
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

chapter 47: me and issei on a mission pt 2

The clash of energies reverberated through the air as Issei's Dragon Soul Ascendance and my Celestial Aura intertwined, creating a symphony of power that echoed in the desolate space. The celestial light from my aura blended seamlessly with the fiery brilliance emanating from Issei's cultivation technique.

As Issei unleashed the full might of his Dragon Soul Ascendance, crimson energy enveloped him, and the majestic presence of a dragon seemed to materialize around him. Scales of ethereal fire adorned his form, and his eyes gleamed with the ferocity of a true dragon. The aura of raw power exuding from him was palpable, shaking the very foundation of the battleground.

Simultaneously, my Celestial Aura manifested in a cascade of golden radiance, intertwining with the crimson hues of Issei's technique. Avenger's Edge pulsed with celestial energy, its ethereal glow complementing the fiery display from Dragon Soul Ascendance. Together, our powers created a dazzling display that illuminated the darkened space around us.

The fallen angels, under Azrael's command, hesitated for a moment, clearly taken aback by the surge of power before them. Seizing the opportunity, Issei and I advanced with unwavering resolve.

Issei unleashed a torrent of dragonic flames, the very essence of his Dragon Soul Ascendance, incinerating any fallen angel foolish enough to stand in his way. The fiery onslaught left nothing but ashes in its wake, clearing a path for our relentless pursuit of Azrael.

My Celestial Aura, a manifestation of cosmic forces, wove seamlessly with Avenger's Edge. Each swing of the celestial-infused blade carved through the malevolent horde, dispelling the darkness that sought to envelop us. The harmonious blend of our powers formed a formidable synergy, leaving no room for the fallen angels to regroup.

Azrael, witnessing the intensity of our coordinated assault, began to realize that his reign of darkness was reaching its inevitable end. The fallen angels, once confident in their malevolent leader, now faced the relentless onslaught of justice personified.

As Issei and I continued our synchronized assault, a surge of determination welled within. The battle wasn't just a clash of powers; it was a testament to our unwavering commitment to vanquish evil and uphold justice. The celestial and draconic energies resonated, echoing our shared resolve to bring an end to Azrael's reign of terror.

The battleground became a canvas of radiant energies, a testament to the alliance forged between the celestial and the draconic. In the face of such overwhelming unity, Azrael's malevolent grin began to falter, replaced by a growing desperation as the tides of battle turned decisively against him.

Azrael's wings unfurled with a resounding sweep, creating a gust of wind that echoed the intensity of our clash. In his hands materialized two ethereal light swords, radiating with an ominous glow that hinted at the dark power he wielded. The battlefield became a stage for our epic confrontation, and the air crackled with the anticipation of an extraordinary duel.

As Azrael lunged forward with a swift, calculated motion, his light swords arcing through the air, I deftly evaded the deadly strikes with nimble footwork. Avenger's Edge became an extension of my will, parrying each of Azrael's attacks with precision and finesse. The celestial blade clashed against the radiant light swords, creating sparks that illuminated the shadowy battlefield.

Issei, fully immersed in his Dragon Soul Ascendance, circled around Azrael, seeking an opening to unleash the formidable power of his draconic essence. The clash of energies between Azrael's dark prowess and Issei's dragonic might intensified, creating a dynamic dance of opposing forces that played out in the midst of our battle.

Azrael's movements were fluid and unpredictable, a testament to his mastery of the dark arts. He seamlessly transitioned between offensive strikes and defensive maneuvers, making it challenging for both Issei and me to gain the upper hand. The ethereal light swords left trails of darkness in their wake, cutting through the air with a malevolent grace.

I channeled the celestial energy within me, imbuing Avenger's Edge with intensified brilliance. With a powerful swing, I aimed to disrupt Azrael's rhythm and create an opening for Issei's decisive strike. The clash of our respective powers created shockwaves that reverberated through the battlefield, leaving an indelible mark on the very fabric of the space we fought in.

Issei seized the opportune moment, unleashing a torrent of dragonic flames that engulfed Azrael. The intense heat and ethereal fire intertwined, creating a spectacular display that illuminated the battlefield in a fiery cascade. As the flames subsided, Azrael emerged, seemingly unscathed, his dark aura pulsating with renewed vigor.

Undeterred, we pressed on, the battle reaching new heights of intensity. Azrael's malevolence clashed against our unyielding determination, each strike and counterstrike pushing the boundaries of our strength. The fate of the battle hung in the balance, an intricate dance of celestial, draconic, and dark energies playing out in a symphony of conflict.

The atmosphere crackled with fiery intensity as Issei and I synchronized our movements, unleashing the Inferno Lotus Fist in unison. The air around us shimmered with heat as searing flames erupted from our fists, forming a blazing vortex that surged toward Azrael. The sheer intensity of the inferno created a wall of scorching heat, painting the battlefield in hues of crimson and gold.

