
My Mysterious Isekai Story In COTE(Fan-Fic)

This story is about a guy who is an otaku and his favourite anime,manga or ln is Classroom of the elite.When he finishes reading the latest volume of cote and he sleeps then when he wakes up ,mysteriously he gets transmigrated into Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's body right at the beginning of the story in the bus. But is he alone or not? Find out in the story. Btw this is my first story I ever wrote in my life.So criticisms are welcome as it helps me realize my mistakes. Except the new plot(which may be very less) and the new MC's personality I don't own any thing else.All rights deserves to Shogo Kinugasa and for the art it belongs to Shunsaku Tomose(and other respective artists). Also if you haven't watched anime or read manga and light novel.You may get spoilers.Also mistakenly when I uploaded it for the first time it was uploaded on novels side so I made a new one for fan-fic side. Btw you can find this story in wattpad too.Which of course is uploaded by me. Note:- In this fic the MC is not like original Kiyo. He has got emotions and cares about others but is a little dense. But the greatest misfortune of his enemies is that they became his enemy. He would do anything to destroy his enemy. Also right from the beginning he has got an goal which is unknown and related to his past. Anyways his ideals are fixed on the term hope. Just like how Kiyo is on equality. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/H9WMPWm6

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Vol: 2 Chapter 1, Ayanokouji Atsuomi.

Vol: 2 Chapter 1, Ayanokouji Atsuomi.

With a slight nod, Ayanokouji wished her well, "Take care, Ichinose-san." As she walked away, his phone buzzed with a notification. Glancing at the screen, a secretive smile played across his lips. "So, it's finally time to earn some real quick private points..."

He quickly composed a message and sent it off to Fuka Kiryuin. The contents were brief yet filled with an unequivocal sense of readiness, "I'm now prepared for our plan."

A moment later, Fuka's response arrived, vibrating his phone with a new sense of purpose. "Ok then, let's go and start the plan."

Their meeting spot was near the imposing building that housed the principal's office, a structure that loomed ominously yet invitingly in the fading light of dusk. Ayanokouji arrived first, his figure casting a long shadow on the ground, the fading sunlight framing him in a silhouette of determination. Not long after, Fuka Kiryuin approached, her strides confident and sure, a stark contrast to the nervous energy she harbored within.

Without exchanging many words, both understood the gravity of the step they were about to take. Nods exchanged, they proceeded towards the principal's office. The halls were quieter now, the usual hustle of students replaced by the echoed footsteps of Ayanokouji and Fuka.

As they neared their destination, a figure appeared from the shadows, halting them in their tracks. "Greetings, I am Sakayanagi Narumori, the chairman," the figure introduced himself, his voice carrying a weight that seemed to fill the corridor.

The Chairman's eyes, sharp and discerning, settled on Fuka before drifting back to Ayanokouji. "I was indeed expecting Ayanokouji Kiyotaka to come knocking at my door sooner or later. But to include outsiders in this..." His words trailed off, leaving a heavy silence that was almost tangible.

Fuka boldly stepped forward, breaking the silence with a confidence that rivaled the chairman's penetrating gaze. "If Ayanokouji Kiyotaka himself has allowed me to enter into this game, then there shouldn't be any sort of problem," she declared, her voice unwavering despite the gravity of their situation.

A faint smirk appeared on Sakayanagi Narumori's face, as if amused by Fuka's audacity. "Very well," he said, his tone inscrutable. "But let me remind you both that stepping into the heart of that man's secrets is not a venture to be taken lightly. Any missteps could have... consequences."

The air thickened with unspoken threats, the hallway echoing back their collective breathing. The chairman's cryptic words hung between them, a reminder of the delicate line they were about to cross.

Ayanokouji, ever the strategist, met the chairman's gaze squarely. "We are fully aware of the risks, Chairman. And we're prepared to face the challenges head-on," he said, his voice calm but firm.

Sakayanagi Narumori considered them for a moment longer before stepping aside, granting them passage. "Very well. Proceed," he instructed, his voice laced with a curiosity that suggested he was intrigued to see how far they would go, and perhaps, even willing to observe the turmoil that might ensue.

As they walked past him, another figure stepped into view. A man whose aura was undeniably magnetic, Ayanokouji Atsuomi. His presence alone commanded the area, his gaze piercing, as if seeing right through to one's true intentions. Ayanokouji felt a mix of awe and apprehension at facing this superior man, understanding the depth of his father's influence and strength.

Then, to Ayanokouji's side, another individual made herself known. A girl with an air of authority matched only by her intelligence, Arisu Sakayanagi. "I am Arisu Sakayanagi, one of the leaders of Class A, it's nice to finally meet you Ayanokouji-kun. Oh! And you too Kiryuin-senpai." she introduced herself, her voice calm and collected. Her eyes, sharp as her intellect, seemed to analyze every move Ayanokouji and Fuka made.

It was at this moment that Ayanokouji decided to play a little, to stir the waters further. "Your gaze, it seems to be familiar," he started, locking eyes with Arisu. He continued, slightly tilting his head, "Were you by any chance present at that place, somewhat near 8 years ago? Apologies, I don't tend to remember insignificant things much." The air buzzed with tension as his words hung in the balance, the shock palpable across everyone's faces. Fuka remained the only one not visibly affected, lacking the context to comprehend the depth of his words.

