
My name is Mephistopheles

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT A BABYISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift. Then suddenly he had his attention called by footsteps heading towards him, it was an old man in a bowler hat, a black suit and on one hand had a glowing sphere while the other hand he held a black umbrella. Finally, 'He' was here. A/N: This particular one was banned from being voted but now it's fixed. So there's two of this, they're the same thing, but because this one was banned from being voted for a while, i reposted it again. But now everything's cool.

SOLACE · Anime und Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 63: Annoying interruption & Beach time.

The next day, things went exactly as he had guessed. The news was on about it, the first report was of a deep line on the earth which stretched over 100,000 Kilometers in width and quite deep. They still didn't have any idea how far it went. This wasn't actually the first time the news mentioned something like this, it has been shut down before but now it was too big to hide. Especially with the freakish incident that the world was still trying to recover from.

Meanwhile at home Raizel lay curled up with Edian on the bed, he was also in the living room, on the couch and with Ashleen resting her head on his lap with her unique bunny close to her. Then in the system he was also with the rest of his partners, Titana was in the room where he lay with Edian.

On the rooftop of the house Garda and Raizel sat just staring at the beautiful dawn, it was really peaceful. He had cancellation out all forms of sound from the outside world, chaos was soon to ensue and he really did not feel like stepping out today.

But he was sure he would be getting called soon. "I saw her" Garda spoke

Raizel turned his gaze to her "you mean Ashleen?". She nod her head "thanks for bringing her back".

He tilt his head slightly "why do you thank me" he asked, this was clearly a thankless act and anyone of them would have done it in a heartbeat if given the opportunity to do so.

Garda smiled softly "just take my appreciation will you" she said to him.,

He smiled and shrugged but then he paused as his gaze went down below to the ground, 4 black Custom Cadillac Escalade SUV'S was pulling up on the front of the house stopping outside the gate.

"Seems you have new visitors" said Garda looking at their new guests. Raizel sighed internally *{yeah, uninvited ones}*. He used his telekinisis and unlocked the gate, these guys have him on watch via satellite and for some reason decided to come meet him.

As soon as the SUV'S stepped inside proper, the whole scenario changed. It was nothing like the outside world, the building which they saw was just about 15meters away from the outside had suddenly turned into a distance of 100's of meters.

And there was immense space with an otherworldly beautiful bioluminescent plants, forests and some creatures they had never seem before. It was dawn in here while in the outside it was very much midday, what exactly had they been receiving from the satellite imagery. And how did he make all this too, they all thought in their minds as they continued their drive towards the house.

Raizel had split this space into two different dimensions or spaces, the house itself was the Nexus point and for people he had no interest in showing this part of the dimension, he would show them the normal view. So they were existing and living/Viewing between two dimensions at the same and could either prefer the normal world or this one.

The reason Raizel was even bothering to show them this was because he just wanted them to know they really shouldn't trust what they see all the time, there are always hidden layers with different point of views to everything and to also show spying on him is pointless.

The SUV'S came to a stop 8meters away from the house, the doors for each opened as men in black suits with a wiring behind their ears and black shades moved to the backdoor and opened it.

Two of the men in black were holding a briefcase chained to their right arms and had the most stoic look of all,

Raizel was having some thoughts In his head, were theses guys actually still wearing shades when it's dawn? Sure from the side they came in it was midday and it's cool but what excuse do they have for this now.

The back door of the cars opened with his esteemed guests stepping out of it, the president of the United Sates followed by the president of South Korea stepping out from the last SUV.

[A/N: If you're wondering why these two important people can come out casually all the way here and with basically no warning or security, and from different continents. Well deals were made, co-operation struck, desperate times call for desperate measures, this is completely private. An invitation was out of the question, who knew of he would even decide to come meet. Also think about it. Wouldn't it be like some form of invasion if they come with military, they are coming to his home for a peaceful meeting and they know that it's pointless to try shit before him, they are the ones who have to be humble in his presence].

