
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 31: in shibuya finale part 1

The disorienting shift from the laboratory led us to an unexpected location—the Subway. Confusion clouded my thoughts as Vali and I found ourselves amidst the dimly lit tunnels. The little girl, now named Yue, clung to me with a mixture of fear and confusion.

As we navigated through the shadows of the subway, a distressing sight awaited us. Lint and Nero lay on the ground, their forms battered and bruised. Vali and I exchanged concerned glances before rushing to their sides.

"Lint! Nero!" I called out, my voice laced with worry. Yue remained close, her grip on me tightening in response to the unsettling scene.

Vali assessed the situation with a focused gaze.

Vali:They've been badly injured. We need to find out what happened.

Before we could fully comprehend the circumstances, a slow clapping sound echoed through the subway tunnels. Vali and I turned our attention to the source, our eyes narrowing as we finally faced Volgan Dirchrz face to face.

Volgan, a twisted figure with madness etched on his features, grinned maliciously as he surveyed the scene. The Avenger's aura pulsed with a renewed sense of justice, ready to confront the architect of the experiments that had led us on this tumultuous journey.

Volgan:Ah, the Avenger and the White Dragon Empress. How delightful to see you both

Volgan sneered, his voice a distorted symphony of madness. Yue's grip on me tightened as she peered cautiously from behind my shoulder.

Vali:What have you done to them?

Vali demanded, her tone cutting through the tension that hung in the subway.

Volgan chuckled darkly.

Volgan:Oh, just a little experiment. They were quite entertaining, but now it's your turn to dance to my tune.

I felt Yue shiver against me, her fear mirroring the unsettling atmosphere that surrounded us. The Avenger's Edge gleamed with an intensified sense of purpose in my grip.

Kousei:Your experiments end here, Volgan. Release them

I asserted, my voice carrying the weight of justice.

Volgan's laughter echoed through the subway tunnels, a chilling accompaniment to the impending confrontation between the Avenger, the White Dragon Empress, and the mad puppeteer who reveled in chaos.

Amidst the dimly lit subway tunnels, a formidable presence materialized—a monstrous humanoid figure that towered over us. Its silhouette emerged from the shadows, revealing a grotesque combination of twisted limbs and jagged features. The creature's eyes gleamed with an unnatural intensity, and its skin seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy.

The monstrous being, a product of Volgan's twisted experiments, exuded an overwhelming aura of malevolence. Its limbs, elongated and distorted, bore claws that glinted ominously in the dim light. Sinister symbols adorned its skin, hinting at the dark forces that had brought this aberration into existence.

As the creature stepped forward, the subway tunnels reverberated with an unsettling resonance. The ground beneath us trembled with each of its deliberate movements. Yue clung to me, her fear palpable as she witnessed the grotesque spectacle unfolding before our eyes.

Vali, ever composed, adjusted her stance, the Divine Dividing wings poised for battle. I gripped the Avenger's Edge tightly, its radiant glow contrasting with the darkness that surrounded us. Lint and Nero, though battered, stirred on the ground, their eyes widening as they sensed the impending threat.

"Get ready. We'll face this together," Vali declared, her silver eyes locking onto the monstrous entity before us.

The creature unleashed an otherworldly roar, a sound that echoed through the subway tunnels like a harbinger of doom. With unnatural speed, it lunged at us, claws slashing through the air with a malevolent intent. Vali evaded with the grace of a dragon in flight, her movements synchronized with the Divine Dividing wings.

I, infused with the Avenger's power, met the creature head-on. The clash was fierce, the Avenger's Edge carving through the air as I sought to fend off the relentless onslaught. The creature's strength was formidable, each blow resonating with a force that threatened to overwhelm.

Vali's powers came into play as she initiated the Divine Dividing's abilities. With calculated precision, she struck the creature, causing a burst of energy that temporarily weakened its formidable strength. Lint and Nero, recovering from their injuries, joined the fray, their sacred gears ablaze with determination.

The subway tunnels became a battleground, the clash between justice and abomination unfolding in a chaotic symphony of strikes and roars. The Avenger's Edge gleamed with each swing, Vali's wings moved with calculated elegance, and the combined efforts of our team sought to subdue the monstrous entity that Volgan had unleashed.

