
Mirko the Rabbit Hero

"Impressive you dodged me my attack so easily or is it just luck that you heard me coming because of those ears of yours?" A feminine voice called out to me and it sounds like she just gave a backhanded praise. "Well it looks like those ears of yours aren't just for show huh? That's why we mutant type quirks, specially the animal ones are different from others and it's rare for someone who is a full body mutant like you, you know."

"You're not quite as you think you are now or you just did that on purpose?" I said to the one who tried to sneak on me. When the dust settles I finally can see the one who I am talking to. I don't know about my luck or is it just this new body of mine's luck is not just bad it must be the worst too. I see a bunny girl? Woman? I don't know what's the correct term but I'm just going to bunny girl instead.

So, there she is standing across from the still pass out fabric hero is a woman who's wearing a... what I guess is called, a leotard? Or those that resemble a bunny suit you could see on playboy magazines or in the internet or something that you're own references. sleeveless white leotard with dark purple trim around her shoulders and waist, a wide, yellow crescent moon design over her chest, and two thick metal plates on her midriff. She wears purple thigh-high boots to compliment her leotard, with more plating around the heel and toe areas, making her feet look like those of a rabbit. She also has a pair of thick white gloves on her hands with long cuffs, sporting small triangular protrusions around their edges.


But the thing that attracts me is the white hair waist length. Her bunny ears that are supposed to be where the human ears should be is standing straight. I prefer Velvet from RWBY or that new character from One Piece named Carrot(?) . Anyone like them, anyway she's not that bad in the figure department though.

She has an athletic figure and those legs are not just for show, distraction, eye candy or for some who have a leg fetish. I bet they also pack some power on them too, I know I did not watch the anime or read a manga and just have a glimpse of clips, pics and posts. But give me a break here. I died before I even watched the intro of that anime! So yeah I just need to be cautious of this world's people and try to make my plan into reality.

So yeah, here we are having a stand down, neither of us don't know what each other's thinking. But fortunately she broke this silent thin ice between us.

"Ha! If you want to know which is one? Though luck for you! Because you're not getting any answers from me! Besides, after what I saw on the news on TV of what you did to the rank 2 and 4 heroes? It gets me excited that someone like you can go toe to toe with Endeavor with him giving his all with all those destructive attacks of his and how you make it look like a child's play dodging Jeanist over here like his nothing at all!" She exclaimed with excitement, lacing her voice and eagerness to fight me. "With all of that you're still standing and only having scorch marks and pants no less! I'm getting fired up. Just thinking of what kind of fight you can give me!?"

With that said she didn't give me time to say anything or that made me explain that I didn't intend to make everything like this from the start! I just want to know who I am in this world and I can't surrender to Endeavor even if I want too. But the said hero is in berserk mode and the second hero misunderstood me and now this woman?

Who's a battle maniac and also like she's the both half of the first and second heroes I fought(?) today and why is she using the catchphrase of some certain pink haired slayer? *sigh* looks like this one is a bust too, huh? The higher ups that Mr. Grim talking about must have something to do with this?

He did say that we 'Clients' or whatever has just given a second chance to entertain them. Ugh, I think a headache the size of a skyscraper is coming to me if I just keep thinking about everything that has happened to me. Anyway I should just go with the flow and get myself exhausted and pass out by fighting this bunny girl or some heroes that can.

Speak of which, here she comes now, with an arm's reach she swing a fast kick to me I just goto horse stance and copy a certain leopard zoan assassin agent from One Piece and and follow a certain grinning idiot of this world first advice to a green haired cry baby cinnamon bun.

...except with the butt clenching part though. Anyways forget that, I willed my body to tighten up together and hold it until the attack hits me. Again not a masochist I just try to copy every move/attacks/techniques I see from my past life.

The rabbit girl's kick connects to my left side and then... I was moved by five or seven inches and I felt like I just was tapped. After seeing her attack had just moved me a little and having no pained expression on my face or a flinch, she jumped back using her other leg to use me as a springboard. Thank you Adamantium Skeleton benefit!