Raizel and Garda just watched them with calm gazes, the Organization elders were in there too, seems they all have a co-operation. Garda's gaze was especially on the Organization elders, she had an unreadable look in her eyes as she gazed at them.

"Why aren't you stepping out" he asked projecting his voice into their minds.

The secret service agents had no reaction to this phenomenon, they were already mentally prepared to deal with all weirdness, besides, they already had inhuman monsters in the car with then also.

Seconds later they too stepped out, the third elder whom was a white haired Korean man looking like his early twenties and also with a face fit for an idol followed by the eight elder whom was the cyborg dude who fired a cheap energy beam shot at Raizel and Lunark sometime ago.

His final guest stepped out also, the thirteenth elder Crombell with his assistants Yuri and beloved partner of Rai Mary. Arith also stepped out, she was now the one holding the position of the 12th elder.

Raizel smiled inside seeing them, and also that guy Crombell. Since he had lost the influence of Mephisto's personality he was losing all sorts of interest in this guy, but it wasn't gone yet.

His incubus self was still persisting, as Lazy, Neutral, Childish, Classy and Charming as his Incubus side was, it also had a particular Lust for combat. One of the many reasons why he was so chaotic is because of this, so even without the influence of Mephisto's personality, he was still going to Lust for combat eventually.

*{Do you still want to stay Garda}* he asked her mentally, she transmitted a nod to him. He looked down at his guests whom were still waiting patiently for him, it seemed to not bother them that he was ignoring their presence like this even as people of their status.

Raizel cut out space, creating a larger distance. Then around them, floor started forming, pixel blocks formed and erected walls around them, luxurious couches and a centre table was erected from underneath.

Lights were made, a beautiful chandelier hung above and finally four thrones were formed. They looked on confusion, what are thrones doing here and whose supposed to sit on them.

Was it for they the presidents? Was he possibly having some respect for their status? But why four then, there were only two here.

They had their questions answered when Mary and Arith respectively walked towards two of the thrones and sat on them, each crossing their legs and gently resting their arms on their laps, Mary had a stoic gaze while Arith had a soft smile on her lips.

Crombell and the other elders just did not know how to respond to this, i mean they all knew 100% that the Noblesse had a connection with them but they had idea it was something this high. Crombell's gaze didn't falter and neither did Yuri's, he still had that undecipherable smile on his face and Crombell just had a relaxed one.

He and the rest of the guests just took their respective seats with the secret service agents just standing guard behind them, Raizel and Garda levitated downwards as he sat on his throne and she on hers.

"For what purpose have you all come to my home may I ask" Raizel said calmly still speaking in the Korean tongue, but all could understand him perfectly, this was the effect of the all tongue. A gift all gods possess, he could understand any and all languages and they also, no matter whom it may be would be able to understand his tongue.

With no one answering yet, the South Korean president obliged first by raising his hand slightly to get Rai's attention which succeeded as Raizel's gaze rest upon him. "Esteemed being-

*{...What 😑}* thought Raizel mentally hearing the weird and unsuitable title being used, but he ignored It and let the guy continue.

The South Korean president brought out a handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat of his face, he gulped and shifted his tie.

While this dude was just dealing with his nervousness Raizel was just having some confusion, what is wrong with this man, with how cool and perfect the whole place is why would he be sweating like that. "What's the matter" he asked him.

The Korean president raised his head up "huh? Oh-oh, it's nothing s-so the reason why I have come here" he said placing his hand on his chest while gesturing to the others besides him "I can't speak for them Esteemed one but I speak for myself and the sake of my country, I plead that you not destroy us, whatever you may ask of us we'll do, anything you may want we'll give but please, in the events that you may want to destroy something please spare us" the President pleaded, going on his knees and bowing his head.