As the battle raged on, the outcome hung in the balance—the fate of the subway tunnels, the safety of Yue, and the justice that drove us forward were all intertwined in this relentless struggle against the malevolent creation. The echoes of battle reverberated through the subway, a testament to the unwavering resolve of those who stood against the darkness.

The monstrous humanoid, a grotesque amalgamation of Volgan's sinister experiments, proved to be a formidable adversary. Vali and I, infused with the power of the Divine Dividing and the Avenger's Edge, respectively, launched a coordinated assault, aiming to quell the malevolent force that threatened us.

Our attacks, however, seemed to barely scratch the surface of the creature's resilience. Its distorted limbs moved with an eerie fluidity, evading our strikes and retaliating with an unrelenting ferocity. Each clash reverberated through the subway tunnels, a testament to the supernatural strength that fueled this abomination.

Vali's Divine Dividing wings shimmered with power as she unleashed a flurry of strikes. The creature, undeterred, countered with a barrage of swipes, each one sending shockwaves through the air. I, wielding the Avenger's Edge, sought to disrupt its movements, but its unnatural agility proved to be a challenging obstacle.

The battle unfolded with an intensity that seemed to distort the very fabric of reality. Lint and Nero, having regained their footing, joined the fray. Sacred gears clashed with the creature's malevolent force, creating a chaotic tableau of light and shadow in the confined space of the subway.

Yue, still clinging to me, watched the skirmish with wide eyes, her fear mirrored by the escalating chaos around us. The subway tunnels became a battleground where the clash between the forces of justice and Volgan's aberration played out in a symphony of blows and roars.

The creature, sensing the combined might of our attacks, unleashed a primal roar that echoed through the tunnels. With newfound vigor, it retaliated with an onslaught that tested the limits of our resilience. Vali's wings flickered with strain, and even the Avenger's Edge felt the weight of the creature's relentless assault.

In a moment of strategic brilliance, Vali executed a precise maneuver, temporarily disorienting the creature. Seizing the opportunity, I channeled the Avenger's power to deliver a series of rapid strikes, aiming for its vulnerable points. Lint and Nero, synchronizing their attacks, unleashed a volley of sacred energy that further weakened the creature's defenses.

Yet, despite our concerted efforts, the creature's malevolence persisted. It endured our onslaught, its twisted form seemingly impervious to the conventional rules of battle. The subway tunnels, now a battleground marked by scorching clashes and bursts of energy, bore witness to a conflict that transcended the limits of our strength.

As the battle reached a critical juncture, Vali, Lint, and Nero exchanged determined glances. The Divine Dividing, the Anthem of Incinerator, and the Sturdy Saint—all sacred gears converged with a unity of purpose. With renewed determination, we launched a final, coordinated assault, our collective strength aimed at vanquishing the malevolent force that threatened not only us but the very fabric of justice we sought to uphold.

The clash between our combined forces and the monstrous humanoid reached a pivotal moment, but a sudden surge of power disrupted the chaotic ballet of strikes and roars. A force, potent and unforeseen, sent Vali, Lint, Nero, and me hurtling backward through the subway tunnels.

The impact was jarring, the ground shaking beneath us as we struggled to regain our footing. Yue, sensing the escalating danger, clung to me with a mixture of fear and confusion. In a decisive move to ensure her safety, I swiftly activated a W Room Card, sending her to the safety of an isolated sanctuary.

As the echoes of the forceful impact subsided, we rose to our feet, a collective determination gleaming in our eyes. The monstrous humanoid, seemingly unaffected by the disturbance, advanced with renewed aggression. Vali adjusted her stance, her Divine Dividing wings poised for battle once again.

"What was that?" Lint questioned, her eyes scanning the dimly lit tunnels for any signs of the mysterious force.

Nero, his Sturdy Saint sacred gear at the ready, spoke with a tone of urgency. "We need to be prepared. There's something else at play here."

The subway tunnels became an arena once more, the clash between justice and malevolence resuming. The creature, undeterred by our previous assault, lunged forward with an unnatural speed. Vali, Lint, and Nero regrouped, each focusing on their respective sacred gears.

The Avenger's Edge, resonating with the lingering power of the forceful impact, felt charged with a peculiar energy. Vali's silver eyes narrowed, a silent understanding passing between us. Whatever had intervened in the battle had introduced an element of unpredictability.

