
My New Life In Multiverse

Author: Hello everyone. Just like I promised everyone I am here with my new Fanfic. Read, Like, Comment, Drop some power stones. Add it to your library I don't own any novels. this is only my fanfic. Pardon my grammar mistakes and other things. I have been inspired by A Cliché Multiverse story, Godly Ascension(Origin), Dungeon System Within DanMachi & Life in DXD. This story is created by mixing ideas from many fanfic novels I have read online. So if you guys find some scenes from or lines from other fanfic novels then they are from them This novel is for me to make my English flawless. A man died in an accident and meet A beautiful lady and had a chance to live a new life and travel through the multiverse. Please read the story, if like then comment and share and recommend other The chapter will be updated after a week or so since I am still creating a character of MC and his first world.

Moon_Light_1126 · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

10: Goodbye Miyano Shiho & Operation

10: Goodbye Miyano Shiho & Operation

Mamako woke up when it was already 6 am while Seiya was dead asleep because of yesterday's sexual activity, he nearly tried every position with Mamako & Annessa, so now he dreamed off so his mental activity is temporarily offline.

Mamako stared at Seiya's sleeping face which was so cute and handsome as she felt that she needed to do something. She slipped his shirt a little as she slowly went to his shoulder while taking a love bite out of it. She was doing this to mark him as her territory even though she had a feeling that Seiya will not be hers alone.

After that she kissed him on the lips as she went to where her clothes were placed, while she was dressing up, her phone began to tremble as someone was calling. She accepted the call as she heard.

"Port, How is the mission?"

"Rum? The mission is already finished, the old geezer hid some of the files."

"| see, where are you now?"

''I'm here, inside Seiya's hotel room..."

"The boss's grandson? I see, I received a message from Gin that the little girl from the Miyano Family wanted to visit him before leaving today."

"Hmmn? Miyano Shiho?"

"Yes, If I remember correctly Boss's grandson is the youngest doctor. This is quite amazing but sadly the boss doesn't want him to know anything for now.

Just check the parameters as we recently intercepted a secret message from MI6 that some agents would be coming to investigate."

"I see."

Mamako's eyebrow furrowed as she felt a dangerous rival coming, She ignored the so-called MI6 agents since they were in American Territory.

MI6 operating without permission inside America will have consequences.


With Miyano Shiho

Miyano Shiho was surprised when Gin allowed her to see Seiya one last time before moving.

She is very vigilant to Gin who freaking shot someone in front of her after making one mistake.

So when it was 6:30 am, they arrived at the hotel where Miyano Shiho was feeling nervous. Gin and Vodka waited for her in the lobby. She walked out of the elevator and saw Mamako who was waiting in front of Seiya's room. She asks.

"What are you doing here? Port.."

"Nothing, just want to see the sleeping youngest doctor. It seems that little Miyano is in love~.."

Mamako couldn't help but tease Miyano Shiho while she carefully grabbed her cheeks, which made the latter tremble but she walked in through the door which was opened by Mamako.

When she saw Seiya sleeping loud and safely, she was relieved. She couldn't help but move closer and touch his cheek which made his eyebrow move a little as he unconsciously tried to grab the hand that was touching him and pulled her onto the bed.

Miyano Shiho nearly screamed but held back as she put a hand in front of her mouth.

Seiya was currently holding her petite loli body as his hot breath could be felt by Shiho's ear, she couldn't help but turn red while Mamako who was seeing the scene felt uncomfortable but remembered what happened yesterday made her feel better.

Miyano Shiho slowly slips down from the bed as Seiya's hand behind her back was loosened, She sigh in relief then she stood up and walks toward the table where she saw a letter and a folder on the table.

The letter has her name on it which means these two things were going to be given to her when he meets her today but sadly, time wasn't enough. She took the two things and gave Seiya a goodbye kiss before walking away.

Mamako silently closes the door as they walk to the elevator. She asks Shiho.

"Aren't you going to read the letter?"


She hid the letter into her bag since Mamako would probably be going to take it away from her and read it out loud. She is very annoyed when facing Mamako in the organization.

Since in Shiho's perspective, Mamako is like a split personality. Mamako or Port would sometimes be expressionless or sometimes more like a big sister that still kills people with a smile, she doesn't want to get close to such a dangerous woman.

They didn't know that Seiya was awake the moment Miyano Shiho touched his cheek, he couldn't help but put his face into the pillow as he muttered. '

'I can't believe she likes me!!, I feel like I am in heaven..."

Seiya has just banged his caretaker while another girl who likes him secretly invaded his room, he began to pray to hope that in the future they would be more in a harmonic relationship.

Since he doesn't want to create a messy relationship, after thinking a few minutes about it. He thinks that being honest is a more short-term pain rather than lying which would create a long-term one so he calmed down as he started to go to the bathroom and take a hot shower, he removed his shirt as he looked into the mirror bathroom.

Seiya saw his 6 pack had turned into 8 packs while he could feel all of his muscles were full of explosive power, he could imagine him smashing through piercing concrete with just his bare fist.