Raizel was now getting even more confused, this looked totally stupid, this guy is just looking absolutely stupid right now, do they think he has time to want to go destroying stuff, he just fights. "Stand up" he commanded.

The president raised his head up and complied immediately as he got up.

Raizel stared at the guy "First off good news, your country is safe. Important people of mine live on it, so for them alone I can't have any intention of destroying it" said Raizel as his demeanor changed a bit. "Onto important issues, whatever destruction that see on this world wasn't created on purpose but as a side effect from a battle, the continent that got nearly wiped out wasn't my fault. I just crashed into it".

*{{""What""}}* they all thought internally, is this lunatic really serious right now, that's his justification,

Raizel not even knowing or bothering to know their thoughts looked at his other guests "what is your purpose of being here, I've heard his" he projected his voice again, he had been projecting his voice since the beginning actually.

Before anyone else could say anything one of the secret service agents suddenly fell to his knees choking and gagging on some invisible thing, everyone looked on in shock at what was happening "h-hey what's going on" asked the Korean president in full panic he turned to see Raizel just sitting calmly with a tiny bit of confusion on his face gaze.

He wasn't the one actually doing this, Garda was in fact the culprit. He had no idea why but he would let her do what she wants.

The Korean president wasn't comfortable at all, neither was anyone present. The elders and Rai's partners were the calmest right now but the others were shaking in their seats, cold sweat ran down each of their faces.

The poor guy began bleeding from all his orifices as he opened his mouth hoping to take in a bit air, his eyes were turning bloody red as he coughed up a huge amount of blood. He couldn't scream, all he could do was gag and choke, all he wanted to do right now was breathe.

The Korean president got on his knees "please-please, whatever is going on I'm not involved with it, i swear to–

Raizel's gaze was drawn to him "huh?" he interrupted "Oh, I'm not the one doing this actually" he said as the poor guys body fell to the ground with a thud. His eyes still wide open, true terror could be seen inside them.

They all looked at the body, silence resounded through the room. Raizel looked up from the body and at his guests "I really have no idea why that just happened but please carry on" he said to them forgetting this incident completely.

"I have a question" the Third elder raised his index.

Raizel gave the go ahead to him.

The third elder paused for some moments, he folded his fists tightly "the disappearance of the first elder, was it you" he asked.

Raizel tilt his head a bit "yes-

The third elder balled his fists even tighter but Raizel continued "and No" he finished. The third elder raised his head up to look at him "huh? What do you mean" he asked confused.

Raizel began clarifying "he came after me, he and that guy general Karl i think".

The third elder and the United states president were now together in confusion "why is Karl involved in this" asked the President, the third elder sharing the same notion also with this situation.

Raizel was silent as he gazed around the room, he had done way too much talking for one day, it was really tiring for him and these weren't people he cared for where he would be willing to push through and talk to them for a whole day if called for.

Also his short span attention to things was beginning to act up, in probably five minutes from now he would get up and walk inside the house to go receive some cuddling.

Everyone had weird expressions looking at Raizel, this guy was looking like he didn't even know they existed right now. This sort of disrespect especially to people of their status was maddening, but they knew to swallow it for the sake of their lives and that of the world and so they just waited for Raizel to come back down to earth.

Raizel after some time was now willing to pay attention once more but he was going to make this quick, he created a mind link with all of them except his partners, they already saw what he was about to show them.

He transferred the memory of the whole event regarding him and Karl plus the first elder into their minds, he showed it to them in a way they could comprehend because he didn't want them dying from overload of information.

Raizel leaned back and looked at them, they were all silent as a void. No words could come out of their mouths, they had thought wrong. This guy wasn't just a monster, he was a freaking god. And now their eyes had been opened they felt it, his presence.

The immense feeling of absolute authority and power, he breathed it, Lived it, every cell of his existence was made up of it. He was king, and they would lucky if he could even refer to them as ants. What exactly do they think they can offer him, power? What a joke. Women? *pffft* an even greater joke, perhaps the greatest.

