
My New World [Inspired in ORV]

It was a normal and calm world, I worked as a common waitress, until I suffered a tragic accident, but I opened my eyes again in a body that was not mine, I realized that this story had been created by me many years ago, it A new opportunity was conceived for me, but why is this happening to me?!

Numbness_Xx_Hope · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

-There are things that do not deserve to be mentioned. They may be things of the present, past or even Future. This occasion is no different.

-What do you mean?

-)-$&&"-=$@#- The words were glitched

---------------------- present ----------------------


-He grabbed the tray and took it to table 25, an order of waffles with coffee and an order of bacon and eggs with orange juice, something else?he smiled broadly.

-Nothing else miss, thank you very much.

-Okay, bon appetit." He left for another order.

----------- Later -----------

-You're leaving already Si-Won?

-A dark brown-haired girl grabbed her things.

-Do you have an umbrella?


-Too bad- she runs off with her umbrella.

-That idiot" she complained annoyed, she grabbed her jacket and put it over her head, at least that made her less wet, she started to run just seeing where she was going, luckily she knew the way by heart.


The rain fell and fell harder, making the roads a river of water that soon turned red.

Accompanied by the red and blue light of the patrol cars, shouts and voices around the red river spoke.

"Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip!"

With much effort a pale hand turned off the alarm which read 7:00 am, she got out of bed very tired, as she thought about the strange dream she had, she reached the bathroom, washed her face then looked up and saw a blurred figure in front of the mirror

-AHHHH!" the scream echoed throughout the house, two adults rushed upstairs and entered the room.

-A couple of men who claimed to be the parents approached, they also looked blurry, but the room was clear, I couldn't understand what was going on.

-I'm fine," he spoke with effort, definitely the voice reproduced was his, but because they were all blurry.

-Okay, get ready for school," that confused her even more, because she had already finished school years ago.

-------- At school --------

The girl was confused, she didn't know what was happening, her body as well as her relatives' was blurry, all the others were not, besides she was not at home, the names of the cities were different, they were a combination of other places, the customs were also different, luckily the school seemed normal, because of the defect that everyone was wearing street clothes.

-Friend!" shouted an orange-haired girl.

-Ah," she shouted surprised, "Hello," she said nervously.

-What's up?

-You surprised me.

-Let's go to class! Today it's arts!" she mentioned happily walking towards the classroom.

-Ouch," she said without much enthusiasm.

Why the long face )!&2)46- The name was distorted and a half-transparent blue screen appeared in front of Ella.

-And this?

-What?" she asked curiously.

-She realized that only she could see it when a tree leaf pierced the screen, which had a message on it.

[Welcome] [Please complete the table] [Please complete the table] [Please complete the table] [Please complete the table]

[Please fill in the table]

-Oka- She couldn't fill out the chart as she was immediately pulled by her friend to run to her classroom.

-Hurry up! We'll be late and the teacher is very strict with the timetable!

------- At recess -----

-Fill in the table?- a longer blue screen appears with the following information

[First name: ]

[Last name: ]

[Nickname: ]

[Age: 17 years old: ]

[Hair Color: ]

[ Eye Color: ]

[ Height: ]

-I seem to be designing a character- he started to fill in the table

[First name: Sin-Won ]

[ Last Name: Won ]

[Nickname: None]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Hair Color: Dark brown]

[ Eye Color: Brown ]

[Height: 1.68 m ]

[Information denied, please don't use real data, you can only use it in two blanks ]

-What? agh, I guess in name and surname it would be complicated to get used to be called otherwise-

[First name: Sin-Won ]

[Last Name: Won ]

[Nickname: None]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Hair Color: Mauve-grayish purple ]

[ Eye Color: Emerald green ]

[Height: 1.62 m ]

[Information Accepted, loading data]

Her arms began to take shape and color, they were thin and pale, her body was slender and without much chest, her neck was somewhat thick but proportionate, her nose was thin and somewhat upturned, her eyes were thin, sunken and green, her hair was wavy clutched in a ponytail, with a voluminous fringe and hair cut in layers

-Not bad," was all she said after looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, wearing a black and white plaid shirt, light blue jeans and white shoes.