He took a hot shower before arranging his luggage since he saw Mamako's text about going out on a business trip again. Seiya planned to continue on his trip which would last for a year before settling down temporarily for four years into a famous hospital since to take the Psychiatrist License Exam you need to have at least 4 years of work as a medical doctor that specializes in a major department.

Seiya walks down to the hotel's buffet and sees Kudo Yusaku with his wife and the Protagonist of the Anime, Kudo Shinichi when he is 9 years old.

Kudo Yusaku waives his hand to greet Seiya in which he also waives back before grabbing four empty plates.

He felt very hungry after doing such intense night activity yesterday so today he grabs no veggies but all meat such as Bacon, Sausages, Ham, Patties, and Turkey slices. Kudo Shinichi who is still a kid curiously asks.

"Can this big brother finish it?"

"He can, He probably finished a research paper yesterday so he needs more energy."

"Who is he?" —Kudo Yukiko asked

"He is Seiya Karasuma, the youngest person to acquire a medical doctor license. He should be at least 3-years-older than Shinichi"

"But he looks like 18." -Kudo Yukiko

"Appearance can be deceiving but he is indeed only 12 years old. I saw his birth date in his I.D and Passport."

"Look shin—chan, he is only 3 years older than you but has already finished college. "-Kudo Yukiko


The 9-year-old Kudo Shinichi touches his chin as he thinks of something while staring at Seiya who was walking towards them, Seiya asks.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing, just want to make you a role model for Shin-chan, Hi I'm Kudo Yukiko. Yusaku's wife."

Yukiko shakes hands with Seiya as he says in a surprised tone.

"Ah, aren't you the famous actress Ms. Yukiko?"

"I am."

Kudo Yukiko was proud but also feeling surprised as she felt attracted to trying to hold his hand.

Seiya removed his hand which made Yukiko feel a little lost but her actress occupation made her act like everything is normal, Seiya spoke while moving his hand toward Shinichi.

''It is a pleasure to meet you and this little brother is?"

"My name is Edo*cough* Kudo Shinichi! I am 9 years old!"

"It is nice to meet you Shin-chan."

He shakes hands with little Shinichi, then he begins eating in an etiquette manner. Yukiko and Shinichi couldn't believe that he could finish everything so they stared at him which made him embarrassed as he said while touching his head.

"Can you please not stare at me, it is making me think that I'm a zoo animal."

''I'm sorry, it's just that this is the first time we can see someone who can eat a lot." —Yukiko

"Big Brother, wouldn't your tummy ache for eating too much?"—Shinichi

"No, because I consumed too much energy yesterday so I have to replenish it."

"Are you trying to create a research paper?" —Yusaku

"Ah, something like that..." —Seiya was a bit embarrassed to speak of the matter.

Yusaku was about to ask what he was trying to research but suddenly the building trembled as a huge explosion happened on top of the hotel. The staff shouted to the people inside the buffet.



"Mom, what is happening?" —Shinichi

''I don't know Shin-chan." —Yukiko feeling scared

"Let's just follow the protocol of the hotel." —Yusaku with a solemn expression

"That is a good plan."

Seiya spoke while eating as he remained calm, everyone stood up while he carried two of his plates full of meat in his left hand while a beverage of cola in his right hand. Kudo Yusaku couldn't help but talk with a smiley face to calm the people beside them.

''It looks like you're still hungry."

''Indeed, I am very hungry after yesterday."

Seiya felt that this matter was not too dangerous because he has been into dangerous situations where a life is on the line, he has operated on more than 200 patients that range from minor injuries to lethal injuries.

So remaining calm has always been his passive emotion. It was unknown whether the bombing that happened was caused by the Black Organization or M16 or another Agency, but one thing that Seiya is sure about is that he is still very hungry...

When they were about to reach the doorway of the hotel, Seiya and some people suddenly heard a phone-like bomb sound. He shouted at the people near the doorway.


He was interrupted as the bomb on top of the doorway exploded and ceiling debris block the entrance, some unlucky people were crushed into meat paste which made

Yukiko covered Shinichi's eyes as she said in a panic tone.

"Shinichi! Don't look."

Shinichi trembled as this was the first time he countered such an incident, Seiya put the empty plate as he used the water in the glass cup to clean his hands.

He then grabs the collar of a stunned staff and asks.

"|is there any exit inside the building rather than the entrance?"

"Yes, the kitchen of the buffet should have a way out!!"

Yukiko carried Shinichi onto her arms while Yusaku held Yukiko tightly, who knew that Seiya would just take out the peanut butter and jelly sandwich from his handbag in which he secretly hid after making them in the buffet and start eating again.

Mary who was injured was also in the survivor group and saw this action which made her speechless, she couldn't help but think.

'This glutton...'

"All right, let's go!"

Even the remaining survivors couldn't help but look at him funny, his serious expression while eating a fudging peanut butter and jelly sandwich even though their lives could be in danger at any time. But seeing that someone was willing to take the lead, they felt a little bit better and safe as they followed the staff. Seiya at this moment took another sandwich but it was bacon and eggs. He offered it to Mary who was beside him as he asked.


"I see.."

So he took it back and ask little Shinichi who was behind him if he wanted, in which the little boy's stomach growled so Seiya gave him the bacon and egg

sandwich before taking out another one.

