
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

chapter 46: me and issei on a mission pt 1

As I observed Issei engaged in conversation with Muryama, a peculiar mix of emotions stirred within me. It was undeniable that they had grown closer, their connection evolving into something beyond mere camaraderie. A subtle pang of emptiness tugged at my core.

Issei and I, we had shared countless moments, faced challenges together, and stood side by side in our pursuit of strength. However, as Akeno embarked on her high school journey, the dynamics seemed to shift, leaving me with a sense of solitude.

The familiar halls of middle school, once echoing with our shared laughter and banter, felt different now. Akeno's absence left a void, a gap in the trio that had become an inseparable unit. It wasn't a feeling of resentment or jealousy; rather, it was the recognition that things were changing, evolving.

I took a moment to reflect on the nature of our relationships. Akeno, now navigating the complexities of high school, had her own path to tread. Issei, too, found solace and companionship with Muryama, and I couldn't deny them the happiness they discovered in each other.

Yet, as I stood there, a subtle ache lingered. Akeno had become an integral part of my life, a source of inspiration and happiness. The thought of her finding new connections and forging her own path brought a mixture of pride and yearning.

It was a reminder that even in the supernatural realm, where time seemed to stretch and warp, change was inevitable. As Akeno embraced the challenges and opportunities high school presented, I knew our dynamics would shift, and it was up to me to navigate this new phase with grace.

The solitude I felt wasn't a burden but a testament to the depth of our connections. I vowed to support Akeno in her endeavors and find new ways to strengthen the bonds that tied us together, even as the currents of change swept through middle school

Katase looked at me with a concerned expression, her eyes filled with a mix of empathy and curiosity.

Katase: is everything okay, Kousei? You seem a bit off today.

I sighed, contemplating how to articulate the peculiar blend of emotions swirling within me.

Katase:It's just... Akeno started high school today, and it feels different without her around. We've been through so much together, and now that she's on a new journey, I can't help but feel a bit, well, empty.

Katase nodded in understanding, her supportive demeanor offering a comforting presence.

Katase:Change can be tough, especially when it involves someone close to you. But remember, Kousei, friendships and bonds endure, even in the face of change. Akeno might be on a new path, but the connection you share remains strong.

Her words resonated with a soothing effect, prompting me to open up further.

Kousei!you're right, Katase. It's just an adjustment, I suppose. I want Akeno to flourish and enjoy high school, but I can't deny that I miss having her by my side.

Katase smiled warmly.

Katase:It's completely natural to feel that way. And who knows, you might discover new connections and experiences here at Middle School it is our last year. Change often brings unexpected opportunities.

As we continued our conversation, Katase shared anecdotes of her own experiences with adapting to new situations. Her insights and genuine empathy provided a sense of reassurance, reminding me that, even in the midst of change, there were friends and allies to lean on.

Katase and I found ourselves chatting in the school courtyard during a brief break. The midday sun cast a warm glow on the campus as we leaned against the edge of a flowerbed, sharing a casual conversation.

Katase:kousei, it's nice to take a break from the daily grind, don't you think?

Katase remarked, adjusting her backpack.

I nodded, appreciating the change of pace.

Kousei:Absolutely. It feels good to unwind for a bit. So, any exciting plans for the weekend?"

Katase chuckled.

Katase:Not really, just catching up on some homework. You?

Kousei:Same here, maybe squeeze in some reading

I replied.

The conversation smoothly transitioned from weekend plans to more lighthearted topics. We discussed favorite subjects, swapped amusing anecdotes from class, and even shared a few laughs about the quirks of our teachers.

Katase:By the way, Kousei, have you ever thought about joining any school clubs when we get to highschool

Katase asked, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

I considered her question.

Kousei:Well, I've thought about it, but my schedule can get a bit unpredictable.

She nodded understandingly.

Katase:fair enough. I heard there's a new book club starting up there Maybe you'd be interested soon we only have a few months left ya know

A genuine smile formed on my face.

Kousei:Actually, that sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks for the heads-up, Katase.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of our break, we exchanged friendly goodbyes, promising to catch up again. The school routine resumed, but the brief interlude with Katase added a touch of camaraderie to the ordinary school day.