Raizel gracefully stood up and set the collar of his wrists, he looked up at his partners and smiled softly then he turned around and left. This had been exhausting for him, he would lose it if he didn't get any cuddling with his partners very soon.

Garda watched him leave and then slowly turned her attention to the people before her "aren't you going with him" she asked.

Arith became very jiggly and vanished the next instant leaving only Mary who just sighed and looked straight at Garda, she had read the reports about her and what the Organization had done to her. She wondered....."do you have any interests in doing it" she asked her.

Garda was silent, she didn't respond to the question asked. And Mary recognizing her stance respectfully gave it up and vanished a second later also. She was now alone with her guests in front of her, there was an awkward atmosphere. No one knew what to say here, and her silence too waw not helping matters.

The Elders most especially were the most tense, Crombell although not knowing the full details, but he knew very well that her history with the organization wasn't a good one. What if she asked that guy to come destroy them, it seemed she was close enough with him to ask that favor.

The third elder being the current of the organization decided to act "Garda" he called to her but halted when he saw her raise an her hand in stop motion.

She placed her hand on the armrest of the throne "since the reason for your visit is over, you can go now Mr President" she spoke.

The two presidents turned to each other and then immediately got up but froze when they heard her speak again.

"I didn't mean you" she spoke in an chillingly calm tone, her gaze went towards them "you know yourself, don't make me spell it out for you" she said again.

The secret service agents were becoming a little tense now but still maintained their outward composure, being calm was the best thing they could do in this situation.

The South Korean president looked back and forth between Garda and United states president and now finally caught on with what was going on, he gave on last look to his fellow president before walking out, a door had appeared on one of the walls for this room.

A bit surprised by it but be regained himself quickly enough, his own agents going with him as they all left the room now leaving only Garda, the president and the Elders.

"We're you really that stupid" said Garda, her demeanor had turned cold. It fel like the threat of death hanging over their heads "I'm sure with all the surveillance you did on him, you calculated the possibility that Raizel would be extremely laid back and not bother to check what you brought since he doesn't view you as a threat. Although if I'm speaking the truth all Nobles are like that, but. We're you truly that stupid" she asked again.

If you've been wondering for the longest time what exactly Garda was talking about well, this fool truly and in his sanest of mind tried to steal from Raizel. No, not steal from, steal a part of Raizel. I mean actual blood, and that's not all, it wanted to do something much worse. she didn't know that was it's purpose but she sensed the abnormality with it.

From the very beginning these guys arrived her senses were always active and stretched to the maximum, she trusted Raizel to be lazy and unbothered. But she knew that fear and desperation could push people to do some incredible things, these were the dangerous and unpredictable type of people and she was right in her judgement.

She didn't know exactly what it was but her senses caught it, some sort of tiny microscopic thing even about nine times smaller than an ant which is something that people will barely notice unless they're in numbers. And they also had come from one of this guy's agents carrying the briefcase.

Surprisingly this thing had some amount of aura in it, no they were actually in the the millions probably. And the aura she sensed from it although so tiny and miniscule was enough, and there was something very dark and insidious about it.

The aura reminded of something but she didn't know what, it was at the back of her mind. It was something she felt centuries ago but she just couldn't remember what exactly, it was so close. But meanwhile on the surface she had a cold look "tell me, who it is, the one who helped you" she demanded in an icy voice.

That thing felt too abnormal, it couldn't have been done by them alone. She was still struggling and searching her mind for where else she felt that aura from you while keeping a cold look on the surface. "I'm giving you the option of telling me yourself and respecting your privacy enough not to invade your mind and get the answer for myself...yet" Garda spoke calmly.