"Well, how about that. You're tougher than you look, then again you stand tall in front of Endeavour's signature moves like it's just a summer breeze. And now you just stood there and take my attack and it's looks like you don't feel anything at all!" She said with a smile and chuckle like a kid just found Willy Wanka's golden ticket flying in front of her.

"Well aren't you a happy bunny right now. Also you're slightly right about not feeling something. I felt that kick but only in the slightest how about you? Is your leg ain't feeling alright? It's looks like twitchy from what I'm seeing." I said to her and on guard just in case she attacks me.

"Nah, I'm just stretching it and don't get cocky on just that one attack! Because I'm just testing you, just in case this fight doesn't end early like the other fights with villains who're cocky and arrogant just because they think I'm easy to take down because of my quirk! Now look where I am now, I become the strongest female hero and a rank 5 on hero rankings on japan the Rabbit Hero: Mirko! Also I just use seven percent on that kick anyways. So, first I'll just take a warm up and then let's see how long you will last." She said, shaking up her feet and then getting to her stance.

"You know? You and that Endeavor guy almost sound the same. But unlike him, your caution and not as destructive as him and the second hero, the string guy over there is ok, but he should not jump to conclusions before he attacks me. But you? I don't know why? But I have this urge to punch you right now. Instead of knocking me out? You want this 'fight' to be long and...*sigh* you're just a battle junkie so if you like fighting so much? Okay, fine I'll fight you so I apologize in advance because I might stop holding back unconsciously." I said to her and once again I have that annoyed feeling that I have been unconsciously gritting my teeth. I seriously need to know what's the background of this body of mine. I don't know what happened to the previous owner of this body.

"Heh, don't compare me to that flame brain because I can beat him anytime if I want too and Jeanist I respect him even if he needs to work with other heroes. Because to me those who are teaming up are cowards. They need others' strength to make them look strong, they just are relying on their teammates' strength rather than their own! Also I can take you on, but I like fighting those strong to make everyone see that I am the hero they need too, just like Allmight if the number 1 hero is gone I'll be there for them and besides even if you try to harm the civilians here I will stop you and if you decide to run away and go to the populated area? Let's see how far you can get away from me." She said with a smile and full of convection. Even though she's a battle maniac at least she's doing her job as a hero. But, does she have to say the last part like she's on to me like those yandere girls I've read about?

"You sound like those girls who are obsessed with a guy that they really like even though they've rejected them because they already have a girlfriend but they're still persuasive you know, right?" With that said she charges at me again and ignores my comment also this time she's faster than before and then she stops in front of me and then she jumps up.

"Luna Arc!" Mirko shouted and raised her leg and delivered a powerful front-facing axe kick on me with me crossed my arms to block her leg.

When the leg hit me I grabbed her leg with my left hand and tried to slam her to the ground! But with her quick thinking she uses her other leg by slamming it to the ground making some cracks around on her feet and with that. She uses her incredible leg power and let me tell you, it's really scary if she can lift me with just her leg because I think I'm taller than her and I must be weighted some. Anyway instead of her being slammed to the ground by me but I'm the who has been slammed on the ground!

"Luna Fall!" Then Mirko jumps again to do a forward flip to build some momentum and then she swings her foot downwards while she is above me, driving me straight into the ground deeper beneath her feet with a mighty kick. Then she jumped away to make some distance away from me and let me tell you once again!

Those legs of her is really something also she's not kidding that her previous kick earlier is just a test. This one I really felt, I may have a skeleton made of one of the strongest metals from Marvel Universe but my muscles aren't indestructible like my skeleton!

I have no idea how my new body survived Endeavor's fire attacks specially that Prominence Burn. But I think I now know my weakness for blunt attacks for now, but after this I'll try to investigate this body of mine's limit. So, after laying in the hole shape of me, I'll blame it to anime logic because I don't know how? Because there's a hole shaped of me like those cookie cutters on dough. By just being pressed by Mirko no less.

