so much as an instruction to their death, in the name of greed. That person was Kurai Kagami freshly 20 years of age, his father also powerless against his rule. According to Jun after he'd dealt with the collateral he found him with gun in hand standing outside of the Shikoku entrance mad with failure. Yet despite the pain and sorrow as well as the hundreds of guard dogs he had to keep on leashes to avoid Kurai being ripped to shreds, Jun disarmed him and simply told him.

"You will never stand as my equal and you will never own Japan. I'll allow you to live but if you ever show your face in Japan again I will destroy your very soul."

People ridiculed this decision, even to this day. However, Jun was a respectful man considering the wishes of his dying father. Their motto was there was never a winner in the world of Yakuza, no matter how much blood you shed without respect you are no better than anyone else. Daiki remembered this story from when he turned 13 and he also questioned his father as to why he let this man live. After all of the lives he took and terror he caused, but now he understood. People like Kurai were a rot that only spread through time, and Jun wanted to be better than that.

Daiki, "I'm sorry father." Jun startled at his sincerity. Sometimes he forgot what this man had sacrificed for him, just the thought of spending his first day as crowned king burying his father and plucking dead bodies from his street made his heart hurt.

Jun, "I accept but you have to understand Daiki that this boy holds those same eyes and I am not the man I used to be. Sadly, this is up to you." Iori stared sympathetically at the clans son who now had the weight on his shoulders.

Daiki, "I could organize another peace treaty, but I'm guessing I'd be wasting my breath. What about an infiltration, I could send one of the lesser known members on a scout around their territory?" Jun shook his head.

Iori, "The issue is Daiki this person on the security footage has no respect for formality like you've been prepared for and quite frankly we also didn't expect them to make the first move. Kagami Taiga is the son of Kagami Kurai after all. We have to expect the worse. The question is can you handle the idea of war?" Jun lifted his hand to interject and waved in dismissal. Iori hesitated at first before bowing and flashing Daiki a pair of sad eyes before leaving.

Jun, "Daiki...I am no longer able to run this clan." Daiki furrowed his brows, he'd always said he would sit in that seat until he died? What was this ominous feeling that just swept through the room?

Daiki, "You still have a lot of life left in you old man--"

Jun, "I'm dying Daiki." Like a frozen javelin shooting through the top of his head to his feet Daiki felt the whole world disconnect for a second. It was as if his feet could no longer ground themselves and his breath had been stolen. Jun watched his sons heart shatter through those dimply lit golden eyes. Jun thought he'd known pain up until that point. Until he saw grief through his child's eyes, everything was stone cold.

Daiki, "W-what do you mean! Your only 69 you've got plenty of time left!" Jun bit his lip and shook his head. They both sat down simultaneously trying to process the situation.

Jun, "I have stage 4 liver cancer, Sasaki said I have 5 months at the most. I'm sorry son." Daiki just spluttered in shock his eyes darting around as he processed this. His hands were numb and his chest felt like it could cave in.

Daiki, "Don't say sorry to me! There's nothing they can do? W-what about Chemo or a transplant SASAKI HAS TO DO FUCKING SOMETHING!" Jun moved over and harshly placed his sons head on his shoulder. Daiki was shaking and fighting back his tears. This was his father, his everything. This man never once pushed him aside or ignored him like so many other leaders did to their children. They ate together, drank together everything Daiki knew he owed to this man.

Daiki, "You can't do this to me, I'm not ready dad." Jun also fought back his tears. This scene had been playing through his head for months since Sasaki broke the news but nothing prepared him for the raw pain he would feel. Time flashed back for them both. A newborn laying innocently in his arms, then a toddler being caught in his first steps, a schoolboy running up to him to showcase his straight A*'s a teenager clinking glasses with him and finally the scene before them. An adult cradled in his fathers arms.

Jun, "The fact you can show compassion towards an old man like me proves that your more than ready Daiki. I've been through a lot of things in my life, and I've had many accomplishments. But you son are my biggest achievement." Silent sniffles filled the room as the two embraced. Iori sat on the other side of the door tears streaming from his face, he had known this for a while being his second hand man. However, hearing Daiki cry for the first time broke his dam.