Now this time the president was visibly shook, he was cornered on both sides and it. Would he at least get a greater deal telling her himself than letting her invade his mind and finding out for herself. He gulped , it seems this was the only deal he had a left, there was nowhere to run. What if he just doomed himself and his country after that guy had said he had no interest in them, No. This was that bastards fault, he had no hand in this he would expose him and save himself. "I-i'll talk" he conceded, his heart beat at a thousand miles per hour in his chest and he was visibly trembling but he was holding himself good altogether.

Garda gave an eerily cold smile "good" she was actually bluffing. She didn't actually possess the ability to read minds like Nobles could, but this guy had no reason not to believe her as she truly held all the cards and had nothing to lose.

.....[???: *Something's wrong, why isn't it working. I can't let this fool take me down with him, all my plans going down the drain, I've worked way too hard to fall now*]

"I'm waiting" she said, getting impatient.

The president was about to confess but suddenly there was an explosion right in their midsts, Garda's instincts kicked in and everything slowed. She moved forward to reach for the president so she could save him as she still hadn't gotten her information, she spread her aura all over him before contact and dragged him away from the still expanding explosion but as she turned around someone grabbed her shoulder and toss her against the walls and the explosion finally released completely

After some seconds Garda walked back into the room through the large hole she crashed through and dragging the shaking president by his collar on the ground, she had a lazy look in her eyes as she scanned the room and seeing the secret agents mostly dead and only two who had minor injuries but they were unconscious. The explosion wasn't anything large and about 3times the power of a grenade, it was just meant to cause a distraction and nothing more

The third and eight elder were fine and dusting the debris off their body, the thirds elder looked up at Garda and said.."we're sorry, i had no idea he was part of this, although we had our suspicions this wasn't in our calculations" he confessed as he looked at the door which had been burst open and spot which formerly held Crombell.

Garda let go of the president and walked out the door, "he's not gone yet, he wasn't given the permission to actually leave this realm to the main outside. He's probably lost in the vastness of this place" she announced which made the third elder look up "then please let us take care of him, we brought him here" he proposed.

Garda smiled and turned her head towards him "you all can leave now, I'm going on a hunt" but before she left she turned to the president "you...i have nothing to say to you, leave with them" then she vanished.

The elders complied as this was no longer something they had any control over, they were lucky she wasn't taking any of this too serious as it would mean absolute bad news for them. The third elder looked at the president with cold-blooded eyes "you almost cost us both our lives, i really want to kill you right now but, the chaos that would bring is not worth it" he shook his head and walked outside. The moment they stepped out it was now back to looking like normal and no longer looking like dawn, they got in their cars and drove away from the house with the gate opening itself for them as they left and closing itself back.

The president was thr only one left in the room with his dead and half dead agents around him, he stood up and went towards the Unconscious ones and furiously tried waking them up. He wanted to leave here quick before his saving grace expires, what if that guy also comes out....


Garda leaped through trees at high speeds as she tracked the aura of Crombell, something about his aura felt fake, like it was a cover up of something much more underneath the surface. She zig-zagged her way all the way to him, feeling him become stationary at some point.

Garda smiled and picked up her speed, crossing tens of thousands of Kilometers in a split second with just her normal form as she now stood before Crombell in an extremely wide space.

Crombell stood with his back to her and with a hand in his pocket and staring into the wide open space of green with the place still looking like dawn. "This place truly is large huh, running is pointless after all" he said in a calm tone that showed he had accepted the truth.

"I'm glad you figured out that for yourself, though i would have liked if you kept the hunt going a little longer" her tone was that of dissatisfaction.

*heh* "I knew exactly what you were doing, I refuse to go down like a rabid dog in my final moments" his tone carried a bit of pride as he turned to finally face her and stare straight into her eyes "but...that's IF you possess the power to stop me".

Garda raised a brow "what makes you think i can't" she questioned.

Crombell smiled "i can feel your strength, it's not anywhere near enough to even be worth the power contained in my one finger" he responded.

