
My Objective In The Other World

What are you doing in the other world? Building a harem? Becoming a god? Or just enjoying life? That's just one objective in your life, what if you were taken to various other worlds with various objectives, without losing your main objective? It sounds silly but that's called adventure, adventure with one objective, in an infinite number of places. William Dante, a 21 year old orphaned man, living a boring life in the modern world, wanted to experience adventure in different worlds, he wanted to feel all the adventure, the thrill of travel and interaction with some otherworldly beings. That is his dream in this empty world. If he can do all that, maybe he will fulfill his dream. =============================== Updates every 3 days of the week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. if you give a power stone, please keep it and give it to another author. just read my novel to fill your time

Shaywalloppp · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Taking Care a Child

I woke up and saw a little girl who wasn't dressed properly.

Just a plain cloth, I smiled and got some clothes for her.

This girl woke up and looked at me, I changed her clothes to be more cute.

"What's your name?" I asked this girl, she looks like an 8 year old girl.

"Warm" Oh, alien language. time to learn.

"Name" This girl opens her eyes wide, because I can speak their native language.

"Chia" I stroked her head and went to take her to the mother ship.

"Chia, alone?" Chia nodded quickly.

I smiled, it seemed she was just an alien stranded here.

I walked towards Chia's mother ship, but I sensed something bad.

I picked up Chia and grabbed my gun.

"Enemy" Chia hugged me tightly when she heard my words.

I saw an abomination, a mixture of various earth creatures into one body, disgusting.

I fired my gun, and managed to kill it. Although I had to spend 2 boxes of bullets, or 45 shots.

"Though Thing. Chia, come" I put Chia down and held her hand like my own child.

We arrived at the playground, me and Chia played. even though I knew she was an alien.

"Fun" Sure Chia, it's fun.

I kept playing with Chia until nightfall.

We took refuge in an empty house, I put Chia to sleep. And I had to stay awake to look after her.

Was it tiring? Sure, but what else, duty calls.

Morning came, we set off again towards Chia's mother ship.

"Hungry" Chia held her stomach, I took out some groceries.

"Choose" Chia chose the groceries, since I didn't know the alien's taste.

She chose everything, I smiled and made dozens of food.

Chia ate it all, I cleaned the leftovers from her mouth and clothes.

Chia was so full that she fell asleep.

I changed her clothes and tidied up, I carried her all the way to the mother ship.

[Objective fulfilled, Check your status]

[Objective fulfilled, Move world]


It's not time yet, I have to analyze this ship.

I put Chia in a pod.

I went around the mother ship, and picked up some books there.

I learned this alien language, and continued to study everything here.

[Objective fulfilled, Check your status]

[Objective fulfilled, Check your status]

After that I was able to understand the alien mechanics and language fluently.

I fixed what was broken here, and it turned out that this ship was still in good condition, it just ran out of fuel.

And the fuel is water. That's right, water.

I saw my objective.

[>Main Objective<]

Arrive on mother ship (1/1)(Fulfilled)

|Travel the world|

>Second objective<


◇Additional Objective◇


[Special objective]

Protect the last alien creature (0/0)

|Special Energy Pistol|

I need to get Chia back to her planet.

But how do I transfer water to this ship? I looked around and stopped at one object.

My bag, I took out all its contents and hid it from Chia.

I went to a waterfall, filling my bag with as much water as possible.

30 minutes passed, I had probably filled a swimming pool's worth of water. not enough, fill it again.

1 hour passed, yep this was enough, the equivalent of a lake.

I went back and killed the few abominations I encountered, I reached the ship and refueled it.

I poured water from my bag like a gallon.

After a while, the fuel tank was full. It even spilled, oops.

I put all my stuff back, I checked my prosthetic.

Cool, I check my status.


Name: William Dante

Skills :

Language Mastery (Master)

Driving Mastery (Master)

Cooking Mastery (Expert)

Medical Mastery (Master)

Fighting Mastery (Master)

Energy Mastery (Professional)>[Fantasy]<

Bullet Time (Professional)>[Modern]<

Mechanic Mastery (Basic)


Unlimited bag

Full Set Dragon Armor>[Fantasy]<

Versatile Prosthetic Right Arm>[Future]<]

I'm using the V.P.R.A and it's really cool.

