
My Own Little Nightmare

As if times weren't hard enough living as a male omega, his estranged uncle decides to leave 23 year old Kai in millions of debt. Ultimately the Yakuza have no options but to keep him as a 'Pet', however they soon begin to unravel a silent web of lies wrapped around Kai's family. 25 year old Mizuki Daiki, next head of the clan, hates the mere sight of this boy more than anything but... why can't he stop thinking about him?

Caitlin_Kennedy_5410 · Urban
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4 Chs

Broken From Birth.

On the 13th of May 2001, a very small child was born. So small they didn't think he'd survive the night. Two parents watched over him tearfully biting their nails praying he would make it through. Their hands entwined lovingly as a pair, and thankfully they got their wish. This little boy was smart, he was fast, he was...an Omega. At the age of 13 that boy went into school like any other day, he was popular and top of the marks, people smiled at the bright future he would surely achieve. At the end of that day his parents were dead and he had been branded as a burden to society. Since then, life had been hell. It was a miracle he hadn't already slashed his own wrists in light of his forever life as an Omega. Companies would itch to scout him until they looked at his secondary gender. 'It would cause too much trouble' 'Thank you but we're looking for a more stable candidate.' 'It's a shame your an Omega'. Every answer came to the same conclusion. You will never be one of us because your an Omega.

Daiki, "So what did you dig up?" Sasaki had been swatting the young master away as he looked up Kai's history. For some reason, this guy had caught Daiki's attention and he didn't like it one bit. It was a very sad read, this kid didn't have a lot of luck at all.

Sasaki, "Inumaki Kai, born from Inumaki Seiji and Inumaki Mai. It's says the kid had a rough birth, was put in antenatal for a week but pulled through, seems like everything ran smoothly until he was 13." Daiki stood up and wandered over to the screen.

Daiki, "They're deceased? His parents?" Sasaki nodded, it was sad but this happened to a lot to kids. It was life, and life was harsh. People were orphaned every single day. That was until he looked at cause of death.

Sasaki, "It says here they both were involved in a high speed collision, both died on impact so the kid didn't get to say goodbye. But...it says here they were both Alpha's?" For Sasaki the most medically capable man he knew to be stumped meant something real strange was going on here.

Daiki, "He wasn't adopted? " Sasaki dug and dug but found no evidence of that.

Sasaki, "That's not the only weird thing. It says he's never inquired about medication and he doesn't have a repeat prescription either. If I'm right this kid has never taken any suppressant. There's no way he could endure 'Heat' without help this has to be a mistake?" As they both frantically began reading for answers Kai walked in from the shower, his gown ridiculously big. Skinny legs, one raised from the ground stuck out at the bottom, he didn't even look like he'd tried to dry off. They both played off digging through his file very smoothly and acted natural.

Daiki turned to face him and couldn't believe his eyes. As water dripped from his long black bangs, he looked up with the longest black eyelashes Daiki had ever seen, women would envy this kid for sure. He cleaned up real nice, it was just a shame about his personality Daiki thought.

Daiki, "So, your human after all, feel better?" It was a sarcastic question so Kai ignored him and sat down seemingly out of breath. It was nice to see his skin unstained and his hair silky smooth, it was ridiculously long too. As he studied Kai sitting in solemn, he noticed the smallest red hue under his eyes. So, he could cry too huh? Daiki stomped over and rudely slapped his hand over Kai's forehead. Furious he pushed him away.

Kai, "What the fuck are you doing!"

Daiki, "If you have a fever dry your hair off properly you fucking idiot." With that he threw the towel over his head and roughly tried to soak up the moisture. Kai didn't really have much room to struggle so gritted his teeth. Daiki was close, there was a scent hidden nicely inside of his blazer jacket and frustratingly it comforted him.Clearly he'd worn it all day while working so it also smelled of sweat but it was a calming scent. Alpha's had this natural aura, they looked like they glowed inside the mind of an Omega. Even when they weren't intentionally spreading pheromones, they smelled irresistible.