Yusaku couldn't help but ask. "Don't tell me that there are still sandwiches in that bag?"

"There are, I have at least 3 more for an emergency while also a medical kit. Speaking of which you are injured, do you need medical aid? I'm a professional doctor."

"No, I'm go*ugh*"

Mary couldn't help but hold her bleeding arm, she got shot by gin twice. One was from yesterday, it was grazing on the shoulder and today a bullet got stuck inside her arm.

Seiya couldn't help but finish the bacon and egg sandwich in one second and support Mary in which she was going to push Seiya away but the little sweet smell that came from Seiya was smelled by Mary's nose, as her body stopped and became more cooperative.

Mary's mind was like.

'How could I be cooperative? Wait What am I thinking?'

Seiya didn't know the inner conflict of Mary as he tried to check the bleeding, he could feel that the bullet was stuck in the deltoid muscle in which was a serious problem if he could not take it off after 5 hours so he took his handkerchief and ask Mary to put pressure on the wound as he will personally do the operation to take the bullet out when they reach the hospital.

Mary, who could feel the sting of the bullet inside her muscle, just nodded. It was a few minutes later when they were about to reach the kitchen exit way, suddenly.


The staff and some people in front of them were smashed to death, the surviving girls screamed as they fell. The remaining survivors except for Seiya, Yusaku, and Mary couldn't help but feel that they are going to die here.

Seiya spoke in a solemn tone.

"Calm Down! It is not yet the end of the world! remember we can go to the second-floor parking lot, they have an open window there."

Hearing Seiya's responsible statement, Their despaired eyes suddenly gain a little bit of hope. Seiya held mary's shoulder tightly without noticing her reddish face, she was sniffing down his smell as they got closer in the dark.

The lights had already turned off at the time when the kitchen's ceiling fell. So Seiya took out 2 of his emergency flashlights and gave one to Yusaku as he said.

"Follow me, I know the way to the 2nd-floor parking lot."

Mary's thoughts were conflicted.

'What are you doing Mary?! You have 3 children and a husband! Get yourself together.'

''I can move on my own."

Mary spoke in a whisper voice without knowing that she was feeling a little bit lost. Seiya nodded as he carefully let her go while he moved forward. She thinks that she is crazy as she felt weird for being comfortable just by being with this strange boy, she didn't know what was wrong with her today.

They used the exit staircase to go up the second floor where they could see their window of opportunity to escape. Seiya moved faster as he checked the safest area for them to land, he waved his hand as the firefighter who was near outside noticed them.

One of the firefighters shouted. "LOOK! SURVIVORS! HANG ON WE'RE BRINGING A LADDER!!"

The survivors were relieved as it took a few minutes before they could arrange a ladder and an inflatable slide for them. Yukiko holding little Shinichi slides down first then the other females next is Mary before Seiya then Yusaku and then the other remaining survivors.

Seiya immediately helped Mary get on an ambulance as he showed his Medical Licenses I.D. which allows him to do an emergency operation, when they were inside the ambulance he said as he held an anesthetic liquid that he keeps in his medical kit.

"Pardon me, this simple operation will sting for a while."

Mary nodded as she closed her eyes when Seiya began her bullet removal operation, he used cotton to spread the anesthetic liquid onto the skin then waited for a few seconds before using a scalpel to widen the bullet hole a little bit, He then grabs a surgical tong as he saw the back of the bullet.

He looks at Mary who was gritting her teeth before saying.

''I'm going to start removing the bullet, bear with it."

"I Se*Hugh*"

She couldn't help but groan as Seiya straightforwardly took out the bullet then instantly began suturing the bullet hole which took 30 seconds, he can apply betadine onto the graze wound and said with a smile.

"The bullet operation is finished, the wound will heal after a month or so. Do you want me to prescribe you some pain killer ointments?"

"No need, am I allowed to walk now?"

"Yes, you can."

"Thank you."

Mary thanked Seiya before walking away from the scene. Seiya couldn't help but feel relieved that he didn't leave his passport and other important stuff in his luggage but his handbag. He then grabbed his handbag and opened it to grab a bottle of water, he poured it into his hand as he went out of the ambulance.

After drying his hand with his second handkerchief. He grabs a patty sandwich from his handbag and eats it, Yusaku who was walking towards him and was about to say thank you to Seiya felt speechless as asking.

"You're still hungry?"

"I just had a bullet removal operation, of course, I am hungry."

"Anyway, Thank you Seiya—Kun for saving us."

"You're welcome. *Munch!*"

"What's your plan now?"

"Still on a road trip, it's just sad that some books I borrowed and clothes are probably hard to recover. Luckily! kept all the important things in my handbag. How about you guys?"

"We were planning to go to Hawaii but we will be delayed for a week I guess.''

''I see, anyway I will go now since Time doesn't wait for anyone. I hope to see you again Mr. Kudo."

''I hope to see you again Seiya—Kun."

They shook hands before Seiya left and went to the road and waved his hand to the nearest taxi, his next plan was to find another hotel that is close to a baseball game... He never tried going to a game before so he wants to see if it is interesting as his classmate said before.

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