
1 his pov

Harry Pov

Im walking through the hallways hearing whispers about a new girl. Just great i look to see a most beautiful girl talking to my bullies. I sigh and walk to class. After the bell rings and everyone sits far away from me the same goddess comes inside. She looks around and i see her confusion. She explains that she is new and sits next to me. I turn and look at her

Nobody infront or around me accept she is right next to me. She pulls out this sketch book and starts drawing. After forever the bell rings and she stands up and walks away. I sigh then walk to my next class. The bell rings and she comes in AGAIN.

This time with head-phones. She does the same as before. I look at my phone to see a minute left and the teacher trying to get Alice attention. I poke her and she looks at me with beautiful eyes. I point to the teacher she looks up and stands up. And like that she is walking out of the class.


The bell rings and we all head to lunch. I sit at the table in a corner and eat my lunch when i see her infront of me eating a apple. She probarely wants this table. Im about to stand up when she says

Dont! Stay!

I nod and sit back down.

Im Alice

I pull out my notebook and write

Hi im Harry

I see her smile look around and spot my bullies. She smiles then whispers

I came to this school for a reason.

She stands up and grabs my smoothe.

Watch my spot

I nod and watch her walk towards them. Like anyone wants this spot. And i should have know she didnt want to sit next to me.

I look over to see them all agruing and she has this evil grin on her face. Then like That they are all covered in smoothe. She turns and walks staright to the door and walks out. I follow behind her quickly to hear.

This Is Only The Beginning

Just you wait you will wish you never

saw me ever again

I see her walk father away and get into her car. She turns and we lock eyes she smiles and winks at me. Then says

Shh dont tell anyone

I nod and watch her drive off and i turn around to go to class right as the bell rings.

But sadly before i reach my classroom i am being pinned to the lockers. Ah its George probarely time to get beat up

So you were with Alice you little punk


Oh right you dont talk you stupid mute


Well then lets take this outside

And before i know it im outside on the ground getting kicked punch and whatever you can think of

She will never like you got it


So stay away from her

One last punch before he walks away and im laying here with burises. I feel my eyes watering so i slowly stand up and skip class and walk home.