Sasaki, "Kai-Kun?" Reality came bouncing back and he blushed slightly, Daiki also looked a little surprised seeing him slightly nuzzle into his stomach. Sasaki had been talking to him for a while but he was lost in that scent.

Sasaki, "I see, so you can still detect pheromones. I need you to be honest with me, this is very important." Daiki finished drying him and sat down engaging, he wanted to know this too. Kai looked quite meek, almost as if he knew what was coming.

Kai, "If this is about my 'Heats' you don't have to worry, I don't have them..." Daiki laughed, did he really think they'd believe that?

Daiki, "Don't give me that bullshit, you set off a pheromone bomb earlier right?, you can only do that if your in heat." Sasaki shook his head.

Sasaki, "Not necessarily Dai-Chan, If an Omega doesn't have a heat they become pent up with pheromones. Call it a ticking time bomb. When an Alpha draws near and Omega's first instinct is to mate unless they are 'defective'. Did Kai try to jump you?" Kai also laughed and looked Daiki up and down rudely.

Kai, "As if..." He muttered. Daiki's vein in the side of his head popped out, what was he trying to say?

Daiki, "Maybe he's so malnourished his eyes are broken."

Kai, "Oh please, I wouldn't come onto you even if I did have a heat, dickhead. I don't put out for mongrels." Sasaki smirked watching them both bicker. Daiki was a man of few words, he always had been since childhood. They always doted on him for being mature, but Sasaki always had the feeling something was missing in him. It was refreshing to see him show emotion towards someone.

Sasaki, "Omega's sometimes go through times when they're heats are unstable but...Kai you've never had a heat, ever?" Snapping away from his heated discussion about looks, Kai nodded sadly.

Kai, "I was supposed to get my heat when I was sixteen but it never came. Even now I'm still waiting for it."

Daiki, "That's insane I've never heard of an Omega not getting a heat at all, it's what they're made for." Sasaki shot Daiki a sharp dagger, Alpha's were insensitive about these kinds of things. Kai also felt a slither of rage towards him. They were all the same, standing on their pedestal just because they were both with an easy genetic disposition.

Sasaki, "I'm going to take some bloods and put on your cast, excuse me while I fetch the stuff." Just like that he swept away his white doctors coat barely catching up. Leaving nothing but awkward silence between the two. Kai fiddled with the strings on his gown and looked at the floor, he didn't even want to talk to this person however, was he going to take him in?

Kai, "What use am I to Yakuza anyway? I can't fight, you can't even sell me because I don't have 'Heats'. This is pointless." Daiki groaned loudly.

Daiki, "You really piss me off ya know that? Boo Hoo, my body doesn't burn up and crave semen. Woe is fucking me, there are people out there who'd kill to not experience heats, so stop whining about it. As for the "please Mr gangster, kill me" you're dreamin, I don't kill kids that ain't got nothin." Kai wanted to argue back, venom sitting eagerly on the end of his tongue...yet he couldn't. Daiki's yellow eyes looked dim and lost, something he'd said pierced this gangsters shield. Suddenly, he realized he was on eggshells. Daiki seemed furious he didn't experience heat, almost as if he didn't deserve such kindness.

Kai, "Are you trying to say I'm lucky?" He said bitterly, but Daiki wasn't having it. He shot up and pinned Kai to the chair by his throat. Canine's long and firm almost touched his chin, Kai wasn't scared fear left him a long time ago. However, at that moment he felt his organs shrivel up inside him and throb.

Daiki, "I'm saying there are a lot better people than you, who don't deserve to suffer the way they do." Kai's blue eyes began tearing up from the pressure. What did he mean? His mate? A friend? Just as the lights began dimming Sasaki came back in with his gear. Daiki let go snatched his cigarettes from the counter and barged past him.

Daiki, "Don't call me." he hissed, Sasaki even got a shock when he saw those glowing eyes. Daiki was seething and he didn't see it often. Both winced as the back door slammed. Sasaki stood there shell-shocked while Kai rubbed his neck in discomfort. Nothing really did compare to the strength of an Alpha.