As the creature unleashed another onslaught, Vali's wings moved with calculated precision, creating a defensive barrier to mitigate the force of its attacks. Lint's Anthem of Incinerator manifested in a blaze of purple flames, adding an ethereal glow to the tumultuous skirmish. Nero, with the Sturdy Saint, fortified our defenses, his sacred gear emanating an aura of resilience.

In the midst of the chaos, I focused on the Avenger's Edge, attempting to attune myself to the mysterious force that had disrupted our battle. The subway tunnels, now charged with an air of uncertainty, became the stage for a conflict that transcended the limits of our understanding.

With each clash, the creature and our team seemed locked in a dance of opposing forces. The battle, now infused with an additional layer of complexity, unfolded with a cadence that echoed through the dimly lit tunnels. The Avenger's Edge, Vali's Divine Dividing, Lint's Anthem of Incinerator, and Nero's Sturdy Saint—sacred gears clashed and harmonized in a symphony of power.

Yet, beneath the surface, the mysterious force lingered, its presence weaving through the battle like an elusive specter. As we pressed forward, determination burning in our eyes, the subway tunnels bore witness to a conflict that delved into the realms of both the known and the unknown—a clash of forces that would shape the fate of the underground battleground.

Fueled by the swirling winds of Gale Palm, I surged forward, the Avenger's Edge gleaming with an intensified glow. The creature, its grotesque form undulating with an unnatural resilience, met my onslaught with a ferocity that echoed through the subway tunnels.

Sword techniques flowed seamlessly as I executed a whirlwind of strikes. Whirlwind Waltz, a dance of precision and power, carved through the air, each movement calculated to exploit the vulnerabilities of the monstrous humanoid. Tempest Slicer followed, the blade leaving trails of ethereal energy in its wake as it cut through the malevolent force that surrounded the creature.

Vali, with the Divine Dividing wings pulsating with energy, flanked the creature from the side. Lint, wreathed in the Anthem of Incinerator's flames, unleashed a barrage of sacred energy that intensified the assault. Nero, fortified by the Sturdy Saint, moved with calculated precision, his attacks complementing the rhythmic cadence of the battle.

The subway tunnels became a canvas of chaos and brilliance, each strike resonating with a symphony of clashing forces. The creature, now faced with a multidimensional assault, struggled to defend against the combined might of our sacred gears and martial prowess.

In response to my sword techniques, the Avenger's Edge carved through the air with a resonating hum. Frost Bite Gale Slash, a technique I had recently mastered, added a chilling element to the onslaught. The freezing gusts enhanced the cutting power of each swing, leaving traces of frost in the creature's wake.

As the battle unfolded, a pattern emerged—a dance of blades and energies that transcended the conventional bounds of combat. The creature, battered by the relentless assault, exhibited signs of strain. Vali's wings divided its strength, Lint's flames incinerated its defenses, and Nero's Sturdy Saint chipped away at its resilience.

The clash continued, the ebb and flow of battle weaving a narrative of determination and resistance. Sword techniques and sacred gears harmonized in a synchronized onslaught that tested the limits of both our abilities and the creature's malevolent existence.

Amidst the chaos, a sudden surge of wind enveloped the subway tunnels. The Gale Palm, now amplified by the mysterious force that lingered, intensified my strikes. The Avenger's Edge, imbued with the newfound energy, cut through the air with an otherworldly precision.

The creature, caught in the maelstrom of our assault, roared with a mixture of defiance and desperation. The battle, now reaching a climactic crescendo, held within it the promise of victory or defeat—a culmination of skills, powers, and the unknown force that had reshaped the dynamics of our conflict.

The battle reached a fevered pitch as our coordinated assault intensified, yet an unseen force, larger and more potent than before, disrupted the dance of conflict in the subway tunnels. We were once again thrust backward, the impact sending shockwaves through the dimly lit passages.

The subway walls seemed to reverberate with the aftermath of the forceful intervention. Vali, Lint, Nero, and I, though resilient, struggled to rise from the ground. The creature, seemingly unaffected by the invisible force, advanced with an eerie determination, its twisted form casting shadows against the subway walls.

Yue, safely tucked away in the isolated sanctuary of the dungeon, was spared from the tumult that unfolded above. The air crackled with an unsettling energy as the mysterious force lingered, shaping the narrative of the battle in ways we could not comprehend.

