
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urban
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44 Chs

What's next.

"As jack walked across the busy road, that was filled with life, which jack walked across the road with his cape closer to his body. At some point in time, passer by started looking at jack, which jack didn't mind all the glaze which they locked at him.

"As jack was continued walking across the busy street, jack immediately remembered Lilyard which he had forgotten her quiet a while. As jack rememberd he put one of his shadow slave into her shadow.

"As a smile curved up on his face as jack tired connecting with the shadow. Which after a while jack was able to find out the exact place was she was.

"As jack walked toward, a joint bar which he sat down on a empty chair. as he ordered a whine, "hummm", looks like I would have to enroll into this school but if worse comes to worse I would just enroll as a teacher.

"The main reason why jack said this was simple. When jack found out the location of liyard he also found out that she teaches, in a school which was named all girls school, there was not even a single guy except some males teachers.

 It's doesn't looks like a bad place to start leveling up, since their population would be around 400 females students. In the whole school and if I added their female teachers, it would be at least around 450 female student.

"You might be surprised on how jack got this information, he simply ordered his shadow salve to do some scanning within the school. Which took it no time to complete the job, as jack planned to submits his application letter the day after tomorrow. 

"As for today and tomorrow jack planned to use it to level up a bit, as jack observed his surrounding's, while jack was busy drinking his cold wine which was very refreshing in a sunny morning like this. as a woman walked up toward him.

"Hey can I have a seat beside you? "as jack lifted up his head to scan the clown who spoke in a very rude tone, but seeing it was a woman, he managed to calm down a bit as he observed her figure.

"Which was not looking bad, she was also wearing the same outfit like jack which covered her completely. "but even with this jack could still see her curves, calling for attention, even her clothe couldn't hide the figures of her body completely.

"Noticing jack parverted looks, hey don't you dear have any funny ideals, or you might get beaten, and what make you think I was staring at you ? I mean it could be anyone else it is not like you are the most beautiful woman in the word. Jack said unbordered, you... but" surprisenly no words cane out of her mouth.

"As she took a seat beside jack, "by the way my name is Anita," nice meeting you Anita my name is Marcus, as jack gave her a fake name, so what the main reason you came to me in the first place jack asked.

"Yeah about that, I took a mission to bring something valuable into the next town. By some big function clan, so I am gathering some group of skilled people to escort us during the jonery.

"And don't worry about the Money, you would be reciving 2 thousand power stone. Which is more than enough to last you a long time, "hummm, all this power stone just for escorting and safe keeping the goods, it must be quiet valuable, for you to offer so much power stone.

"That could last a family through out their life time, "that none of your business as Anita pointed a sword right below jack throat, just focus on the mission at hand. And you are not allowed to talk anything about this anymore, if not I would not think twice before cutting you throat.

"Is that clear Anita asked in a cold voice, "chill out you don't have to point a sword toward my neck, you might have accidentally killed me by mistake. "jack said jokenly, by the way how am I sure that 2 thousand power stone is enough.

"I mean am sure you are not the only one that knows about this treasure, other might have found out about this and are prepared to ambush us, even with that we would have to face many danger along the way, like wilde beast, bandits, and so many more, then tell me how am I sure this is not a rank S", mission.

"Or can the death spend money, no am not welling to lose my life just because of money, 

So what do you have to say about this, jack said, "Hummm, what a smart one indeed," all what you said are true.

"Am not going to deny any fact, indeed we are going to face a lot of dangers on this jonery, "but at least it worth the risk. Last offer 10,000 power stone what do you say about this?. 

"Hummm, the lust of money is the downfall of all man's, let see how you resist this Anita said I her mind. as jack closed his eyes for some time, as he ordered one of his shadow slaves to enter into Anita shadow.

"Jack wasn't stupid to believe all the words that came out of her mouth. And we are talking about a woman here, as cunning as a fox, something within jack tells him to be careful around this woman.

"Hummmm, deal:, so when do we leave ? jack asked looking at Anita straight into her eyes, now of course we are expected to reach the place in the next 3 to 4 days, hummm okay as jack drank his remaining wine in his glass.

"As he stood up, which he made Anita lead the way as he followed quietly behinde her, After walking for a while they reached a narrow place within a forest.

"As sign of life was spotted, as jack looked at the people at his front, he saw elf's, humans, hybrid, and even demons. Which includes both gender carrying different types of wepons, like sword, arrow, axe, bar, and so on.

"As jack looked at the fellow people who would be escorting Anita on the jonery, in the risk of their own life. As jack looked at the carriage at his front which he couldn't see anything from outside, as he walked forward toward the group.

"I have found the last person the jonery start now, make sure you have double check all your items on you. Just to be sure, as Anita walked towards the carriage. My lady we have gardered all the people we need for this jonery, and for your protection,hummm then start the jonery, the voice inside the carriage said emotionlessly but with a beautiful voice.

"That could captivate a lot of man's heart, but jack knew within that voice there is a devil, as they all started the jonery with the carriage being pulled by four Wilde beast. Ain't you with any wepon.

"A guy next to jack asked him, as he looked at jack like a idiot, "no I don't need one all I need is my feast jack said shamelessly, enough for all the people on the group to hear, as they all turned looking at jack like a idiot.

"Hey listen up talking would not be tolerated, on this mission so it best to maintain perfect silent, as Anita said in a cold voice, which they all became silent and continued. Walking along the bushy road with their gard up high.