Garda smiled "you really have given up on life huh" she taunted but Crombell shook his head "I'm just speaking the truth, i possess power surpassing all elders now. Right now even if they were all alive i would still crush them, the only person who possesses the power to stop me is that guy and for some reason he isn't here yet. I really don't want to fight you, it will not end well for you" he threatened.

Garda scoffed "and where would you have found such power if you truly do possess such" she asked.

Crombell smiled "i truly have the Noblesse to thank for such a gift, the war that was launched because of him, the despair, anger death and resentment he has caused. The near billions of lives he has taken from his catastrophic world ending event, it was all just sweet sweet delicious power for me, i didn't even have to lift a finger".

Garda was silent and just stared straight at Crombell, even though she very much knew Raizel's character and although she was mostly indifferent about the well being of mortals this was still a bit overkill but there was nothing she could do. Eventually they will rebuild and advance as they always have, although the pain and history shall never be forgotten for centuries to come it will remain just as it is...history. Nothing they can do to change it, only learn it and move on with life.

"That guy is a monster, a complete loose cannon with no hope if being stopped and-

"Oh spare me the moral bullshit Dr" said Garda interrupting Crombell and giving him a condescending look "you're in no way a saint also, i know for sure that if you could you would have done even far worse. I can see the vile evil and dark aura hidden underneath, i know the view of Raizel and although he is no saint he's still so much better than what you are. At least he still has the capacity to care for someone, and deeply at that but you...you lack that in it's entirety".

Crombell had nothing to respond with and just stood staring at her, his hypothesis was now confirmed. It seems she had stopped the Noblesse from coming here, but that didn't mean he was off the hook. At any moment he could appear at some point and just kill him, this wasn't a comfortable feeling for him at all. He was still just a prey right now and he had to find a way to survive, he wasn't dying in no mans land.

Garda opened her palms and transformed half of her arm into her wolf form as her gaze turned cold and with extreme sharpness "let's get this over with" she spoke in a calm lazy tone.

Crombell finally put down his pretentious aura as dark purplish wisps of energy began rising out of him with the occasional spark flaring here and there.

Garda's suspicion was now confirmed, she knew where she had felt this before. That blonde haired guy that used to stay at Raizel's side "so you possess the same power as that guy huh" she said with no particular ounce of interest present in her tone. Instead Crombell was the one who was a bit surprised "what do you mean" he asked.

Garda didn't reply as her thoughts had now been confirmed, her feet sunk deep into the ground as she burst forward and aimed a slash at Crombell's neck. He vanished and appeared behind her with both stopping at the same time in their tracks.

She blinked a few times as multiple rings of dark aura spiraled around her arm and body ruining and damaging it, blood dripped down her body and from the deep gash along her chest.

Crombell turned to face her "it'll be advised you stay down now, i don't want to take things too far" he pleaded to her, the threat of death hanging on his head was the reason he didn't kill her on the spot. But Garda smiled "you really do underestimate me too much" she scoffed as Crombell's eyes began widened as a huge gash of blood suddenly burst out from his neck.

He held it down immediately and poured his aura directly into it as his gaze hardened and turned deadly looking at Garda, what was left now after healed himself were four dark purplish scars on his neck.

Garda shook her head "your healing is really pathetic" she committed as her wounds began closing up and deep gash on her chest also regenerated completely which made Crombell deeply surprised. A side effect of his power was to negate regeneration abilities, for werewolves it's slowed down to almost normal healing capacity of a human but for humans it removes it in it's entirety.

The only person who theoretically had a regeneration so powerful that it could negate this effect was Muzaka, *is this due to the experiments conducted on her while she was captured, no. I probably just underestimate her and put a bit too little power into it he concluded as half of his arm turned dark purplish with a shadowing flaming purple aura around it. He adjusted his glasses and looked up at Garda "you have the authority to release me from this space don't you" he asked.

Garda raised a lazy brow "so you still have some hope of leaving alive huh" she chuckled lightly.