Sasaki, "He sure looks pissed, what did you say?" Kai looked away defensively, what was the big deal anyway. So what if he didn't get 'Heats' that never meant he was blessed in any shape or form. Sasaki sighed and held out his hand revealing a pill.

Kai, "But I don't need suppressants?" Sasaki smirked, this kid was so defensive about his gender no wonder Daiki snapped.

Sasaki, "Relax, its a vitamin. Give me your arm I'll take your blood work." Kai reluctantly sniffed the medication before swallowing it, at least he had a little faith in humanity Sasaki pondered, or was it because he just didn't care anymore. After all you would probably put up a bigger fight if a Yakuza doctor shoved a pill in your face. After he was done drawing his blood, Sasaki pulled out a torch and looked into Kai's eyes. Even he had to admit they were something else, the way the light bounced off his retina reminded him of the Caribbean sea in summer.

Kai, "Why do you look so concerned?" It was true those dull black eyes had been looking at something for a while now.

Sasaki, "Well, sorry to say kid but Daiki wasn't wrong when he said your eyesight was bad from malnourished. Your going to need vitamins and glasses until they return to normal." Kai was a little taken back, he'd always had brilliant eyesight, people in school complimented it all the time. Thinking a little deeper, of course they would struggle being in such a dim room for so many years.

Kai, "What are you going to do once you've patched me up? Let me go?" Sasaki closed his eyes and shook his head, his crazy professor hairstyle stuck in place.

Sasaki, "If I did that we'd both be killed, trust me kid there isn't a place on earth Daiki won't find you, he has to take responsibility for you now." Kai frowned in confusion.

Kai, "Eh? Why does that bastard have to take responsibility for me! Why can't the little one or something keep an eye on me?" He was implying Kazuma but it didn't matter. Kazuma was bottom of the pack and often called a 'Normie' to imply he'd led a life outside of crime, an ordinary life. There was no way he could take Kai on.

Sasaki, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. You see Yazuka aren't just for show, this is a lifestyle they've built for centuries and sticking with it is the only choice they have. Think of the Shinobi clan as quick sand, the more you struggle the quicker you sink. Dai-Chan doesn't know any different and he's top of the ranks, he is the reason you weren't killed immediately. If anyone else wanted to bring someone into this fucked up family they'd be forced to kill that person and themselves. Only Daiki and his father can recruit. It's Yakuza law." Kai listened all of a sudden interested and Sasaki could tell what he was thinking 'Why did Daiki let him live?'.

Kai, "So I'm supposed to be grateful to him? He's shallow and spoiled and I'm supposed to sit by and do what he says? Fuck that." Shaking in anger Kai hobbled behind the curtain and began changing his clothes. Sasaki sighed sympathetically, this kid was damaged that was certain.

During the examination he discovered the lacerations on his neck were self inflicted. Cigarette burns littered the inside of his thighs and bite marks of all sizes spread down his back. At one point in his life this kid was searching for something...and he never found it.

Omega's are extremely protective of their napes. It rarely happened anymore but Sasaki saw some cases he wish he'd never came across. Part of an Omega's disposition is that if they mate with an Alpha while in heat and are bitten on the nape it crates a bond between the two, but sadly it was very one sided. Once an Alpha claimed his Omega that Omega would have no choice but to stick with him/her for the rest of their lives. If there were any attempts to break that bond by sleeping with another Alpha they would become critically ill, and their body will reject them. Whereas an Alpha could mark multiple Omega without consequence. The amount of time abandoned Omega came in after a suicide attempt was extreme. It was cruel and a lot of them would mark Omega's intentionally in order to control and abuse them.

Kai was clearly aware of this and tried to slice his nape so no Alpha could properly bond. This kid got even more pitiful as time went on.

Sasaki, "Look kid I ain't a saint, far from it but being Yakuza isn't the worst thing in the world and Daiki looks the part but he's still human underneath. We all are." Kai clicked his tongue behind the cream curtain throwing on his clothes as fast as he could. He was done with this shit, he was tired and just wanted to sleep.

