
The start of something horrible. -NSFW

Your friends decided to split up into groups and hang out in the various places in the mall. You ended up with Henry, Salem (Of course Salem was with you since he's attached to Henry like a parasite), Emily, Jeremiah, Eve, and of course Doc. "So, Y/n mind introducing us to your curly-haired friend?" Jeremiah asks. "Jeremiah, Emily, Eve, meet Doc." You smiled. "I'm Everlyn but you can just call me Eve!" Eve winks sticks out her tongue and holds up two peace signs. "Emily, pleased to meet you, I would shake your hand but I'd rather stay in this plane of existence." Emily jokes. Doc chuckles softly. "Obviously I'm Jeremiah, nice to meet you." Jeremiah grinned. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Doc smiled. "So where should we go first?" Emily asks. "Ooo! I know!" You swear there are literal stars in Eve's eyes. "Anywhere but the food court," Emily grumbles. "Awww!" Eve whines. "I'm just gonna take these two to get some clothes." You gently grabbed Doc's and Salem's hands. "Have fun!" Henry calls out as you, Doc, and Salem walk away. For a little while, you helped Salem and Doc find clothes before you went off on your own and looked for some of your own. You found some cute tops and matching bottoms and decided to try them on. You walked behind the silky curtain of one of the dressing room stalls and started to undress. Suddenly you hear the curtain being moved, you quickly turn around and are met with the smiling porcelain face of Salem. "S-Salem?" You back up. Salem walks in, the curtain closing behind him. "My my what do you have here?" He looks you up and down. You pressed yourself against the wall, this was similar to when you first met Doc only this time you were practically naked and Salem was hungrily staring at you. Salem suddenly slams his hands on the wall right beside your head. "I am going to enjoy this~" Salem presses his lips against yours, surprisingly they felt soft like the flesh of a real face. He traced his fingers down your sides and pull off your panties. "Salem you shou- Oh!" You were cut off mid-sentence when two fingers were roughly shoved into your pussy. "S-Salem~" You moaned trying to push him away. "Moaning my name already Y/n? How adorable~" Salem uses his thumb to gently circle your clit. "Mmm~" You tried to keep your moans quiet as not to alert anyone in the store of what was going on but your moans to Salem sounded pleased so he pushed a third finger into your pussy. You squirmed from the amount of pleasure you were feeling. "Such a beautiful face you're making~" Salem curls his fingers to hit your G-spot. "Ngh~ Haah~" You struggle to keep your moans in now that the pleasure was overwhelming. "Are you going to cum Y/n~?" Salem asked. You shake your head even though you were practically on the verge of orgasming. Salem chuckles and puts pressure on your clit. "What do you think you're doing?" Your eyes shot open when you heard Doc's voice. Salem pulls his fingers out of you. "Oh, hey D-" "I asked what do you think you're doing?" Doc looked and sounded pissed. "Nothi-" "Don't lie." You can tell Doc is trying not to raise his voice. "I was just having a little fun with her that's all!" Salem holds his hands up as if he's being arrested. "You weren't just having fun with her, you were violating her, ruining her innocence!" Doc growled. "H-hey calm down Doc." Salem was slightly shaking. "Calm down!? How dare you tell me to calm down when you were just happily ruining my Y/n?!" Doc looked as if he was about to kill Salem. "D-Doc…" You stumbled and clutched Doc's arm. "Oh dear look at you! You look dreadful! Let me help you regain your strength." He smiles at you lovingly and you smile back weakly. "Je t'aime…" He whispers.

This was not easy. Painfully hard to write for some reason.

MuddyMuckcreators' thoughts