
My New Eyes Can See Through Clothes

In this novel, Jack, once the top student of Greenstone City, is kidnapped by James, the son of a wealthy businessman, then gouge out Jack's eyes, then throws Jack into a river, leaving him for dead. By his will, Jack survives and, through mysterious circumstances, gains a new pair of eyes that can see through anything, even women's clothes. With his newfound ability, Jack embarks on a journey of revenge, creating harem of beautiful women. ---- ** Please do not rate the novel until you have read at least 20 chapters. This includes 5-star ratings. After reading 20 chapters, you are welcome to rate the novel as you see fit. However, please refrain from using any abusive language in your comments. Any comment containing abusive language will be deleted, even if it includes a 5-star rating. ** If there is something you do not like, please mention it. If it is something I can fix, I will do my best to address it. Similarly, if there is something you enjoy, please let me know. ** Feel free to ask questions, and I will do my best to answer them, provided they do not spoil the story.

_Er · Urban
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43 Chs

Lena Got Vase For Jack

Lana arrived at John's house and knocked on the creaky wooden door in the yard. After a few inmoments, the door opened, and John emerged from inside. He seemed surprised to see a young woman standing outside his house, let alone one as striking as Lana.

John's gaze lingered a little too long, his eyes widening in surprise as he took in her youthful appearance. Lana was a sight to behold that day—her long, dark hair pulled into a loose ponytail, and her casual yet flattering outfit emphasized her natural beauty: a fitted white t-shirt, denim shorts, and worn sneakers.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" he asked, wiping his hands on his shirt as if suddenly aware of his rough appearance. A faint smirk played on his lips as he ogled her, but Lana wasn't one to be easily intimidated by men like him. She flashed him a sweet, practiced smile, knowing that playing the innocent card often made negotiations easier.

"Hello, Uncle," Lana said politely, her voice soft yet persuasive. "I heard that you have an old vase, and I'd like to buy it from you. Would that be alright?"

John raised an eyebrow, his expression shifting slightly. He wasn't used to having strangers, especially young women, come to his door asking about his old junk. But when money was involved, his interest piqued.

"Oh, you mean that old broken vase, huh?" John let out a dry chuckle, clearly unimpressed with the object in question. "It's just a pile of junk. Why would a pretty lady like you be interested in something like that?"

Lana kept her smile intact. "It's for a friend. He collects antiques, and I thought it might be something he'd like. Would you mind showing it to me?"

John's chuckle turned into a toothy grin. "Sure, sure, if you want to see it. But I'll tell you now—it's not worth much. Most people wouldn't give it a second glance." He turned and shuffled back into the house.

As Lana waited, she couldn't help but wonder why Jack had sent her to buy something so worthless. The way Jack had talked about this vase made it sound like it was more than just some old piece of junk, but John's dismissive attitude made her doubt. She glanced around the yard, noticing the clutter and disarray—a broken wheelbarrow, stacks of firewood, and bits of rusted machinery strewn about. This didn't look like the kind of place where valuable antiques would be found.

John returned a minute later, holding the vase in his hands. It was caked in dirt, the once smooth ceramic surface now rough and dull. To Lana, it didn't look like anything special—just an old, ugly vase that had seen better days.

"This is it?" Lana asked, unable to hide her skepticism. The vase looked even worse up close. She didn't understand why Jack wanted it, but he had been very specific about this piece.

John chuckled, clearly amused by her reaction. "Yep, that's the one. Like I said, it's not worth much. You can have it for a few bucks if you really want it."

Lana hesitated for a moment before flashing him another smile. She figured there was no harm in playing along with Jack's strange request. "Uncle, how much would you like for it?"

John scratched his scruffy chin, thinking for a moment. Then, his eyes lit up with an idea. "Tell you what, miss. The vase isn't worth much on its own, but how about I throw in something extra—a little bonus for you." He grinned slyly and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small copper lock. It was one of those old-fashioned locks that rural children sometimes wore around their necks, more of a sentimental item than anything of real value.

"How about this? You give me two hundred, and I'll throw in this lovely copper lock as a bonus. A pretty lady like you should appreciate such things." His grin widened, revealing his yellowed teeth.

Lana stared at the tarnished copper lock, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. She knew this was a bundled sale—John was clearly trying to get more out of her. But Jack had given her one thousand, and if she could buy both items for two hundred, that would leave her with eight hundred for herself. It wasn't a bad deal, and she could always get rid of the lock later. So, without much hesitation, she nodded.

"Alright, Uncle. Two hundred it is."

John's grin grew even wider. He handed her the vase and the lock with a wink. "Pleasure doing business with you, miss. You come back anytime. I've got all sorts of good stuff lying around."

Lana smiled sweetly, tucking the lock into her bag and holding the vase carefully. "Thanks, Uncle. I'll keep that in mind." She turned and made her way back toward the street, where Jack was waiting around the corner.