
My New Life As A Zoldyck In HxH

*Reborn in HxH as Maha's sister with basically immortality.** In my first life, I was a CEO. I had experience with negotiations, remaining calm in frightening situations, and being completely emotionally detached. Yes, I know. Typical cliche backstory. But for me, that was my life. I had the average childhood - books, movies, anime, school, and studying. I spent middle school waisting my life away, reading manga, watching anime, reading romance, watching sitcoms... and then I realized how my life wouldn't get anywhere like this. I had always despised couch potatoes, and I was slowly turning into one. So I finished reading and watching my current favorite manga and anime, Hunter X Hunter, and started studying. It turned out, I was a prodigy. I had astonishingly accurate memory - I could remember things just by looking and hearing them once. I expanded my knowledge by a LOT, and after graduating, I started my company. Alas, after my company reached #1 in the world, my family died in a car crash, and my closest friends betrayed me... (yes, I know. My life story is so common that if this were a book, no one would feel an ounce of pity.) I grew detached from the world. There was no entertainment, just work, boredom, sleep, work, sleep, boredom, work.... An endless cycle. Hearing an assassin would come, I wrote a will giving away everything to my business partner. After writing the will, I willingly drank the most lethal poison (since the assassin apparently knew I had become immune to most poisons after taking a class from the weapons master) and died peacefully, hoping my next life would be a little more exciting... and that I would have more people to rely on. I opened my eyes, unsure if I would be met with Heaven or Hell's gates, and found myself... facing a white wall, with noise and energy surrounding me. I looked around cautiously before realizing I could barely move my head. The last thing I heard was the word "Zoldyck..." before I passed out.

Maple_Tree_9863 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Toshiro Part 2

A/N: I'll just summarize what happened since I don't think anyone cares about the details.

"Well... I knew it was my fault he was murdered.

"So what else could I do but take revenge?

"I spent so much time - years - finding out who was the cause of his death.

"Someone wanted my pills, but it wasn't like I went around shouting 'I make my own pills, and they're in my house and made from nen so come prepared!'"

"Someone powerful and wealthy was behind it. Eventually, I found out the Underground community that was the reason my master got murdered - the drug community.

"After more research, I found out who was the one who ordered the raid on my house. And he was the same person who gave the order of setting our house on fire and destroying the evidence.

"It was Futoi Haisha. I acted as bait and got him to take me in.

"I knew I had something useful - I'd spent years perfecting it - so Haisha wouldn't be able to throw me away.

"I was invaluable to him. My goal is to completely destroy his business, make him hit rock bottom, and then kill him just like he killed my master, except instead of burning him in a house, I'll burn him alive in front of my very eyes."

Toshiro was oozing killing intent, and his pupils were dilated. Very different from when I first saw him.

I stared blankly back at him, unfazed since I could tell from this puny amount of killing intent that Toshiro couldn't even land a scratch on me if he tried to attack me.

"I'm making more pills, and eventually he'll lower his guard and make me more powerful. Then I'll start taking back what's mine...."

Toshiro finished, leaning back and looking satisfactory with his plan.

He noticed me, and let out a yelp.

"Ah! Oops - ouch - oof - owww...."

He stumbled on his chair, lost his balance, and fell on the ground, landing face first.

"...Well, how did you make your pills? How did you perfect them? And how did you even get all the information about Haisha and who was behind your master's murder?"

I finally asked, annoyed that he didn't give me what I wanted.

"Oh, right! Sorry...."

Toshiro replied, sounding as if he forgot what I even asked for in the first place.

"Well, first I made truth pills. They forced whoever ate it to tell only the truth, and forgetting about telling anyone in the first place.

"After I got involved with the Underground, I made many acquaintances. Of course, I wore a disguise while there, building my connections.

"I gave lots of people truth pills, and eventually, after hearing the same thing from lots of people, I found out Haisha was the one responsible for my master's murder.

"At first, I thought it would be easy to get past his defense and get revenge. However, I didn't know how selfish he was.

"The only people he let down his guard with were people of the same kind - greedy bustards who had no morals and did anything for money.

"So I realized I would have to bait Haisha. I knew he was a sucker for profits without working, so I pretended to be homeless and in desperate need of money and shelter.

"I showed Haisha my worth without making it obvious I wanted him to take me in, and he fell for it.

"The only thing left is to find out how to destroy his business and kill him, and my revenge plan will be complete."

Toshiro looked like an evil maniac thinking he was a mastermind.

Unimpressed, I replied coldly, "That's completely impossible to do on your own. And no one is stupid enough to help you when there's nothing in it for them.

"Messing with a n Underground drug lord is daunting for any small fry - there's a lot of downsides, and practically no good sides.

"Only people willing to devote their lives to it would be willing to help you, and I guarantee you there's no one out there like that. Only am idiot would help you if they didn't see immediate benefits.

"You're being incredibly naive and unrealistic. The only way you could possibly succeed is with the help of me, and I don't see any benefits to helping you."

There. The seeds have been planted.

After listening to him spout his ridiculous backstory, I knew that if I got him on my side, and had him work for me and make pills for me, I would have many advantages.

He was able to make pills with many different effects, making him a huge asset if I could get my hands on him.

If he willingly offered his talents and his loyalty to me in exchange for my help, I would get his assets and him - an impossible to deny exchange.

He seemed like he would give anything up for his revenge, and I came at the perfect time.

I could make Haisha's business crumble in less than three days, and I could easily give Haisha to Toshiro to kill.

All I needed was Toshiro to see it was hopeless and pointless to try to complete his revenge himself.

He definitely used his own nen to make his pills, and I'm sure his hatsu wasn't possible with conjuration alone.

He most likely became a specialist after his master's murder, making his pills stronger and have a wider range of effects.

It wouldn't be possible to replicate it myself, since I already had a specialist ability.

Now, all I had to do was wait for Toshiro to realize his only option - and accept his offer.


Sorry it's short, but it's all I have right now.

I'm trying to finish this stupid assassination arc - I only just decided that Toshiro would be part of Mizuki's life for a long time, since his nen is valuable.

No romance, just so you know.

Hopefully no one wants it, because this fanfic's genre isn't romance.

Hope you like where this arc is going!

Sorry for the long waits and short chapters….