
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasie
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47 Chs

New home!

Rash opened the door and headed outside while still arranging his clothes, raising his head to see Nurse Sally!

"Oh... I really am…" Rash paused when he noticed the other people.

'Nurse Kyle and Doctor Smith?' He furrowed his brow, surprised, 'Mrs. Irina as well with little Larry? ... What is going on?'

Rash didn't expect to find the room full of them, so he had to move to the side a little. He felt there was something to hold them together at the same time.

The expressions on their faces were slightly worrying! adding to his confusion.

"Uh... sorry. Did something happen?" Rash inquired, examining everyone with careful eyes.

Everyone stood silently. As long as Mrs. Irina was there, it was rude to any to speak first. Irina approaches Rash, her eyes seem a little hesitant out of her habit. "Today, in fact, I have two things to tell you about, but you probably won't like what you will hear..." The conversations between them in the past few days made her know a lot about his way of thinking. However, she decided on the matter without taking his opinion.

Rash felt confused, asking himself, 'What would make me upset... Don't tell me they have discovered my involvement in the incident...' His expression changed and after a second thought he examined the attendees again, and their features do not suggest that there is anything unusually bad.

Rash nodded to Mrs. Irina to continue what she wanted to say. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes, "Actually, I have taken your welfare rights from the orphanage... In the coming years and until puberty you will be our responsibility and You will move in with us."

Her statement was followed by a cold silence.

Right when everyone thought the other side was so angry, and was about to fly in a rage, Rash opened his mouth and said quietly, "I understand." He couldn't find out why they were so anxious, their hesitation made him nervous for nothing.

"You don't mind?" Irina frankly did not expect his response. People like him usually tend to reject society and avoid others, despite the fact, Rash accepts it as simple as that!?

"Well, not like I have a choice, right?" Rash asked Irina, where she nodded, "In that case, why do I have to worry, not as I want to go back there, anyway." He really didn't care about it.

In fact, Irina knows little about his hatred of the orphanage from her previous conversation with him. This made her able to get his welfare rights even without his personal consent. In the normal case, it would not be so easy. However, even without using her own means, she could force the orphanage to agree to the matter. Especially since they mistreated him and did not care about him, which made the boy attempt to suicide.

"But…" At that moment Rash added one more thing suddenly, "Why are you getting that far with me? Aren't you afraid of me taking advantage of the situation and causing you trouble?"

Who knows what is really going on in their minds? By taking this step, Irina would be risking a lot. It is not as if he needs her to prove her goodwill. What she has done so far is more than enough.

Irina smiled and gave him a grin of confidence, as she was absolutely sure of her decisions, "It is difficult for my eyes to mistake the type of people. I am completely confident in this."

Of course, this is what she believes, otherwise how could she choose Geraldo Haynes to be her husband.

Rash gave her a wondering look. Just where does that confidence come from? As for him, if someone discovered that he had already killed two people, what would her view be then?

'Huh... what an intractable mess.' Rash exhaled deeply and said to himself.

The doctor and two nurses came prepared in case something went out of control, so Irina kept them with her so they could handle the situation quickly. In the end, it was all unnecessary.

"Congratulations, ma'am…" Doctor Smith gave his blessing, "Your family has grown into yet another." Rash felt a little weird, not like she'd adopted me right.

"You too…" He turned to Rash and seemed happier than ever in dealing with him. Not only him, but the two nurses were swaying in happiness. If he really were to live with the president from now on, things would differ greatly from the previous one, and he would not be just the person who saved the president's wife and son.

Irina introduced little Larry, and after she took him on her lap, "Look, my dear. You both have to take care of each other since today…" The little hero, as everyone calls him, wasn't interested at all. He looked at Rash for a while and then went back to playing. He is too young to care about this.

"Okay, doctor. You have the rest…" After the situation calmed down, and the noise was gone, it's good that the room was soundproof. Irina told the doctor to do his work.

"The other thing is related to your physical condition. I think the healing process is going very well and you can leave today after a final examination." However, the doctor felt Rash's body was slightly different, and his recovery speed was very fast. Especially after confirming his condition for several days, and he suffered a lot of bone fractures in the first accident, yet he recovered very quickly!!

Nurses Kyle and Sally seemed extremely excited this time to change his bandages, after receiving the doctor's orders. If they made a good impression in the last session that will have a great impact in the future, especially since he may need to come back here at any time.

Unfortunately, before they started working, Rash startled them by raising his palm, saying, "Uh… no need for that, I took it off myself…" Then he lifted his shirt a little from the side, revealing his body.

The two nurses were confused, and then disappointed. As Doctor Smith sighed a little, shaking his head, "I should have known... it's a good you preserved until today..."

Silent confirmation from everyone when they looked at Rash again.


The proceedings were quickly carried out under Mrs. Irina's supervision, and Rash was discharged within half an hour.