I reach the edge of the hole I've been in with both hands and then pull myself out and look at Mirko who's doing some light jumping like a boxer does when they're warming up. Okay, I may not know how to throw a punch or have some fighting experience from my previous life. But I can still do some swinging my fist and grappling and some shit things from the anime, movies, games, tv series/sport documentary and other things I watched from Youtube.

So after pulling myself from the hole I rolled my shoulders and a little twist to my torso with a satisfied cracking noise. This time I'm the one who charges at her and just like early from my fight with Endeavor. I'm in front of her for a minute and startled her for a second, but recover easily and on guard again with that smile hers.

With a swing of my right fist she dodge to her left but instead of stopping to use my left to punch her. I pulled my right fist and swung it again to backhanded her on her head and I hit her and then I follow-up with the left punch. After hitting her with a rib blow I downward swing my right at her which she blocked with her arms. She buckled down a little and cracks appeared under her and then I follow-up with a Spartan kick. (A/n: THIS.IS.SPARTA!)

"Heh, not bad for an amature person! You have strength on those punches and kicks of yours and you use your momentum to backhanded me when the first didn't connect. You even make me buckle down with that downward swing, maybe with training you can take on some heroes from top 100 rankings." She said.

"Thanks? I'll be honest with you after waking up on the bank. I have no memories to recall what's going on or even who I am and what I am. But I will find out after this 'fight' of ours or when the police arrived." I said to her.

"So wait!? Are you saying that you have no idea of who you are or what you are? Are you living under a rock or something? You're a guy with mutant full body lion quirk! How can you have no memories of you? Before you and your group tried to rob a bank? Or the biggest question is what happens inside the bank even?" She asks with a skeptical look with a little confusion and curiosity on her face, so I tell her what's my side of the story.

"I have no idea actually. I just woke up with two out of five of the robbers arguing and one of them said I was hit on the head really hard and then I got a shock on the head too. So, after that? The rest is history." I say without a lie and wait for her response and I'm thankful to her that she gives me another clue of what I am.

Turns out I'm a mutant lion beastman or lion man. Also that might explain how I can brush off Endeavor's fire attacks like it's nothing. My body may get hurt by blunt attacks but when I look down on myself I finally notice that I don't have a single scratch on me, only scorch marks not burn marks. Also I have fur instead of just skin and it's golden brown too, I'm thankful that it's not white. Because I'm not a fan of white colors, it is really hard to clean it and I'm also lazy.

I only know one mythical creature that can't get affected by any weapons and it is the Greek Mythical creature called the Nemean Lion. The one that was killed by Hercules or was it Heracles? Nah, who cares, anyway I don't know if it's me being transmigrated here with some wishes of mine especially with the universal energy that now is inside of this new body or this body has already been based on the Nemean Lion?

But I'm not sure how I can also tank the fire attacks I only know about the Nemean Lion can't be killed by weapons. I'm not sure elemental attacks will harm me and I am also not trying to get strangled to death just like Best Jeanist did earlier I don't know what too but I'm not complaining too and I also not going to test something ridiculous either. Anyway I'll just go with the flow, I plan to live a happy and carefree life, the way I like! I didn't plan to be a hero, vigilante, villain or whatever! As long as I'm away from the main characters and their plot armors, I will not become just a casualty like the other side characters with a few scenes or whatever.

After my self inspection the rabbit heroine looks like is going to say something to me only to be interrupted when we suddenly hear a shout from behind me and I turn to it and find out...? The flame hero himself Endeavor, with his flames looks blue and white again with the furious expression and even though his face is covered by his flames, I can imagine what his face looks like with glowing eyes to match.

The only thing that I can see is the concentrated blue and white flame that has been fired and heading towards me, again. Also the feeling from before urging me to move again and I bet that Mirko has already jumped away from the attack of the raging flame hero. Also the only thing that I can think and say, also it's like it happens again what people call it again?...you know what? Forget it, I'll just say it.