Quickly he pulled back the curtain fully clothed and started hopping towards the door. Sasaki put his hand out to stop him but there wasn't any need. As soon as Kai opened the back door he came face to face with Aki.

Aki, "Woahhhh, your really pretty huh!" He yammered on completely mesmerized , Kazuma was waiting by the car giving a welcoming wave, somehow his excitement towards him didn't annoy Kai like it would usually he felt pretty comfortable around him. I mean he was smaller than the others but you could tell he knew his way around, the scars on his knuckles told it all. Somehow he thought running was his best option but seeing that Daiki wasn't there made the idea...Boring?

Kazuma, "Daiki-chan had to head back, the boss wanted him." He could see Kai's eyes wearily searching for him and decided to put his mind at ease not suspecting it would insult him so bad.

Kai, "As if I care where that asshole is." Aki chuckled, he was a feisty one for sure, maybe he could bring a little light to the clan. Kai slid into the car and sat opposed to Aki and Kazuma while Hirono drove. They looked intrigued by his reaction, waiting for reality to set in that the next time he set foot on Yakuza ground he would never be able to go back. However, this kid wasn't nervous at all he just looked passively out of the window watching the trees zoom by.

Meanwhile Sasaki watched the car speed off and jumped with joy he was getting a well deserved rest until Daiki's name suddenly popped up on his screen. If it wasn't for the fact that it could possibly be Jun on the other end, he would have thrown it into the woods.

Sasaki, "Sasaki here." There was a little pause before a clearly embarrassed man asked him...

Daiki, "He still alive?"

Sasaki, "I thought you said not to call you, I'm on vacation, you promised!" He whined. Daiki couldn't help but smirk on the other end. In the midst of bloodied air he had chosen to sit down and check up on an Omega he couldn't stand the sight of. Sasaki paused and listened to Daiki's breathing for a second,it was heavy and strained.

Sasaki, "Oi Daiki, don't tell me..."

Daiki, "That's right so keep that brat away from me."

---------1 Hour Previously------------------------------------

Tradition Japanese Yakuza houses were called 'Minka', they consisted of one large landscape with no upper floors. Shikoku Clan was a beautiful place, white marble built up the huge pillars and Black murals hung gently in the breeze. They showcased their clan's sign as a warning. It consisted of a black dragon with golden eyes wrapped tightly around the Kanji for 'Hope'. Despite the luxury it looked domineering, it's traditional pointed roof blocked the sun. Fountains and beautiful flower gardens surrounded the whole estate, it was like a palace. Two very muscular men stood arms crossed at the entrance watching the world go by waiting for someone to dare try their luck. Some said it looked like something from a period drama but for Daiki this was his home.

Both men bowed respectfully as the future boss stormed through like a hurricane. Something was wrong with him for sure, the smell of that Omega permeated his brain.

What the hell happened to the most vicious member of Shikoku ? Why did he catch him when he fell, or didn't beat him when he slashed his head. Daiki stopped in the hall just before his fathers quarters, peeling back his sticky blonde hair to reveal the very fine cut he surprisingly kept hidden from Sasaki. No-one had ever landed such a hit on him, his guard was always up to the brim, yet one measly Omega had changed all of that. Frustratingly he also couldn't help himself from calling to ask about him. No matter how hard he tried those blue crystal eyes wouldn't leave his mind, this wasn't the first male Omega he's met but by far was he the prettiest.

Daiki, "Fuck!" The sound of breaking glass echoed throughout the estate, he hated Omega's for this reason. There was always a soft spot in him. Daiki sighed and pulled his head from the wall only to startle seeing his father in the flesh looking directly at him.

Jun, "I called for you hours ago where have you been?" Daiki suddenly felt tongue twisted, he couldn't say he'd been caring for an Omega he didn't even know but it didn't take Jun long to find out. His big nostrils drew in the air around him and suddenly his eyes turned fiery red.

Jun, "Is that Omega pheromones?" He seethed. Daiki gulped loudly and hung his head. If there was one thing his father hated more than anything, it was those whom were broken at birth...