Akeno's first person view

Why do I suddenly feel someone is after my Kousei, I sensed a very strong sense of intense jealousy, I'll wait till i see him again just because I'm not there doesn't give him the right to talk to another girl

Kouseis first person view

School was over me and issei were going home until I received a text from Azazel it has been a few months since I've introduced issei to Azazel well I had to stop him from actually experimenting on him

Azazel took another sip of his sake, eyeing me with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Azazel:Well, Kousei, you've certainly managed to rejuvenate quite impressively. Remind me to borrow your method for a weekend getaway sometime.

He said admiring a youthful face

I chuckled, the atmosphere lightening as Issei laughed at Azazel's comment.

Kousei:Sure thing, Azazel. Maybe we'll start a new trend in supernatural spa treatments.

Azazel shifted his focus to the task at hand, his expression growing serious.

Azazel:Now, on to business. I've got a mission for you two. We've identified a fallen angel criminal causing havoc in the human world. I need you to take him down.

Issei raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued.

Issei:Any specific details? And are we talking about a capture mission or a takedown?

Azazel handed us a picture, the fallen angel's face scowling back at us.

Azazel:His name is Azrael. He's been involved in numerous illicit activities, and we've received reports of him causing trouble in your territory. I want you to neutralize the threat, and if it comes to it, you have the authority to eliminate him.

I studied the picture, committing Azrael's features to memory.

Kousei:Understood, Azazel. We'll take care of it.

Issei nodded in agreement.

Issei:Consider it done. Anything else we should know?

Azazel leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Azazel:Azrael is cunning and powerful. Don't underestimate him. And remember, this mission is essential for maintaining the balance in the human world. Make sure to work together, and don't hesitate to not hold back you two

We discussed the details of the mission further, Azazel providing insights into Azrael's known abilities and potential hiding spots.


Issei glanced around the dimly lit, eerie building, a shiver running down his spine.

Issei:This place gives me the creeps

he uttered.

I nodded, acknowledging the unsettling atmosphere. The air seemed heavy with an otherworldly presence, and the shadows danced ominously.

Kousei: more creepier than coming home to see Mom and Dad doing it in the couch where we play videogames and occasionally napped

I joked but nothing but horror and disgust was in my eyes

Issei suddenly had the urge to puke and he did

I had to use soap to wash my eyes and I could still see it until the day I die that would be the most traumatizing thing I have ever seen

The silence was broken only by our cautious footsteps as we delved deeper into the unknown. The anticipation hung thick in the air, and the ominous ambiance intensified with each passing moment.

As the light spears closed in, Issei and I jumped back in perfect synchrony, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectiles. A group of fallen angels materialized before us, their wings tainted with malevolence.

Issei summoned his sacred gear, and a surge of intense crimson qi aura enveloped him. The power of the Boosted Gear emanated, pulsating with fiery energy. Across from him, I held Avengers Edge tightly, the golden aura surrounding me reflecting the divine power within.

The fallen angels, their eyes filled with malice, unleashed another barrage of light spears. Issei swiftly countered, his Boosted Gear releasing a torrent of fiery projectiles that collided with the celestial onslaught.The clash of energies created dazzling explosions, casting a surreal glow throughout the desolate surroundings.

I lunged forward, Avengers Edge slashing through the air with precision. The purple blade met the malevolent wings of the fallen angels, each strike resonating with divine force. Issei, in a blazing display of strength, charged into the midst of the celestial foes, delivering powerful punches and kicks amplified by the Boosted Gear and qi

The battlefield became a chaotic dance of celestial powers and sacred gears. Issei's crimson aura clashed with the fallen angels' radiant energy, creating a spectacle of contrasting hues. I weaved through the celestial onslaught, my golden aura leaving trails of brilliance as Avengers Edge cut through the malevolent forces.