Time passed slowly after that and nothing much else was said, they just grieved with each other. Iori snapped out of it as Daiki shuffled out of the room his head low to the floor. At first he tried to reach out to him but it was clear how exhausted he was. Sometimes it was better to leave people to process, he'd been through enough today. As he watched him walk to his room he overheard a few voices out in the veranda and went to investigate.

Kazuma, "It's nice right!" At the gates hauling around the garden like a drunk salesman was none other than the kid of the Yakuza and Iori couldn't help but sigh in annoyance. That loud obnoxious mouth of his always got him into trouble you'd think he'd learn by now? Iori straightened his tie and pushed up his glasses towards his pointed nose, ready to give him a lesson when a little shape crept into the garden behind him arms crossed and clearly on the defense.

Iori, "What the fuck is this!" He bellowed giving Kazuma the scare of his life. However the guest didn't flinch in the slightest ,instead frowned like Iori was the inconvenience. Kazuma shook off his shock and smiled awkwardly, he never handled Iori well he was too 'straight'.

Kazuma, "Relax relax, he's new. Boss just brought him in today." Iori looked at disbelief, there was no way Jun would bring in new blood and looking at him closer...an Omega at that.

Iori, "Are you high right now! Boss didn't tell me a thing about any new recruit."

Kazuma, "Daiki's orders not the big boss. All he said was to bring him here once he was checked out." Iori sighed in utter rage, this was the last thing he needed right now, he still needed to keep an eye on Daiki to make sure he didn't drink to much. Nothing could be worse than that.

Iori, "Listen to me...nice and slow. Daiki isn't in the right state to deal with this and neither is the boss and quite frankly I have a lot of fucks I could be giving elsewhere so just put him in a room until I can find out what's going on."

Kai, "What's wrong with him?" Iori's eyes widened, this kid had a soft mellow voice quite deep actually, and he looked almost pleased with himself.

Iori, "Excuse you?" he said harshly.

Kai, "You said something was wrong with the muscle-head?" Clearly he meant Daiki, but to call on him so disrespectfully wasn't appreciated. Kazuma also looked quite nervous. Iori was very loyal to the boss he owed him a lot so when people disrespected them he could get 'touchy'. With a vein sticking out of his head he blew.

Iori, "What fucking business is that of yours! You step one foot on our turf and somehow your entitled, grow the fuck up you little brat your lucky if you'll make it through the night here!" Kazuma felt his heart-rate spike, Iori sure was scary when he was mad but...Kai seemed unphased.

Kazuma, "L-listen I'll sort him a room s-so take it easy huh?" Iori clenched his teeth, this person standing with such a nonchalant attitude wasn't what he needed right now. With that he spat at the floor near Kai's feet and stormed back into the building.

Kai, "Wow they're all pretty uptight aren't they...the Yakuza bunch." Kazuma chuckled painfully, he had no idea just how deep this lion den stretched and talking like that wasn't going to make him any less tasty. Kazuma tugged his sleeve and started walking him around to the living quarters, luckily they had guest rooms away from the main building a lot like an inn.

Kazuma, "Listen man, Daiki has a lot on his plate it's probably why he isn't here to see you now but let me tell you something really important. If you want to last here you have to be likeable, the more people you piss off the quicker the pile of guys that want to ruin you build. We may be a family but you have to earn your place."

Kai, "So what? I just smile and take their bullshit, why should--"

Kazuma, "Because Daiki brought you in for a second chance...do you know how many people wish Daiki would look at them just once? He the boss's son dude, he's the big sh*t, they're ain't a single member that don't want to be his friend. As far as everyone else is concerned your competition." Kai pouted, it's not like he asked him for that. Why should he have his head on the block? Kazuma kept talking while setting up Kai's bed but his mind was wandering, the oak walls and bamboo sliding doors, it was like a movie set in here. They're were voices down the hall but everything seemed private and secure.

Kai, "Are they all Alpha's?" Kazuma froze up.