As we regained our footing, Vali's silver eyes narrowed with a mix of curiosity and wariness. Lint's flames flickered with an ethereal glow, a testament to the Anthem of Incinerator's continued presence. Nero, the Sturdy Saint emanating a resilient aura, exchanged a knowing glance with me.

The subway tunnels, now a backdrop to the ongoing conflict, bore witness to a convergence of powers—our sacred gears, martial skills, and the enigmatic force that seemed to defy the rules of engagement. The creature, undeterred by the invisible intervention, prepared to resume the onslaught.

With a collective understanding, we readied ourselves for the impending clash. Vali's Divine Dividing wings unfurled with an air of defiance. Lint's Anthem of Incinerator crackled with unrestrained power. Nero, with the Sturdy Saint, positioned himself with unwavering resolve. I, wielding the Avenger's Edge, felt the lingering energy coursing through the blade.

The creature, sensing our readiness, lunged forward with renewed aggression. Sword techniques and sacred gears once again became the focal point of the battle. The Gale Palm, now infused with the mysterious force, propelled me forward with an otherworldly speed.

Whirlwind Waltz and Tempest Slicer became a dance of determination, each strike resonating with a determination to overcome the adversity that now defined the conflict. Vali's wings, glinting with the power of the Divine Dividing, created defensive barriers to counter the creature's retaliatory attacks.

The battle, now marked by uncertainty and an unseen force, unfolded with a relentless intensity. Each clash sent shockwaves through the subway tunnels, creating a tumultuous symphony that echoed in the confined space. The creature, resilient and malevolent, faced a united front that sought to unravel the mysteries shrouding this supernatural confrontation.

As we pressed forward, the subway tunnels became a nexus of conflicting energies—a battleground where the boundaries between the known and the unknown blurred. The mysterious force, a silent player in this unfolding drama, continued to shape the ebb and flow of the battle, leaving us to grapple with both the tangible and intangible aspects of the conflict that now defined our underground struggle.

The air crackled with anticipation as I initiated the Vengeful Strike, channeling the heightened energy within the Avenger's Edge into a devastating, focused assault. The blade, now resonating with the unseen force, cut through the subway tunnels with an otherworldly precision. Each strike carried the weight of determination and retribution, a culmination of our collective will to overcome the malevolent force that loomed over us.

Vali, Lint, and Nero, recognizing the pivotal moment, rallied to amplify the onslaught. Vali's Divine Dividing wings shimmered with a brilliance that defied the darkness, each movement a testament to the power she wielded. Lint, despite her injuries, unleashed a surge of purple flames from the Anthem of Incinerator, adding an ethereal glow to the unified assault. Nero, fortified by the Sturdy Saint, joined the fray with unwavering determination.

The creature, caught in the vortex of our synchronized attack, struggled against the onslaught. The Vengeful Strike, fueled by the mysterious force, intensified with each successive blow. The subway tunnels echoed with the clash of sacred gears and the resonance of our combined efforts.

As the battle reached its zenith, the boundaries between our individual powers and the enigmatic force became blurred. The subway walls seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, responding to the convergence of our strengths. The Vengeful Strike, a manifestation of the Avenger's power, cut through the malevolent force that clung to the creature.

Vali's wings divided the creature's strength with surgical precision, exposing vulnerabilities that were exploited by the relentless assault. Lint's flames, now an incandescent inferno, incinerated the remnants of the creature's defenses. Nero's Sturdy Saint, a bastion of resilience, nullified the creature's attempts at retaliation.

The battle unfolded with a crescendo of power, each strike resonating with the determination to overcome the adversity that had defined our underground struggle. The Vengeful Strike, a beacon of retribution, left trails of ethereal energy in its wake, creating a visual spectacle that mirrored the intensity of our collective resolve.

Yet, as the creature reeled under the onslaught, the mysterious force that lingered continued to exert its influence. The subway tunnels, now charged with a volatile energy, bore witness to a conflict that transcended the conventional bounds of battle. The Vengeful Strike, now a symbol of our united front, became a manifestation of justice and the relentless pursuit of victory.

As we pressed forward, our movements synchronized in a dance of defiance, the creature faced the inevitable outcome of our onslaught. The Vengeful Strike, the culmination of our collective strength, sought to unravel the mysteries that shrouded this supernatural confrontation. The battle, now at a critical juncture, held within it the promise of triumph—a victory that would echo through the subway tunnels, resonating with the echoes of our unwavering determination.