Azrael, recognizing the impending danger, summoned his dark wings, creating a barrier of shadowy energy to shield against the onslaught. The clash between the scorching inferno and the shadowy barrier produced dazzling displays of light and darkness, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

Issei and I pressed on, pouring our collective strength into the Inferno Lotus Fist. The flames danced with ethereal grace, intertwining and converging upon Azrael's defenses. Despite the intensity of our combined assault, Azrael remained steadfast, his wings absorbing the brunt of the inferno's force.

Undeterred, Issei infused his Dragon Soul Ascendance with the Inferno Lotus Fist, enhancing the flames with draconic energy. The fusion of celestial fire and draconic power intensified the attack, causing the shadows to waver under the onslaught. Azrael, realizing the potency of our combined technique, focused on reinforcing his defenses.

The battlefield became a canvas of elemental chaos, with celestial flames clashing against the shadows of Azrael's barrier. Each punch resonated with the raw power of infernos and dragonic might, shaking the very foundations of the battleground. As the intensity reached its peak, I channeled celestial energy into Avenger's Edge, imbuing the flames with an otherworldly luminosity.

The celestial fire, now radiant with celestial energy, surged forward, momentarily overwhelming Azrael's defenses. The shadows quivered, revealing the strain on his dark wings. Issei seized the opportunity, launching a barrage of precise strikes that exploited the weakened barrier.

Azrael, sensing the impending defeat, unleashed a final surge of dark energy, pushing back against the relentless assault. The clash of celestial and dark forces reached a crescendo, leaving the battlefield in a momentary standstill. As the flames subsided and the shadows dispersed, the fate of the battle hung in the balance.

In the aftermath, Issei and I stood resolute, breathing heavily from the exertion. Azrael, though battered, revealed a wicked grin, hinting at the malevolence that still lingered within him. The battlefield, scarred by the clash of supernatural forces, bore witness to the complexities of celestial, draconic, and dark energies colliding in a dazzling symphony of power.

Azrael's twisted satisfaction echoed through his mad grin as he stood amidst the aftermath of our intense battle. The resonance of his roaring proclamation filled the air, creating an eerie symphony that mingled with the lingering echoes of celestial flames and draconic energy.

His wings, though battered, retained an ominous presence as they flickered with residual dark energy. The madness in his eyes spoke volumes about the chaotic delight he derived from our clash, reveling in the chaotic dance of celestial, draconic, and dark forces that had unfolded on the battlefield.

Issei and I exchanged a glance, recognizing the gravity of the encounter with this fallen angel. Despite the mad satisfaction etched on Azrael's face, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air—a testament to the deep-seated malevolence that defined him.

As the echoes of our roars subsided, the battlefield bore the scars of our intense confrontation. The scorched ground and wavering shadows attested to the clash of elemental energies that had unfolded moments ago. The surreal blend of celestial fire and draconic might still hung in the air, a testament to the raw power that had coursed through the battlefield.

Azrael, seemingly unfazed by the damage inflicted upon him, chuckled with a hint of madness.

Azrael:Ah, the sweet taste of chaos. This battle has been a delight, a canvas painted with the hues of your formidable powers. Truly, an experience to savor.

Issei tightened his grip on his sacred gear, eyeing Azrael warily.

Issei:What's your game, fallen angel? Why revel in chaos and madness?

Azrael's grin widened, revealing a profound madness that mirrored the darkness within him.

Azrael'Game? Oh, my dear adversaries, the pursuit of chaos is its own reward. The unpredictability, the sheer ecstasy of letting go and embracing the chaos within—therein lies the true essence of power.

His words hung in the air, resonating with a twisted philosophy that bordered on the brink of insanity. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Issei and I prepared for whatever might unfold next in this enigmatic encounter with Azrael, the fallen angel who found pleasure in the chaotic symphony of supernatural clashes.

Azrael's movements accelerated, becoming a blur of dark energy as he weaved through the battlefield with preternatural speed. His light swords sliced through the air, leaving streaks of ominous radiance in their wake. Issei and I, though battle-hardened, found ourselves pushed to the limits by the relentless onslaught.

Issei summoned the power of Dragon Soul Ascendance, the crimson aura enveloping him like an ethereal shield. With each strike, he countered Azrael's attacks, the clash of draconic and dark energies resonating through the battlefield.

I focused my celestial aura, enhancing the speed and precision of my movements. Avenger's Edge danced in my hands as I sought openings in Azrael's onslaught. The celestial flames that surrounded me intensified, creating an intricate dance of fire and light.

