

Time passed and now Kaito was 6 years old. It had been 4 years since the execution of Gol D. Roger and since he ate the devil's fruit.

During that time, Kaito dedicated himself to read and to know better the skills that had given him to eat the fruit of the devil.

During these four years, several events had occurred. Kaito found out about them from the newspapers or accompanying Sengoku to meetings that allowed him to attend. When I was younger, people did not worry about listening to the conversations that took place in those meetings. But now that he was bigger, his attendance was limited.

One of the events that occurred during these four years was the escape of the golden lion Shiki from Impel Down prison. Another important event was that of the claim of Gyojin Island by Whitebeard as its territory.

And unfortunately also the destruction of Ohara occurred, although this was not known by Kaito from the newspapers, but by a conversation that I eavesdrop on between Sengoku and Tsuru.

On the other hand, Garp had taken a vacation. Kaito knew they were to find Podgas D. Rouge. The mother of Ace. In the end she died and as Roger asked Garp, he took care of Ace.

Kaito would have liked to stop Ohara's destruction, but he had no way of doing it, and he knew that his grandfather could not do much either.

During this time, Kaito met Rosinante. This happened one day that Sengoku called him and introduced him to Rosinante. Even though Kaito wanted to get along with him. This one was cold and distant.

In the end they came to speak several times, although they could not be considered friends. They got along well. Kaito felt sorry when Rosinante had to leave. Kaito knew the future that awaits Rosinante. And although I wanted to avoid it, I came to understand that it was better to let time go by and what happens to happen. It was not yet strong enough to interfere actively in this world. Nowadays.

Kaito - please, obachan -

Tsuru - I've already told you no, you're still very small -

Kaito and Tsuru were having a discussion for a few minutes, Kaito had long been asking to start training to increase their strength. But Tsuru always told him that he was still very young.

Kaito - but obachan, I already want to start training to be strong -

Tsuru - ah, what am I going to do with you? If your grandfather accepts then I will also accept -

Kaito - okay! It is a promise! -

After listening to his grandfather. Kaito ran out in the direction of his grandfather's office.

Winged step of many officers, some greeted others just let it go. They were already used to having Kaito walk around the Navy headquarters. Kaito opened the door of his grandfather's office.

Kaito - ojichan, ojichan! -

Sengoku was behind his table filling out some documents, Garp was also in the room, and the recently promoted Admiral Kuzan also known as Aokiji.

Garp - oh, but if it's my nephew, how have you been -

Garp greeted Kaito as he continued to eat rice crackers. On the other hand, Kuzan was lying on the sofa in the office and it looked like he was sleeping.

Kaito - hi Garp-jisan -

Sengoku - what did you want Kaito? Now I'm busy and I do not have much time -

His grandfather Sengoku had changed a lot since he became admiral of the fleet. His attire was more formal. And his characteristic Afro hair had disappeared behind a navy cap with a gull-shaped ornament. His character had become more serious. Even so, when he was with those people closest to him, he continued to behave as before.

Kaito - I want you to give me permission to train a fighting style !!! -

Garp - ohhh -

Sengoku - ... -

The two elders were surprised while Kuzan looked like he had not woken up even with Kaito's scream.

Sengoku - ... and what style of struggle would you like to learn? -

Kaito - mmm ... I would like to learn fencing from Momonga-jisan and also learn the rokushiki style! -

Sengoku - what ... !!! -

Sengoku was surprised by his grandson's request.

Sengoku - and how did you get to know about that fighting style? -

Kaito - I learned it from a book that Garp-jisan gave me when I turned 6 years old -


Garp - jajajajaja !!!! -

Sengoku was angry with Garp to be responsible for that situation. Meanwhile, Garp laughed when he saw Sengoku angry.

Kaito already knew this anime fighting style. But he did not have the opportunity to mention it to his grandparents. But he was lucky when the clueless Garp gave him a book where he mentioned the rokushiki fighting style, this gave Kaito an excuse to mention it to his grandparents.

Garp - hahahaha -


Garp - curse! -

Kaito saw the comical conversation of the two. Meanwhile Kuzan was still sleeping.