However, those who knew the true story behind those words felt a profound shock. Arisu Sakayanagi was notably taken aback, her composed demeanor flickering for a moment. "My, my, Ayanokouji-kun, I seem to have gravely underestimated you..." she recovered, her tone laced with a newfound respect and caution. Then Ayanokouji asks her to leave as some privacy was needed, but asks the chairman to remain. As he was a necessary piece, for his plan to work.

Atsuomi finally spoke, breaking the heavy silence that had followed Ayanokouji's remark. "So, at the mere age of 8, you were already capable of that?" he mused, his tone mixed with intrigue and a hint of pride. "And this Kiryuin girl, does she know about that place?"

Ayanokouji shrugged lightly, a faint smile on his lips. "Well, she doesn't. But considering her intellect, she should have some idea of it," he replied, offering a nod toward Fuka who looked determined, albeit slightly out of depth with the immediate turn of events.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Atsuomi's expression shifted into something more stern, almost foreboding. "I see," he said, each word deliberate, menacing. "Then, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what I want. Leave this worthless school immediately and return to your original place."

In a moment bold and unexpected, Ayanokouji countered, his tone laced with a challenging calm, "Your orders held sway within that place, not here. Here, I am not just a part of your schemes. I stand as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, a student of this academy, forging my own path."

Atsuomi's eyes narrowed, his aura intensifying, a clear sign of the brewing storm between father and son. The air crackled with the tension of unspoken history and unresolved conflicts, leaving those around them in silent observation.

Fuka, unable to hold back her rising irritation, confronted Atsuomi directly, "What intentions lurk behind your orders? Ayanokouji has proven time and again his capability. Why summon him back now?"

Her question hung in the air, challenging and bold. Atsuomi's gaze shifted toward her, a mix of annoyance and slight curiosity. "And who might you be to question my motives? Your bravery, or rather, foolishness, is commendable."

But before the heated situation could escalate further, Ayanokouji interjected, "Kiryuin-senpai speaks not out of foolishness but conviction. Whatever path I choose, it is mine to walk. Your realm of control ends where my determination begins."

Just as Atsuomi was about to make a retort, possibly about Matsuo, Ayanokouji cut him off, "You're now going to talk about my butler Matsuo, aren't you? But that's not going to work, you see." Atsuomi, taken aback, fixed his gaze on his son, "So, you don't care what consequences he has to bear because of your foolishness?" To which Ayanokouji calmly responded, "You know better than that about me."

Atsuomi, softening slightly, remarked, "You have changed, Kiyotaka."

"Yeah, sometimes change is a great thing, don't you think so?" Ayanokouji replied, a hint of defiance woven with serenity in his voice.

Atsuomi sighed, "If that's all, then I shall be taking my leave."

"Wait a bit!" Ayanokouji exclaimed, holding his ground. "I didn't call you all the way here just for some random chit-chat, nor to tell you about my determination to stay here. Because you know that you actually sent me here on purpose, didn't you?"

The surprise on Atsuomi's face was unmistakable as he stuttered, "What!? What nonsense are you spouting about?" As he thought, 'Does he know about that plan of mine!?'

Suddenly, a voice message played from his smartphone, saying, "They have arrived, Kiyotaka-sama." Ayanokouji responded to his AI, "Oh, thanks a lot, Hope." He then turned back to Atsuomi, his eyes gleaming with a sense of anticipation, "Now you will understand for what reason I called you here..."

Just when Chairman Sakayanagi thought, 'Just who is this hope, and now just who have this young Ayanokouji setup for his plan?' the door swung open. Two notable individuals entered the office, confusion evident on their faces.

"Why the heck did you called us here? Atsuomi." One demanded, clearly agitated for being summoned so abruptly.

"Was there something wrong, Atsuomi? Also, why have you called her here too?" The other asked, their tone infused with confusion and a hint of curiosity.

Atsuomi's gaze swiftly turned towards Kiyotaka, who sat leisurely, drinking his juice and looking back with an innocent gaze. Ignoring Kiyotaka's playful demeanor, Atsuomi uttered, "I hope you have a justifiable reason for this, Ayanokouji. Also, how did you find out about them?"

Mika, one of the arrivals, expressed her confusion, "Wait just what do you mean, Atsuomi?" However, the other individual, catching on to the underlying situation, remarked with a mix of amazement and acknowledgment, "I see, some amusing things you have done, eh? Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"Well, thanks for the compliment. Also, it's finally nice to meet you, mom. Normally I would love to discuss our relationship, but considering what you've done... There's no doubt, I would feel the opposite," Kiyotaka expressed, making his displeasure and distancing stance clear. "And now that you have fulfilled your role here, so you may disappear."

Atsuomi, digesting the turn of events, concluded, "So you called these two just to have me confirm you know about me and my plans, don't you? Now that you got what you want, tell me what you really want?" As he spoke, the door closed, indicating Mika had left the room, seemingly disinterested in the conversation.