Kazuma, "It's only me and two others that are Beta's and also one other Omega but she's untouchable and stays close to the boss so don't expect to make friends. Apart from that they're all Alpha's." Usually Omega's would shudder at the thought of being surrounded by Alpha's in-case they went into heat but Kai luckily with his broken body didn't have to worry about that.

After the room had been set up and new clothes were put out for Kai, Kazuma was getting ready to say goodnight when he stopped at the door making Kai's visibly concerned. A shadow fell over him and the air got real thin in an instant. Kai poked his head around and was surprised to see a man so tall he had to duck to get under the door. Kazuma began stumbling backwards stuttering like a five year old.

Kazuma, "M-Maki you shouldn't be around this end." He said clearly terrified. This huge block of muscle ignored him and moved him aside like a piece if dogshit. Kai backed up slightly as the brick house approached him, he looked like he could flick someone and kill them.

Maki, "Ohhhh, so this is new meat? The twins sure flapped a lot about you being cute but damn!" He was loud and oppressive when speaking, he sounded like a delinquent through and through. His tank-top barely help in his muscl4es and the shiny bald head beaming from the main light make him look like a thumb, he was just awful Kai thought.

Kai, "You saw me, you can leave now." He said bravely, even Kazuma looked surprised he could even move his lips.

Maki, "Leave? Listen bitch this is my turf and I'm hungry. I love new meat." His hands make a masturbation gesture and his eyes glowed lewdly. Kai could feel his skin prickle, you felt like you were looking at mount Fuji. Impressive but daunting and responsible for many death.

Kazuma, "Daiki won't be happy if you touch him Maki, and you know it." For a split second a wave of doubt entered his eyes giving Kai a little hope but quickly that lust came back even more intriguingly.

Maki, "Daiki has enough on his plate to be worrying about small fry like this one, sure he won't mind me having a little lick right? There wasn't much time for Kai to refuse before the full weight of the meathead lay on top of him pinning his arms above his head. It was so suffocating and his breath stunk to high heaven of sake.

Kazuma, "Oi Maki get the fuck off him! He's not up for foreplay alright give him a break." It was purely useless. Kai's bright blue eyes watched the dribble drip from thew side of this monsters mouth as he pressed it against his neck, frantically he struggled his skinny legs kicking with what little strength he had left. Today had been too long to be dealing with such sh*t.

Maki, "AGGGHHHH!" With a loud scream Maki jerked back blood dripping down his chest, Kazuma saw a huge gouge of flesh missing from the most feared underling of the bunch. Kai had no idea what he'd just done.

Kazuma, "S-Shit! Daiki I need Daiki." He whispered frantically before his legs finally found themselves as he sprinted out of the room, Kai felt a lot of fear watching him leave but then again Kazuma was no bigger than him, he couldn't stop this beast. He almost retched feeling his huge erection pressing against his thigh. Maki got over the pain and began pounding on his head like a gorilla. Kai could only guard with his bend elbows his hand still above his head and even then it was like being hit with a concrete block.

Maki, "Feisty little bitch ain't cha'! I like a little spice but you took it too far, now I'll play with you a little." Kai flinched feeling his sausage fingers creep up his shirt and violently tug on his nipples, this was agony. He genuinely thought his fear of things like this was over but if this guy really did rape him Kai wasn't sure his body could handle it.

Meanwhile outside of Daiki's quarters...

Kazuma sounded like he was having an asthma attack running through the halls, turning heads everywhere. Plenty of people that could help but he knew only Daiki was a match for Maki. Finally he halted at Daiki's room and began banging frantically on the door. However there was no answer.

Kazuma, "Boss! Please I need your help here!" Desperate he pounded again, Kai was probably already deep under that asshole right now and he felt awful for leaving him. After he was just about to pull a taboo move and enter a higher ups room without permission the door slid open a crack. Kazuma covered his nose, it reeked of booze and cannabis. Was this really the boss's room? Daiki never drank or did drugs? Concerned Kazuma slid the door back and sure enough Daiki was sitting in the corner next to the door chugging sake like water.

Kazuma, "Boss...what the hell happened to you?"