[Welcome Won Sin-Won]

[I'll give you a brief explanation]

more blue screens came up but with recordings of her as a child writing and playing, drawing and telling a story.

[This is your world, you created it when you were a child, welcome to "The Divine Letters."]

-...- she laughs -hahahaha what a disgusting name- she keeps laughing -goodness, it's a good thing she never published it

[Finally you decided your avatar, please give it to start]


-Start?- press the option and immediately the sky turned red, and portals with monsters started to appear everywhere, one appeared in the bathroom and many goblins came out -But what?- many goblins jumped at her and she grabbed a broom and started to hit him-.

[The story has started, to see your profile say "open profile", if you want to open your inventory say "inventory" if you want to open the store say "store", if you want to open the skill store say "skill store" if you want-]

-YES I GET IT ALREADY SHUT UP!" he shouted, grabbed a goblin by the head and started to beat him to death in the sink.

[Congratulations! you were the first to kill a goblin with your bare hands!]

[Reward: 100 coins, 100 EXP, 15 PA]

[you have leveled up to level 2]

-Like a video game?- another goblin attacks him -Agh! I forgot there was more! -He grabbed the dead goblin's weapon and killed the other one with that weapon

[Congratulations! You are the first to use "Goblin's Burin" ]

[Congratulations! You are the first to kill a goblin with your race's weapon]

-SHUT UP!!!" she shouted angrily as she killed the goblins.

-------- 20 minutes later ------

[Congratulations you are the first to grab the "goblin club"].

[Congrats you are the first to kill 10 goblins]

[Congrats you are the first to close a dungeon break]

[Congratulations you are the first to get "goblin's tooth"]

[Congrats you are the first to kill 20 goblins in less than 30 minutes]

[Total Reward: 1200 coins, 1200 EXP, 180 PA]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You are now level 6]

[Congratulations, you are the first to pass 5 levels]

[reward: 300 coins, 250 EXP, 30 PA]

[You have leveled up to level 7]

Won Sin-Won looked pale when she saw what just happened, she couldn't believe what was happening, it was a while later and she calmed down realizing that the world will soon stop being calm.

-God there are so many "you're the first one"- she throws herself on the ground tired full of goblin blood -Open Profile- Profile opened


Name: Won Sin-Won

Age: 17 years old

Level: 7

Class: no class

HP: 3930/7000

MP: 70/70

CHA: 20

WIS: 10

INT: 12

AGI: 20

DEX: 30

STR: 37

LUCK: 10

Special Abilities:

None for now


First to kill a goblin with your bare hands.

First to get "Goblin's Burin".

First to kill a goblin with your own race's weapon

the first to get "Goblin club".

first to kill 10 goblins

the first to close a dungeon breach

the first to get "goblin tooth".

the first to kill 20 goblins in less than 30 minutes

the first to pass 5 levels


-Wow, that's a lot of achievements, my strength is already too high, dexterity, agility, blah blah blah, MP is mana isn't it, wow I'm so low on life! Shop-





*Poison = 5 PA

*Potion of strength = 10 PA

*Potion of illusion = 20 PA

*Healing potion = 5 AP

*Luck potion = 30 AP

*Quickness potion = 20 AP

*Night Vision potion = 25 PA

*invisibility potion = 15 AP

*Slowness potion = 10 PA

*Mana potion = 5 AP

*Shield potion = 10 AP

*Agility potion = 20 AP

Current PA: 225

-Cost PA? -scratches the back of his neck -since- Buy 5 healing potions, 1 invisibility, 10 mana and 2 strength.

Current PA: 120

------------ To be continued -------------------------

I Hope you all like it :D

Numbness_Xx_Hopecreators' thoughts