Crombell's mind raced, he really had no interest in her at all. This feeling of being able to be killed at any moment without him noticing was what worried him, he couldn't say with even a % of certainty that that guy won't just end his life at any moment he wanted. He felt like he was in a game and there's the possibility the Noblesse wanted it to be this way, probably wants him to run mad with anxiety. Was it possible to actually strike a deal somehow here, but what are the chances it could be accepted.

Garda frowned a bit "you really worry too much" she could read Crombell's current situation and knew what he was worried about "he's not going to interfere, you know what...how about a deal". She had now caught his attention, what luck that she could bring it up herself "I'm listening" he said.

Garda knew she had him now "I'm going to propose two offers, the first is a request directly from the Noblesse. He's asking you to surrender your power to him completely, you'll be powerless but at least you're alive. And maybe give your dignity too while you're at it" pitched Garda.

Crombell's face turned absolutely sour as anger boiled deep in his soul but he controlled himself to hear the complete offer "and, what's yours" he asked.

Garda made a thoughtful look "hmm, i don't really have any ties with you. I mean I'm not the one you attacked so i guess i have no idea why i even came after you as you're Rai's problem" she said confusing Crombell as he was losing track of what exactly is going on in this woman's mind.

Garda took in a fresh breath of air "but anyways just defeat me i guess, the Noblesse isn't holding any grudges and neither am i" she shrugged.

Crombell's eyes shimmered for a moment as he listened to her side of the offer, Garda looked at him and already knew his choice as she saw a slight, almost invisible smile at the end of his lips.

She looked up to see a multitude of dark aura spears hanging above her and feeling the serious aura around Crombell, it was obvious he wanted to end this fast.

The spears launched down at impossible to track speeds and impaled her limbs, Then seconds later it was revealed to just be an afterimage that he pierced as she fade away and the real Garda falling from high in the sky and throwing a massive four claw concentrated aura slash at him which came at insane speeds and almost like a flash of light.

The ground burst as an immeasurably deep gash was left on the ground, Garda's instincts flared up as she noticed new manifestations of aura spears above her and in the shortest moment they launched again. This time at speeds more incomprehensible than before and so much closer this time, she barely reacted and escaped the onslaught of those spears as they missed her completely.

She appeared meters away from the spears staring at Crombell meters away from her. She was only catch the smile on Crombell's face before two spears burst upwards through her feet, her eyes widening in surprise as two more spears came down and impaled her shoulders and then another one right to the gut.

She now stood perfectly immobilized and slumped a little forward, Crombell appeared before her. She didn't seem to be in any discomfort at all, her threshold is truly immense as his dark aura amplifies pain also "you've lost, release me from here" he demanded.

Garda sleepily looked up at him and drooped her head head down, *sigh*. the aura spears impaled in her body began evaporating, leaving holes in her that closed seconds later.

Crombell watched her carefully, but she just ignored him and walked past. The space shifted and it was now back to the main outside with the house now meters away from them when it was already thousands of Kilometers before in the other realm, Garda stepped into the house and closed the door behind her leaving Crombell to himself.

He rotated his vision between the house and the exit, he kept a calm look on his face. Deciding not to push boundaries he walked out the gate and Vanished the moment he stepped outside.

About 30 minutes of quiet later, the front door burst open,breaking off as Arith came right outside in an extremely sexy swimsuit that highlighted her beautiful curves as she yelled into the sky "BEAAACH!" she exclaimed and giggled at her own behavior.

Mary, Seira, Yuna and everyone else stepped out all with a tired look on their faces, Raizel had Ashleen piggybacking his neck and Edian standing next to him. Ashleen looked at Arith weirdly, is she seriously going this like the whole way there? she wondered.

Edian felt a little intimidated by Arith's openness but still admired it somewhat, Garda came out last and so the family of monsters set out on their way to the beach. There's no way there isn't going yo be chaos, it's impossible. Something will happen and they knew it, but they didn't care, all that mattered was they had fun.
