
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Fantasie
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208 Chs

Chapter 184

Efreet looked at Roselina with arrogance and confidence, Roselina looked back at him with nervousness on her face.

Kelly and everyone else stepped in front of Roselina.

"Not happening, you took the mistress from us last time, Do you think I'll let you do it again?" Kelly fumed, defending her master as she glared at efreet.

"Kelly, It's useless, You can't stop him even if you tried,"

Roselina stated.

Kelly gasped as she looked at Roselina. "Either way mistress, I won't stand by and watch, I swore to protect you with my life," Kelly said, then she looked at Efreet.

"Hey, this is between her and me, it's between two lords, servants shouldn't butt in," Efreet stated.

Efreet looked at Kelly and suddenly an intense heat radiate from him that put everyone except for Roselina on their knees, they started to vomit blood

"STOP, DON'T KILL THEM," Roselina shouted. Then she clenched her fist and glared at him. "I'll fight you."

Efreet smiled arrogantly and retracted his aura. Roselina turned to her subordinates and healed them.

"Mistress no," Kelly shuddered, her heart grew tighter and tighter.

"It's fine Kelly," Roselina said, reassuring Kelly with a smile,

"But your severely weakened, You can't fight a full strength," Kelly responded.

Roselina clenched her fist and turned to Efreet. " Then I'll fight with everything I've got,"

Roselina and Efreet stand a distance far away from Kelly and the others.

"Will the princess be alright?" Lufilia wondered.

"I'm hoping so," Kelly clenched her fist.

Roselina took out her scythe Veelzebub. Efreet's long shaggy hair started to blaze with raging flames.

"Tell me something Roselina Lambrosa De Valentine, Your happy living amongst the human, Why wouldn't you just subjugate them instead?" Efreet asked.

"Are you seriously asking me that? I'm perfectly content with life as it is…"

"Oh, you're perfectly fine with humans leading and bringing the world out of balance."

"What do you mean?"

"I Bring the Sun, You bring the Life, Lucifer Brings Darkness and Death and Dragon Lord Brings the storm l. We lord keep the world in balance. Humans have no right to rule over the world we govern," Efreet explained as he pointed his finger at Roselina. "You and I know this well, that Monsters, Vampires , Humans and demons must coexist and yet you're comfortably living in a human infested world, I know you've felt that something is missing…"

Roselina clenched her scythe.

'He's right, this world is bend out of shape,' she thought to herself.

"Balance must be restored and you know it," Efreet stated.

"I know okay, But I refuse to hurt innocent people over that. The life I'm living with everyone is all that I need."

"Oh, But do you think you'll truly fit in?" Efreet asked.

"The world keeps turning but your time has completely stopped, you can't age, you can't die. You have to hide yourself with magic and Most of all you have enough power to bring this world to its knees."

He smiled.

"Why am I wasting my time with a weakling like you?...This is a fight, let's talk with our fist."

He dashed at Roselina and punched her with all his strength. She blocked with her scythe, Efreet raised his foot and kicked her in the stomach. Roselina flew through a building, Flew over the city and land before crashing into the sea. Sinking to the bottom Roselina rolled over and stepped on a tiny water bubble and used it as a string board to launch herself out of the ocean.

She flew back over at full speed, Efreet was there waiting for her. She swings her scythe down and Efreet fist collides with it. A powerful shortwave is generated and shattered the class of buildings and blew away cars. Roselina jumped back and dashed at him to punch him in the stomach.

Efreet was punched into a building that tore down on him.

>> Master, Your chance of winning this fight is less than 10 % I suggest breaking the seal on your power<<

"Not yet."

A beam was fired into the air and Efreet crawled out of the rubble. He smiled and his shirt was torn off revealing his well built upper body.

"Why aren't you fighting with your full power? Are you taking me lightly? Do you underestimate me that much?" Efreet asked.


Roselina smiled.

Efreet got angry and exerted an intense heat that melted the rubble into lava.

"Hey, get serious or I'll kill you," Efreet threatened.

"Bite me!"

Roselina swung her scythe and created a slash attack. The attack hit Efreet and cut down two buildings behind him but Efreet wasn't phased as that level of attack didn't even leave a scratch on his body. Suddenly, Efreet vanished and reappeared in front of Roselina and grabbed her face. He ran her through two skyscrapers, flew up into the air and threw her back down to the ground.

"Mistress!" Kelly called out.

"No, it's dangerous!" Debra alarmed.

"I have to help her."

"Mistress, wait, something isn't right," Lufilia pointed out.

"You said the princess has enough power to destroy England by herself and yet I don't feel that kind of power, do you think she's holding back?" she asked.

"She's holding back, she sealed away own power just like I did. Right now she's fighting at the level where I am at as a pureblood," Kelly explained. "And now that Efreet has toying with her and now it seems that's too late."

Efreet flew back down and landed first in her stomach, shattering the ground around them and causing a few buildings to collapse.

"Come on, take me seriously. Don't you want to know where your servant is, beat me, kill me."

He started to punch her rapidly.

Roselina was covered in blood until she grabbed his fist and pushed him up. Efreet was stunned for a while, a strong menacing aura leaked from her body.

She stood on her feet and opened her crimson eyes. "You want to fight, Let's fight," Roselina said in a hostile voice.