Kaito - what do you say ojichan, can I train? -

Sengoku - ... ahhhh, I know you well Kaito and I know you will not change your mind easily, so I agree. You will train the fencing with Momonga and you will start with the basics of the rokushiki style. When you are old enough I will send you to train with other people the Rokushiki style -

Kaito - great, thanks ojichan -

Kaito gave his grandfather a hug and then ran out of the office.

Garp - yes that Kaito has grown during these years -

Garp had an expression of nostalgia to remember Ace and also his future grandson. Garp was happy when he learned that his daughter-in-law was pregnant but he became sad when he remembered that he could not spend much time with him.

Sengoku - yes -

Kuzan - it will not take long to become a marine -

Garp - oh, Kuzan, you did not have to pretend to be asleep -

Kuzan - it is better to observe the situation while people think you are asleep -

Garp - jajajajaja, you will not change is not like that, Kuzan -

Sengoku - what will I do with you -

That same night Kaito told Tsuru that Sengoku had given him permission. Tsuru got very upset with Sengoku for giving him permission and gave a beating to Garp for giving Kaito the idea.

During the following weeks, Kaito trained with Fencing with a wooden sword with Momonga. Momonga told him that he would get his first sword when he could hit him in the body.

In addition to teaching fencing. Momonga also taught him two of the 6 styles of rokushiki, geppo and soru. There were other officers who taught him the basics of the rest of the rokushiki styles. But unlike Momonga who had a better relationship with Kaito for his years of being his caretaker on some occasions, the other officers did not put much effort into teaching Kaito, and Kaito had to improvise in his training.

After two years of training. At the age of 8, Kaito already had a decent command of fencing. I create his own style of fencing which is combined with his devil's fruit. In spite of that he always trained with a kairoseki ring on his wrist, they asked him what was the reason for that and he said that he wanted to train his body and technique first, just based on his devil fruit.

This excited his tutors, who praised his sense of hard work. Kaito came to stand out in three of the six Rokushiki styles. In spite of being still basic his dominion, he stood out in the geppo, the soru and the tekkai.

During these two years, Kaito learned about Luffy's birth. This I hear from Garp in a moment of drunkenness with his grandfather.

Currently Kaito was in the training camp, fighting against Momonga.

Kaito - ah ah ah -

Momonga - what happens Kaito, is all you know how to do? -

Momonga was standing a few feet away from Kaito, who was leaning on his wooden sword to the ground. They had been fighting for almost 20 minutes. And most of the time it was Kaito attacking and Momonga dodging and giving him the odd hit with the wooden sword.

Kaito thought he could hit him if he used the Rokushiki style, but they had agreed not to use fighting styles just fencing.

Kaito returned to attack, but once again Momonga dodged his attack and with his wooden sword hit him in the back, knocking Kaito to the ground.

Kaito - ah ah ah -

Momonga - I think it was enough for today, go to rest -

Kaito - okay, Momonga-sensei, ah ah, thanks for your time -

Kaito watched as Momonga left and left him lying on the ground catching his breath.

Kaito - (I think I'm on the right track) -

Kaito had only been training for 2 years and already showed that he had a lot of talent for combat. Sengoku and Tsuru were proud of Kaito. For his part, Kaito was happy to see how his grandparents felt proud of him.

Kaito got up from the floor and headed towards his room. He passed through Oris Square and stopped for a moment to see the army's headquarters.

He had lived in Marineford for 8 years, and had come to feel that this was his home. He began to remember the events of the future and could not help but feel a little angry about how both Whitebeard and Blackbeard almost destroyed the island.

While he continued to watch, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

??? - Hey, what a little boy does here -

Kaito heard a female voice and when he was about to tell him that he was not a small child, he turned around and saw her. A young girl about 16 years old, with a slim body and breasts that are already quite big for her age, with thin hips and a big butt. With a light skin tone and brown eyes. Although her most striking feature was her long pink hair.

??? - Hey, boy, I asked you a question that you ask here, this is not an area for civilians, much less for a child -

Kaito did not pay attention to his words simply stared at her. He recognized her after seeing her. She was one of the most beautiful female marines there was. She was future captain Hina.

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