
My New Life In Anime World

A kid dies at the age of seventeen, and he got a chance to reincarnate with six wishes. But he doesn't know where he is going to. 1 chapter per week

EddyV · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

| 6 | First Year

The classes started like any other high school on April second week with an opening ceremony. The Dean, Senzaemon-dono congratulated us for passing the entrance exam but warned not to slack off in studying and also most importantly, cooking.

As I was in class 1A for passing the entrance exam of Ronald Chappale. Well, finding the class was not hard, but my surprise came from seeing my classmates, especially those two. Tsukasa Eishi and Kobayashi Rindō, the future 1st and 2nd seat of the Elite Ten when Soma starts to attend Totsuki.

'Well, if I'm still here by the time Soma comes, that is.' Smiling at that thought I found an empty seat and sat down.

When I saw Rindō for the first time, something clicked in my mind, and I figured that she's my soul mate. But it won't be easy at all and I'm sure of it because the Creator made it that way. He did tell me that if she fall in love with me, that will only be possible if I work for it. Even though she's way too eccentric, I like her and if this likeness turn into something more, then I'll be going after her and that's period.

Anyway, as this was the middle school, we had the usual subjects like Maths, English, Science, Japanese and History. But that was all just minor subjects in comparison to the cooking subjects. In the morning section they took the usual subjects and in the evening section it was for cooking classes only and mostly it was theoretical.

Like this a week passed by and the day for the practical class came.

The chef who came to teach us was Chef Endo, he looked familiar to me but after not remembering at all I lost my curiosity.

For today's practical we're supposed to make something that has chicken as the main ingredient.

I decided to make Gyoza, but before that I told Nano.

'Nano, get access to the security camera in the room and scan each and everyone of their cooking style and categorise it in their name.'

# Affirmative. #

After that I started to prepare my own dish, the Chicken Wing Gyoza, I didn't try to add any kind of twist in this as I've decided that I will only do that for shokugeki.

As I started my preparation, my concentration was all on what was happening in my cooking station. I didn't want to get distracted here.

First and foremost, I started to prepare the fillings that had to be put inside the Gyoza.

So firstly, I sliced the prawns into cubes, and set it aside some cubes, then flatten the rest of the cubed prawns using the side of a knife to make prawn paste.

Then I added salt to the pork mince and then mixed it well until it developed stickiness. The salt in the pork helps the mince become stickier, which binds other filling ingredients well. Only after that, did I mix all the ingredients.

As the fillings were set aside using scissors, I started to separate the flesh from the bones inside the wingettes without breaking the skin.

Removing the bones by dislocating the joint between the wing tip and the wingette. The wingette portion of the chicken wing became a small bag.

After marinating the chicken wings in sake and soy sauce, I filled the wingette bag with the filling of pork, prawns, onions and chilli.

After I stuffed the fillings inside the wings, I closed the opening with a toothpick.

Then dusting the wings with cornflour, and setting aside for a second so that I could start heating up the stove I placed the wok on it and poured oil that is the normal amount to fry chicken wings.

As the oil started to sizzle I started to deep-fry the stuffed wings twice, firstly at 160°C / 320°F, then at 180°C / 356°F.

After I was done with that, I took some of the fried oil and lightly spread it on the fry pan and heated it up. As it got to the temperature I required I added a tablespoon of soya sauce and mixed it well, then added some onions that I diced up with a tablespoon of wine.

As the onion were caramelised, I placed the Chicken Wing Gyoza on the pan and lightly based it to get a great flavour. After that I transferred it onto a plate and garnished it with spring onions on top with a quarter slice of lemon on the side.

I took the utmost fifty minutes to finish all of it and I walked towards the Chef and placed in front of him and said "Enjoy."

Looking at the dish Chef Endo said "Chicken Wing Gyoza, glazed with red wine and soya sauce to give it a new flavour."

Saying that he took a bite from one Gyoza and looked at me with wide eyes, then started to finish the one he had just then, and said "You get A grade for the dish, good job."

"Thank you." Saying that I went back to my cooking station to clean it up.

As I was cleaning someone tapped my shoulder, so I looked over to see Rindo standing behind me with her toothy smile. As she got my attention, she said "Nice to meet you, I'm Kobayashi Rindo."

"Shouta." I said.

"So you like to experiment with food too huh?" Rindo asked me.

"Some times."

"Then, what have you experimented with before?"

Looking at her I asked "Ever tasted squid with peanut butter?"


"Then try this." Saying that I gave her the one made by Soma.

Taking one piece she tasted it and said immediately "Disgusting!!!"

I just laughed at her expression.

After finishing classes, I went back to my dorm. And on my way to there, Nano said # Scanning complete. Categorising all of the scans in the name of the chef. #

'Good. We have a lot to do.' I told Nano while looking at Totsuki Sports, the newspaper that is distributed by the Newspaper Club of Totsuki. It had all the Shokugeki that will happen tomorrow in the campus. And I'm planning to be a spectator for all of them, or at least be present when the Elite Ten members have a Shokugeki.




🔻🔺Chapter 6 End🔺🔻