Efreet smiled as he leaped a distance away from Roselina who had a glare that could kill a person.

"I honestly didn't want to rely on that form but it seems I have no choice, but to use very to defeat you," Roselina said.

Kelly watched from a distance. "Mistress is going to break the seal on her power," Kelly said.

"Is that a good thing?" Diane wondered.

"It's bad," Kelly said.

Roselina turned to them. "Kelly and the rest of you might want to stand back," she ordered in an emotionless you.

After taking distance.

Roselina grabbed the cross on her choker and broke it. Suddenly the air became extremely cold. Rosalina's aura started to become darker along her body. She screamed at the top of her lungs before releasing a tremendous amount of crimson energy. Kelly and everyone watches the pillar of crimson energy turn the sky into a cloudy one.

Efreet stood and watched the pillar of energy with excitement in his eyes. Suddenly, a foot steps out of the pillar of energy, it was inside a crimson high heels. Soon after Roselina steps out of the energy. Her body was fully grown and very voluptuous, with a large bust, wide hips, her crimson horns were grown out and crimson her wings stretched far and wide And her body was inside a red body suit made of blood that moved about on her body as if alive. Roselinas face had three black stripes under her eyes. She looked expressionless, Emotionless but her eyes was filled with intent to kill.

"So you finally revealed your true form."

Efreet smiled as he and Roselina stood facing each other exerting auras that caused kinetic repulsion when they collided and even affected the gravity around them.

In the meantime.

"This enormous amount of energy, I can feel it from here,"

Lufilia said.

"Mistress broke the seal on her powers and....!"

Before Kelly could finish speaking, ten buildings started to tear down towards them as someone kept flying through them.

"What's happening?" Diane asked.

Kelly puts on a barrier that protects everyone and when the dust settles.

"Tch, that's a powerful kick," Efreet muttered while sitting on the rubble and spat out a big of blood.

"What just happened ?"

Suddenly Kelly and everyone froze in terror and a menacing aura was behind them. They were all sweating in fear and their knees were weak.

"Can't move."

"My instincts are telling me to run."

Kelly looked around and saw Roselina in her true form standing on a building and looking into her eyes Kelly became frightened.

'Those eyes, don't tell me the mistress lost her emotions again?' she asked herself.

Roselina walked forward and the aura became even more ominous, she passed Kelly and the others without batting an eye.

"Is that?"


They all looked at Roselina, never expecting this form would be her. Her crimson wings, Long white hair, those red lips, those long legs, and voluptuous body fills them with awe and yet despair.

"Mistress?" Kelly called out in a shuddering voice.

Roselina looked at Kelly with emotionless eyes and an expression face before turning her gaze to Efreet.

"Now this is what I call a fight, let's get serious," Efreet said.

Roselina didn't answer him but suddenly the both vanished before colliding in the air. Crimson and yellow lights started to fly around colliding with each other destroying the relic city of london.

Roselina created a blood bird and Efreet fired a fire beam, both collided with each other and exploded, taking out everyone around them in a 1 mile radius. After the explosion vanished only a large hold in the ground remained.

Roselina summoned her blood wolf Queen that stood at 30 feet tall. It howled very loudly, So loud Diane, Lufilia and viper had to cover their ears. Efreet smiled and summoned his beast, A large Flaming lion that roared loudly. While the two beast fight each other Kelly and Efreet are battling it out.

"Amazing, It's like watching a battle between gods," Diane said.

"In a matter of minutes the replica of london is destroyed, I guess it's seeing it I now believe the princess does has the power to destroy England," Lufilia said.

"That form, I don't like it,The last time I saw her in this form, She lost all sense of reasoning and destroyed millions of vampires."

Kelly clenched her fist

The two summoned beasts were tussling it out, tearing down buildings during their fights showing off their fangs and claws while their masters were having a fight. Efreet grabbed a building and tore it out of its foundation and threw it at Roselina. She continued to walk unhinged by the fact as a building was coming towards her. She looked up and her eyes glowed and instantly the building broke apart. Roselina sends a spiralling flame toward Efreet.

"Ha, Do you think fire has an effect against. What."

Efreet was surprised when the flame became a large blood hand that grabbed him and started beating him around. She send him into the air and swing her scythe vertically sending a slash attack at Efreet, that split the sky in two.

"Not good enough."

Efreet was behind Roselina and he punched her in the back and she was assaulted by a power attack that burned holes into buildings. When the energy dissipated, Roselina's upper body was missing. This made akelly and everyone shuddered in despair.

"The princess is dead?" Lufilia queried and started to panic in despair.

"It's not over yet," Kelly said.

Suddenly a spine grew from Roselina waist and arms and rib and a skull was formed, then the Eyes, Brain, Heart and Nerves. Lungs, Liver, Intense, muscles and everything started to remember back. Roselina's hair grow long and white again and her clothes was repaired once again.

"What just happened ,I thought vampires are killed when their heart is destroyed?" Diane asked

"That's the case for Pureblood, Nobles and Subordinates but not for True vampires, So long as they have energy to spare they can regenerate from any attack whether their hearts and brains are destroyed and Efreet is the same as well...." Kelly explained.

"So right now, this isn't just a battle between lords but a battle between two immortals," Lufilia said.

Roselina and Efreet face each other again and their summoned beast stands beside their masters ready to fight.