
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urban
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44 Chs


Jack woke up due to the continuous sound of the door bell, as he got up slowly while rubbing his eyes, after a while he was able to adapt to the bright ness of the room.

since it was already morning as the ray of sun light pierce through the window, as jack lazily got up from bed who might be at the door at this moment jack thought.

as he walked towards the door as jack slowly opened the door, to see a guy in a uniform looking like a chef, good morning sir here is your breakfast and before I forget, the CEO said you should meet her after breakfast, ohh thanks jack said as he took the food from the chef.

after that jack locked the door as he sat down on the bed thinking about how his day was going to be, and how he would cope with Ella after a while jack got up and went to the bathroom, which was one of the best he had seen since he got recanted.

As he saw a very large bathtub that could at least contain four to five people at most, and

it was made up of gold, as jack took off his cloth as he entered the bathtub after a while jack came out, as jack sat down to consume his food since he felt hungry.

Good morning master as jack heard the voice of his system, at first he was confused since when did his system became this respectful, it even called me master, system are you sleep talking or maybe you are running temperature? jack said, [can't I greet host in a respectful way host should just focus on finishing his brake fast] that more like it jack said as he continued to eat.

I have been meaning to ask what method are you going to use to drain her qi ? jack said, since he was quite curious, host is advised to just focus on the mission and leave the rest to me, don't worry you might even gain a god like skill and a lot of HP you can't let this opportunity slid by. why are you so obsessed with me having sex with Ella, am sure you have some interior motive.

since You won't be doing this for free jack said awaiting a reply, [okay I will just come clean you having sex with her and draining her qi can upgrade the system straight to level 4, and you also know that upgrading the system can help you level up a lot] okay jack said now show me my status.

[ Status]

[ Name: jack Williams]

[ Level : 1]

[ Exp :15/ 100]

[ op :1400/ 20,000]

[ Race : Human]

[ Class : f ]

[ Mana : 50/50 ]

[ HP : 1600/ 1600 ]

[ Stamina : 60/60 ]

[ Health : 50 /50 ]

[ Skills : light touch, heat of seduction, Hallucinations, Shadow slave also know as shadow spies ].

System why is my class still f ? jack asked quite curious, [ isn't it quite obvious host Haven't have sex to the acquired stage host is advised to work harder] after a while jack finished eating his brake fast as he put on a new cloth as he haded toward Ella office.

after walking for some time the giant blue door came into view, as jack knocked on the door. Knock* Knock* the door is open as jack heard a familiar voice, as jack slowly opened the door after he was in the door automatically closed, good morning jack how was your night? Ella said with out looking at jack as she continued her paperwork.

She seems a little dispersed jack tough, good morning Ella jack replied with a smile as he sat down on the sofa, thinking of what next to say, "as the office became dead silent after a while jack decided to brake the awkward atmosphere, I can see you are quite busy why don't I take you out, Maybe for shopping or anywhere you might want to go.

So as to relive you from some of your stress, jack said not really believing what came out from his mouth, because he knew how much he going to spend. dam system are you going to pay me back the money I am going to spend jack Said, [ host can just continue to dream on ] it looks like it can't be helped jack tough.

After a while jack got a reply from Ella, okay where do you want to take me Ella said as she got up and started moving toward jack, in a seductive way as jack looked at the tight dress she was wearing, as jack swallowed his Silva as Ella approached him, when she got to jack front she then kissed jack, wich jack didn't resist as he grab her slim waste, and pulled her closer to himself.

WHICH she was then taken by surprise, cause jack pulled her with force deeping their kiss. after a while they broke their kiss as a string of Siva connected their mouth, "you are one naughty guy Ella said as she took her handbag from the table, let go shopping she said while slowly walking toward the exit, as jack followed behind her while admiring her figure, what a Shame that she has to die.