
My Note System

Our hero is reincarnated in the body of a person named Nait, after he died in a world of magic and abilities, where miracles happen.  Summoning volcanoes, zero gravity, hurricanes...etc everything is possible in that world. The hero's journey takes us through his suffering, his misery, and his change of thinking. All this in order to find a place in that world of wars, to live in peace. [System] [Your ability has been activated] [It has been noted and a skill is created on it] *[Damage Resistance (level 1)] “Well, all that is required of me is to stop and be severely beaten.”

Dark_Moon_a4 · Fantasie
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39 Chs

The Damned Guard

Drunk* Drunk* Drunk*

The sound of iron hitting a stone.

huff* huff* huff*

The sound of the slaves gasping when digging inside the mine used a pick.

knock* knock* knock*

ergo * ergo * ergo

Damn it, thinking I'm going to end up being a slave and mining.

Where is the life of a young master that I witnessed in, memories?!

Hell, that's against the rules.

My hand is full of swelling...it really hurts. I want to cry now and stop digging.

But how, the guards are never ruthless.

'Hm.. that's what will happen to me.' Nait looked at one side of the cave intently and annoyed.

"You old damned. What do you think you are, to stop working... huh?!"

One of the guards who were guarding the slaves inside the cave. He started yelling at the old man who had fallen to the ground.

"Please I'm very old please let me take a breath.. Au---Auau... I'm dying of exhaustion, please take pity on me." Mucus started coming out of the old man's nose and tears from his eyes when he saw the whip that was in the guard's hand.

The guard's face frowned at the poor old man's words.

"Really?! Are you ignorant or what? Did you hear well.. do you ask for pity.. hahahaha." A crazy laugh came from the guard and looked at the poor old man with contempt.

"Cheh… so how about you die quickly and rest yourself forever? I have mercy on you."

A cave guard raised his hand and sent out a whip with every sinister expression.


Unfortunately, a guard's blow did not achieve its goal, as it hit the back of a young man with black hair, the old man's fever.


"you?!" The guard was shocked.

In front of him was a young man, with a red stripe on his back from the left shoulder to the right side of his back.

Nait couldn't find anything to say about the pain he was feeling. Only, a terrible cry. He talks about how much pain he feels right now.

'Painful... Painful... I almost passed out with one hit.'

'This feeling keeps reminding me that I'm not in a dream. Where the hell am I?'

It left Nait shocked and horrified by the reality he is in right now.

"You son of a bitch?! What did you do now, huh??? Did you take the hit from an old man?"

The guard got angry at what Nate did. but…

Uh... I see, did you want to rest like an old man? Tell me that first, you didn't have to throw yourself, just wait your turn after the old man. Now get away from the old man and wait for your turn." The guard explained what was happening in front of him, how much he loved.

The guard approached Nait, who was protecting the old man with his back, and tried to keep Nate away. But the result was a fight between the guard and Nait.

"What.. let go, don't you understand what I said before, wait your turn." However, no, then no, it will not move from its place.

"Okay, if this is what I want you to do, die first." Out of anger, the guard took his whip and hit with all his might, Nait formed a bloody 'X' on his back.


A louder shriek from her erupted from Nait's mouth.

"Take… hahahaha" and another hit by a guard.


'Hahahaha... as fun as this is.' How sadistic is this guard.

Through his past he confirmed that he would be in the shape of a pitch-black demon, with sharp black horns sticking out of his forehead and red eyes. If he represents his sadism.

He had caused the death of many slaves inside the cave since his arrival. No teenager or old man was left behind. In his view, slaves are just guinea pigs. To see the result of his actions.

'Ugh... it hurts... It hurts. I'm going to pass out... hm? Wait, I did pass out? I still feel terrible pain. From the wounds on my back. but? Why is it getting a little lighter?!'

'Hmm… I can understand the reason now.'

In front of his wet black eyes appeared a black square with the following slogans.



[You have fulfilled the requirements for developing your skills]

[Damage Resistant (Level 1) ---> Damage Resistant (Level 3)]

[DEF increases 2+ permanently]

[Cell Evolution (Level 1) ---> Cell Evolution (Level 4)]

Suddenly he began to feel rested and tired at the same time. Because the skill [Cell Evolution] is turned on. Resist the treatment of his injury wonderfully. As bright red smoke began to come out of his wounds.

As well, the guard continued to hit Nait.

After ten strikes, the guard started to notice that something suspicious was happening.

'Stranger who no longer screams as before.'

"Rug!" Nait shrieked from the guard's eleventh strike. That was very faint.

Imagine your friend was hitting you in the back as a joke. yes! This is how Haris felt.


'I'm starting to feel like I'm playing with him, what is this strange cry??? Are you mocking me?' It appeared on the forehead of his Vein Guard and began releasing the mana from his core into his hand and then onto a whip, turning the color of the whip into a bright red.

"Hehe, take that, you motherfucker." The guard laughed after activating his {Bleeding Effect} ability.

An ability that makes the one you hit bleed profusely, with prolonged healing and more damage every day.

The guard took a whip, ready to drop it on Nait's back.

"No. 44"

A voice appeared from behind a guard.


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