
Chapter Four

In his slumber, Darian reached out and touched the cool covers. He awoke right away and started searching for Larkin. He crossed the condo since there was no light in the bathroom.

He yelled, "Larkin?"

When he became aware that she had left, his stomach tightened. He quickly ran to the home phone.

Dempsey responded, "Good morning, sir."

"Good day, Dempsey. Do you recall seeing a young woman?" He raked a hand through his hair, agitated. "God, I have no idea what she is wearing.She is sporting a red dress, and I'm assuming one of your shirts is layered over it."

Darian unwinded. "Where is she now?"

"Sir, she got a taxi home."


I do, however, know the address. Even though I promised her I wouldn't give it to you, I could have simply shown it to you.

"Good guy. As soon as I get dressed, I'll be down."

"Sir, yes. I'll be present."

Darian washed, dressed, and arrived in the lobby in just five minutes.

The document was slid onto the counter by Dempsey.

Darian smiled while learning her address. "You owe me,"

Defeating his head, Dempsey. "No, meeting her was a pleasure. She's a sweetheart."

He nodded. "She fulfills that."

"Good luck finding her, sir."

"You can depend on it, I guess."

Darian entered his building again two hours later.

Dempsey observed the expression on his face. "Have you located her, sir?"

Shaking his head, Darian. "I have not yet seen her. Her roommates claimed she briefly came home to change before leaving again to go to her closest friend's apartment, but they had no idea where it was or what her phone number was."

"I apologize."

"I don't worry. She won't be able to avoid me tonight because I know she'll be at work."

"You have my support."

Darian chuckled. He said, "Mine is, too," and proceeded to the elevator. Before he caught up with his runaway later that evening, he intended to complete some work. This time, she wouldn't manage to escape from him.

She had been a persistent thought in Darian's head. He may have felt like she was already his because he had protected her the previous evening from those thugs, but he knew he would need to calm down a bit or risk scaring her.

Later that evening, he entered the Cigar Lounge.

Even though he acknowledged that he had never been there, he agreed that it was quite elegant, expensive-looking, and undoubtedly manly. Around the area were various tables and cozy chairs, along with brown leather furniture and dark wood walls. It was a place where men might go and unwind for a while. Despite the fact that it was a private club, he easily obtained a membership.

"Mr. Marsh, ah."

When Darian turned, he noticed a tall, lean man approaching him. He extended a hand. "You are Mr. Turnbell, Right? "

"I agree, sir." The guy grinned. "However, you are much welcome, You can as well call me, Bert."

“Bert. I'm glad to have met you."

" Would you like to view our cigar display?"

"Not at this time. Could I have a seat and a drink?"

"Of course. What else can I offer?"

"Please, a Scotch."

"I'll send someone to deliver that directly to you. Lie down anywhere."

Darian searched the area after watching him flee. Although the space was huge, the way it was designed and the way the seats were arranged in clusters gave the impression that it was pleasant and tranquil. He located a table with his back to the wall so he could observe the entire space.

Larkin anticipated seeing her right away because his housemates had informed him that they would all be at work.

"Good day, Mr. Marsh."

Darian raised an eyebrow at the female patron seated next to him. "Good day, Monica. Larkin where are you?"

"She took a peek around. She is present. Do you want me to track her down and invite her over?"

Shaking his head, Darian. "No, I just want to watch first,"

“Okay. Do you have an order?"

“Yes. I'm grateful."

"If you need anything, shout."

Darian sat back in his chair after getting his drink from a different waitress. When Larkin entered the room carrying a tray full of glasses, he suddenly adjusted his posture. Like the other waitresses, she was dressed in slim black leggings and a white long sleeve shirt.

Her lengthy hair was twisted up and pinned behind her head.

Despite how well the clothing fit, he was just relieved that she was protected.

He observed her approach one of the larger tables and begin attending to the men.

When a few of the men attempted to reach for her, Larkin moved to block their path, tightening his hold on the glass. As a result, none of the men were able to touch her. He was enraged by the fact that he could tell she had done it frequently before.

He observed her as she hurried from one table to the next for the next hour. Darian raised his hand, drawing Monica's attention.

"What do you require?"

Darian cocked his head in the direction of Larkin. "Send her to me," I request.

Monica turned her head before turning to face Darian again. "You need to be cautious around her. She is a very kind individual."

He said, "I would never injure her."

Indecisive, Monica bit her lip. "I must tell you... She is special."

Darian's brows furrowed in unison. “How?”

She ranks among the brightest persons I know. She reads endlessly on dull topics, but she has no idea what she's doing with her life.

"I perceive. She is not particularly street smart."

Monica exhaled. "She has none, is what I'm saying. The girls have been pleading with her to accompany us on dates so that we can impart life lessons to her, but she rarely agrees." She is very similar to her buddy Brylee, with whom she spends the most of her time.

"Just know that she will be looked after."

"I really do. She truly is a unique individual."

Darian observed Monica approach Larkin and speak into her ear. Larkin was unaware of her direction as she approached him while walking with her head down.