The young man wore a new outfit from the closet, which Irina helped him choose. Even though he's not handsome, the clothes make him much better than before. It turns out that clothes make a man, unlike what others say.

Irina put him next to little Larry. Though the little boy was giving an annoyed look, they took the toy out of his hand and Rash's unexpressive face. With both wearing similar suits, they look like two brothers.

Irina sighed happily, her eyes narrowed with the intensity of smiling like a little lady. Despite her age, she is still happy with these things. Seeing her really gives others a feeling of reassurance.

After everything was done they left together in her small and comfortable car, followed by another black and big automobile with two bodyguards. Rash noticed them since leaving the hospital, and it was the first time he saw them, two powerful abilities users.


Around noon, at Dream Residence No. 1.

In a large and luxurious living room, completely lit by the bright light of nature, the three sat on the sofa in the middle, Irina with little Larry by her side and Rash on the opposite side, as the house servant carried Rash's belongings to his room. The room he didn't see yet.

Of course, he has nothing at all, and the things were what Irina bought for him.

"Did you like the house…?" As if she was a saleswoman trying to display her merchandise, all hoping that the other person would like it.

Rash was stunned: 'House? Could this be called a house?' He couldn't understand the logic of the rich, yet he nodded like a machine, "It's cool... Thanks." How he does not. As long as he can spend his time comfortably that's all that matters. For him, even sleeping on the street was not a big problem.

"I am happy to hear that... Take it as your home and act as you wish here. My husband has been on a journey for several days, and he cannot meet you soon. Even though he is thrilled that you come here." She informed him.

Rash was a little uncomfortable with the situation, though he didn't mind Irina's actions with him. But anyone will find it difficult in the beginning, especially if the change is very large.

Even though Irina didn't leave his side and took him for a brief tour around the house, he still felt lost.

It took them quite some time, until lunchtime, and the table was filled with lots of fresh foods. The lady apparently had prepared for the order in advance, and there was a lot of movement in the house.

Fresh aromas filled the dining room, making the boy's stomach growling constantly.

The dining room consists of a large table with shiny silver legs, surrounded by seven very elegant seats, with a light blue color called by some as indigo, which resembles the color of the sky in the early hours of the day and before sunrise.

Mrs. Irina led him to sit in one of the seven chairs, while she sat beside him with little Larry on her lap. She usually fed the little baby herself and did not leave him for the nanny, except if she was very busy.

Rash noted that the seventh chair is a little different from the rest, placed in the middle, and surely it will be Mr. Geraldo's seat.

One of the maids came to serve them with food, yet Irina stopped her, "Uh... it's okay. I'll do it myself..." which made the maid politely go back into the kitchen. Of course, the lady didn't want to make the first day so difficult for Rash. And she was considerate in all situations, even the little things.

In the end, the change was too big for him, and she was a little concerned.

Irina got up and poured him some soup. She did not know how much he could eat, but seeing how thin his body was, she poured a large amount for him, "Do you think this is enough?" She asked him.

'Of course not... this will not suffice for me.' He almost answered that way, a lot of food in front of him, and he is now thinking how he will use the opportunity to eat everything.

In the end, he nodded very hard to her, "Ok…" It's good that he managed to control his feelings. Although the food is good in the hospital, the difference is very large between the two.

Irina then presented him with many other foods, the soup was just a starter, Rash had to use the appraisal skill to find out about it, <chicken> <fillet steak> <fish pie> <spaghetti> ...

"Since I don't know your preference yet, I prepared a lot of different types... You eat whatever you like and don't worry about other things." However, it did not take much, and she sat down in her place next to him.

The lady didn't eat much and looked after the little baby all the time. Feeding Larry was like a minor war. The little boy was a bit stubborn, and she had to trick him into getting him to eat.

Meanwhile, Rash could not stop eating once he placed the spoon in his mouth and tasted the various spices.

After a while, Rash felt full. He wanted more, but his stomach could no longer handle it. The quantity may have been two or more servings.

<You ate 3562 calories ~ (1/6)>

"Thanks for the food..." In an attempt to show his gratitude, his happiness was not very expensive and what Irina did, made him feel as if he was truly a king, and he would not mind even if he died this moment.

Unfortunately, happiness comes and goes quickly.

In the meantime, while Rash offers his gratitude. A girl entered the room, but she was not a servant like her attire suggested.

The look on her face was like an exploding volcano, and her eyes were like piercing arrows. She was staring at him without saying a word.

Rash first noticed her because she was in his sight, with her frigid gazes and her foot shaking constantly. Not as he cared, and that way of staring was the norm in his eyes, so he remained silent. Irina noticed her afterwards, "Oh ... you are already here, why said nothing…" She met her with a cheerful smile as usual, and she did not comment on her behavior. The madam did not want to spoil the joyous atmosphere, "Here... He's the boy I told you about, his name is Rash ..." Irina introduced him first. Then she turned to the boy to inform him as well, "This is my daughter ... Angela Haynes."