Azrael's laughter echoed through the chaos as he reveled in the challenge we presented. His wings, tattered but still formidable, carried him through the air with a grace that defied the damage inflicted upon him. The battle became a symphony of clashes, each strike reverberating with the intensity of our respective powers.

The ground beneath us bore witness to the kinetic energy of our combat, marked by craters and scorched earth. Azrael's light swords clashed with Issei's Dragon Shot, creating bursts of energy that illuminated the battlefield in fleeting bursts of radiance.

As Azrael closed in, I unleashed the Inferno Lotus Fist, flames erupting in a spiraling torrent. The celestial fire met the dark aura emanating from Azrael, creating a clash of elemental forces that sent shockwaves through the surroundings. The very fabric of the battlefield seemed to shudder under the strain of our conflict.

Yet, Azrael persisted in his relentless assault, his dark laughter intertwining with the sounds of combat. The intensity of our clash reached a crescendo, a chaotic ballet of celestial flames, draconic power, and dark energy, each participant vying for supremacy in the tumultuous dance of battle.

The tide of battle had turned against us, wounds marking the canvas of our bodies as we struggled to withstand Azrael's relentless assault. Issei's crimson aura flickered, a testament to the toll exacted by each clash. My celestial flames waned momentarily, a sign that even the potent energies within me were not impervious to the intensity of the confrontation.

Azrael, sensing our weariness, pressed his advantage. His light swords danced with malevolent grace, striking at our defenses with precision. Issei gritted his teeth, the Dragon Soul Ascendance's glow dimming as he exerted himself to the limit. I, too, felt the strain of maintaining the celestial aura, a burning reminder of the formidable adversary we faced.

The battlefield echoed with the sounds of strained breaths and the impact of clashing powers. Our movements, once fluid and coordinated, began to show signs of fatigue. Azrael, however, remained an unyielding force, his mad grin widening with each successful strike.

Issei unleashed the Tempest Slicer, a desperate attempt to regain control of the battle. Blades of draconic energy sliced through the air, but Azrael skillfully dodged and parried, his wings serving as both shield and weapon. The encounter left Issei more exposed, and Azrael exploited the opening, delivering a series of devastating blows.

I countered with the Frost Gale Slash, seeking to create a buffer between Azrael and Issei. The freezing winds swept through the battlefield, momentarily slowing Azrael's advance. However, his determination was unyielding, and with a burst of dark energy, he shattered the icy barrier and resumed his relentless assault.

Wounds adorned our bodies like macabre trophies, testament to the price we paid for challenging Azrael. The battlefield, once pristine, now bore the scars of our struggle. Yet, amid the chaos, the unwavering resolve in Issei's eyes and the determination within me spoke of a tenacity that refused to succumb to despair.

As Azrael continued his onslaught, we gathered the remnants of our strength, each strike fueled by the burning desire to overcome this formidable adversary. The battle raged on, a symphony of clashes and echoes that resonated through the very essence of the tumultuous battlefield.

Azrael's sinister laughter echoed through the desolate battlefield as he looked down upon Issei and me with contempt.

Azrael:is this the best Azazel could send?

he sneered, eyes narrowing with disdain.

Azrael:A pair of weaklings, hoping to challenge me? Pathetic.

Issei clenched his fists, a fiery determination burning in his eyes.

Issei:You talk a lot for someone about to lose

he retorted.

Azrael laughed again, a twisted grin forming on his face.

Azrael:Lose? You two are nothing but insects before me. Your feeble attempts at resistance are almost entertaining.

I raised Avenger's Edge, my celestial aura pulsating in response to his mockery. "Words won't save you when justice prevails," I declared.

Azrael chuckled condescendingly.

Azrael:justice? Such naivety. You'll understand your place soon enough, weaklings.

His insults fueled the fire within us, transforming his words into the catalyst for a powerful counterattack.

Issei smirked as our powers surged, creating a dazzling display that outshone my golden purplish aura and issei's crimson one my power was several leagues above his Azrael's malevolent aura.

Azrael:Weren't we weaker ?

Azrael questioned, surprise evident in his voice.

Issei:Nah, bro

Issei chuckled.

Issei:We were just testing our durability and syncing our abilities when weakened. You know, in case we face someone with the ability to do that you actually think you're stronger than us

Azrael's arrogance wavered for a moment, replaced by a hint of uncertainty.

Azazel:you think a little stunt will save you?

I grinned, the celestial energy resonating within me.

Kousei:it's understanding each other's strengths and compensating for weaknesses. That's the essence of teamwork.

Issei joined in

Issei:And you, Azrael, are about to witness the true power of teamwork.

Our unified energy intensified, creating a radiant surge that overwhelmed the battlefield. The tables were turning, and Azrael's confident facade began to crumble in the face of our newfound strength.