"Okay, let's make a deal, that's my real purpose," Kiyotaka revealed, calmly addressing Atsuomi and the remaining individual. "I've developed this AI, Hope, and as you just saw, it can be incredibly helpful in various ways. For instance, let me demonstrate its real capability..."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka contemplated for a moment, then issued an instruction to his AI, "Hope, can you check my battery percentage?" To which Hope answered, "It's exactly, 50% Kiyotaka-sama." Then Kiyotaka doubted it and said, "Please recheck it hope, according to my calculations it's not it."

"Oh sorry, Kiyotaka sama. It's exactly 53%." It answered so...

This demonstration, seemingly trivial, carried weight far beyond the simple exchange—it showcased Hope's precision and adaptability, leaving Atsuomi and Tsukishiro visibly tense. As if revealing that Kiyotaka knew about those two was Rasengan then, the thing he just did it could be considered a tailed beast bomb.

'So this sly son of mine has an AI capable of pinpointing such exact details. Afterall the battery check he just did, it is undoubtedly referred to the transaction I made with Mika back then... As that additional 3% or million yen is definitely not a coincidence...', Atsuomi considered, recognizing the potential embedded within Hope.

"Alright, Kiyotaka, state your price then." Atsuomi finally said, conceding to the negotiation table.

"How about a billion yen?" Kiyotaka started, setting a high benchmark.

"No, can't do that much, don't you think you should offer some discount here? How about 600 million?" Atsuomi countered, seeking a compromise.

Then Tsukishiro, still skeptical, chimed in, "Yeah, do you truly expect us to believe your AI is that much worth. A billion yen?" To which Kiyotaka then simply looked at Fuka, as if asking her to bargain with Atsuomi and Tsukishiro. Without hesitation, Fuka stepped forward, her eyes locking with Atsuomi's in a silent challenge.

"With all due respect," Fuka began, her tone polite yet firm, "Hope's capabilities extend beyond what you've just witnessed. It's not just about the precision in mundane tasks but its potential in information gathering, strategic analysis, and decision making, all of which are invaluable in the right hands. We believe a billion yen is not merely a fair price; it's actually quite a bargain."

Fuka's confident stance, backed by Ayanokouji's smug smile, left Atsuomi pondering. After a tense moment of silence, Atsuomi finally nodded, "Fine, let's settle it at 800 million then."

However, Ayanokouji wasn't quite done yet. His eyes gleamed with a further gambit as he pushed the limits of their freshly forged agreement. "Actually," he interjected, "consider the full spectrum of Hope's capabilities—security infiltration, intelligence analysis, autonomous operation, surveillance, to mention but a few. We're only brushing the surface here. Bearing in mind such unparalleled versatility, 920 million yen seems a more accurate reflection of its worth."

Atsuomi, caught off guard by this sudden elevation, frowned deeply. "920 million? You're stretching this negotiation thin, Kiyotaka. What makes you think I'd be willing to jump from 800 to 920 just like that?"

Kiyotaka maintained his composure, returning Atsuomi's intense gaze with a calm, assured look. "Because, aside from everything else, Hope comes integrated with a unique feature—the ability to evolve based on its operational environment. It learns, adapts, and becomes more efficient over time. The value it represents now will only compound in the future. Hence, 920 million yen is not just for its current capabilities but for its potential growth as well. Consider it an investment."

The air was tense, charged with the electricity of a pivotal moment in their negotiation. Atsuomi measured his son with a long, scrutinizing look, weighing the merits of his argument. Eventually, with a reluctant sigh signaling his acquiescence, Atsuomi yielded. "Very well, 920 million yen. But this had better be worth it, Kiyotaka."

Atsuomi now questioned, "How will you convert these much money into Private Points in this school?" To which Kiyotaka formed a small smile on his face as he faced towards Chairman Sakayanagi and says, "This is where you come in, Chairman Sakayanagi. What's the price for gaining the right to convert yen into Private Points at this school!?"

As he continues, "Afterall there's nothing you can't buy with your private points in this school."

Fuka Kiryuin laughs and says, "Now that's some interesting idea you have there, huh? Ayanokouji-kun. But considering you made that AI I guess you could easily figure out what you just did, I guess."

Then after that Chairman Sakayanagi asks, "I see. That certainly is possible. Now then, currently do you possess 1 Million Private Points?" To which Ayanokouji answers, "Yes I do have it with me, right now."

And with this the transaction is done and then Kiyotaka received the 920 million yen and then converts it into Private Points. And now with this he finally has a grand total 920 million private points within him. Through which he could do whatever he could with those.

Then he turns towards Atsuomi and says, "Btw continue on doing what you are doing to get me expelled from this school. Afterall we can't now have him get suspicious, do we?" To which Atsuomi replies, "Yeah, you don't have to tell me that much." To which Kiyotaka says, "Yeah just making sure."

[ A/N So hey guys, how was the chapter? And my idea to convert yen into pp. Please comment your views on it. Was it a little too much? Also I guess Ayanokouji Kiyotaka could most definitely be at this level, right? To find a way to earn this much amount of private points through a simple manner. ]