As the battle raged on, the fallen angels intensified their assault. Issei unleashed his signature move, the "soul draining fangs ," sending a concentrated burst of crimson fang like energy that didn't just drain the life force of the opponents it obliterated several of them. Simultaneously, I invoked the frost gale slash with its frost aura the fallen angels turned to ice before shattering to pieces

Sub zero would definitely be proud if he saw this

The clash continued, a symphony of celestial power and sacred gear prowess echoing through the once-silent halls of the eerie building. Each strike, each maneuver, was a testament to the strength we had attained through relentless training and unwavering determination. The fallen angels, though formidable, found themselves outmatched by the combined might of Boosted Gear and Avengers Edge.

In the end, as the last echoes of battle faded, Issei and I stood victorious amidst the fallen angel remnants

Azrael's ominous presence loomed as he descended, his purple hair cascading like shadows, and crimson red eyes gleaming with malevolence. The eight black wings that unfurled behind him added to the foreboding aura that surrounded him.

Issei and I exchanged glances, snorting in unison. The air was thick with the stench of pure evil that emanated from Azrael.

Issei:Well, well, if it isn't the infamous Azrael

Issei remarked, a sardonic grin playing on his face.

Issei:What brings you to this neck of the woods?

Azrael responded with a sinister chuckle, the echoes resonating through the desolate surroundings.

Azrael:I heard whispers of two formidable individuals causing a ruckus. Couldn't resist coming to witness the commotion myself.

I tightened my grip on Avengers Edge, eyeing Azrael with a mix of caution and disdain.

Kousei:You must be really bored if you're seeking entertainment in our battles.

Azrael's eyes flickered with amusement, and his wings rustled ominously.

Azrael:Boredom is a luxury I can't afford, my dear adversaries. But your little skirmish did catch my attention. I must say, the display of power was rather... entertaining.

Issei crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his lips.

Issei:So, what's your angle, Azrael? Planning to join the party, or just here to critique our fighting styles?

Azrael's laughter echoed once more, sending shivers down our spines.

Azrael:Oh, I have no interest in your petty battles. I merely came to remind you both that the real challenges lie beyond these inconsequential skirmishes. The underworld is changing, and you might find yourselves in a predicament sooner than you think.

I raised an eyebrow, skepticism coloring my expression.

Kousei:And why should we believe anything you say?

Azrael's crimson eyes locked onto mine, a predatory glint present.

Azrael:Believe what you will. The threads of fate are very complex, and you two seem to be entwined in it. Choose your moves wisely, for the future holds more surprises than you can fathom.

As Azrael chuckled, his sinister aura intensified, and the gravity of his crimes became painfully clear. I squared my shoulders, Avengers Edge gleaming with an ethereal light, ready for the impending confrontation.

Issei:Speaking in riddles won't save you, Azrael

Issei declared, his sacred gear ablaze with crimson power.

Issei:Your crimes are abhorrent, and we've been tasked with bringing you down. Surrender now, or prepare to face the consequences. Infact don't surrender I want to smash that evil grin of his face

Azrael's malevolent grin widened, his eyes glinting with a twisted amusement.

Azrael:Oh, how charming. Sent to play executioners, are we? But I'm afraid the roles might be reversed sooner than you think.

I glanced at Issei, a silent understanding passing between us. We couldn't afford to let this fallen angel's malevolence persist.

Kousei:Your crimes are heinous

I stated, my voice unwavering.

Issei: race trafficking, murder, and everything in between. You're a blight on existence, and we won't allow you to continue.

Azrael's laughter echoed through the desolate space, as if reveling in the chaos he had sown.

Azrael:Ah, the self-righteousness of the so-called heroes. Do you truly believe you can judge me, condemn me for doing what I was destined to do?

Destined or not, his actions were beyond redemption. Issei's grip on his sacred gear tightened, a fiery determination burning in his eyes.

Issei:Destiny or not, you've chosen the path of darkness. And now, you'll face the consequences

Without another word, Azrael raised his hand, summoning a legion of light spears that hurtled toward us. Issei and I sprang into action, dodging and countering with our respective powers. The battle unfolded with intense clashes, each strike resonating with the weight of justice.

As the confrontation escalated, Azrael's facade of amusement began to crack. The realization that he couldn't escape the repercussions of his actions dawned upon him. In the midst of our relentless pursuit, I couldn't help but wonder what had led him down such a dark path, whether it was a twisted sense of destiny or a descent into madness

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To fight against fate