It has a hologram of my condition, like a portable cell phone.

I'm piloting this airplane, and it's great.

My right hand is like a robot, it can tell me the language and dictate the exact location.

Truly versatile, our ship took off for Chia's planet.

I saw this ship traveling at Hypersonic speed.

This is cool, that's why I like Science Fiction.

We arrived at a planet, and we landed.

[Objective fulfilled, check your status]

Alright my mission is complete, time to wake Chia up.

"Chia, let's get up. You're home" Chia woke up and yawned, she looked around and led me out.

"Follow Chia" Chia pulled me out of the ship, but before Chia got out of the ship. I pressed the yes button, my body started to vanish like particles.

"Chia!" I saw aliens similar to Chia, Chia hugged them and pointed at me.

"Uncle?" Chia was confused to see me who had disappeared from here. Sorry Chia, uncle has to go. Be a good girl.

I was sucked into the time and space dimension.

[Welcome to the modern world, the second world war is about to begin. Siding with Germany]

[>Main Objective<]

Conquer 3 countries (0/3)

|Travel the world|

>Second Objective<

Amaze all German officials (0/0)

|Dual Wielding Mastery|

◇Additional Objective◇

Learn German technology (0/0)

|Mechanic Upgrade|

Create new weapons (0/0)

|Mechanic Upgrade|

Create new medicine (0/0)

|Medical Upgrade|

[Special objectives]


Ah no, I sided with the Nazis, this was really my worst day.

I was standing in a German square, seeing a lot of propaganda to start the war.

"Sir, what year is it?" I asked a native.

"1939" Ah of course, one year before the second world war.

"Thank you. Let me ask you, where is the recruitment center?" The man took me to the recruitment center.

And it just so happened that all the German officials were present at the recruitment center.

Alright, time to speedrun this world.

I went in and registered, did my physical.

Of course, my ideal physique made many German troops jealous.

Then the next test was the soldier's skills.

"What is your talent?" An examiner asked me.

"Cooking, driving, medicine, shooting, mechanics" I was honest because who knows I could become a squad leader.

"The more talents the better, go to the field. You will be tested in practice" I saluted, and went to the field, there were a lot of participants.

I went to the field to line up with my colleagues.

"William" My name was called, I was seen by a Nazi officer, and there also happened to be my idol commander.

Erwin Rommel, sitting there.

"Test your shooting skills" I looked at the target from 10 meters, 50 meters, to 100 meters.

Okay, show time.

I started with the pistol. shooting only at the head, then the gun, then the big gun.

Then with the camouflage of throwing a grenade into the sky, using bullet time I shot the grenade, from the smoke of the grenade.

I threw a knife right at the target's head and I jumped, doing a 360 no scope with an M1.

I landed and reloaded. Then putting all my weapons back neatly, I saluted the officers here.

[Objective fulfilled, Check your status]

"What's your name, son?" A general asked me.

"William, sir."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from northern Germany"

"Do you have family?"

"My family died in the World War I."

"Which division do you want to join?" This was my moment of action.

"Seventh Division, Panzer Division" Erwin Rommel was pleased with my response.

"Congratulations William, from today you will be a captain in the Seventh Division." A recruiting position, what an achievement.

I was taken to my division, and I rested in the barracks reserved for captains.


Name: William Dante


Language Mastery (Master)

Driving Mastery (Master)

Cooking Mastery (Expert)

Medical Mastery (Master)

Fighting Mastery (Master)

Energy Mastery (Professional)>[Fantasy]<

Bullet Time (Professional)>[Modern]<

Mechanic Mastery (Basic)

Dual Wielding Mastery (Basic)>[Modern]<


Unlimited bag

Full Set Dragon Armor>[Fantasy]<

Versatile Prosthetic Right Arm>[Future]<

Special Energy Pistol>[Future]<]

Good enough, now I have to finish this war.

I don't want to linger in this world.

Im Sorry for the warcrime

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