
My Mrs Supermodel

Liam and Adrianna met because of a misunderstanding. Adrianna, an aloof supermodel donated her blood to Liam, an eligible bachelor and a billionaire. "Tell me what you want?" "What is it for?" "For saving me...I'll grant you anything..." "Keep it, I don't need anything..." "But I want to repay you. Just tell me, it wouldn't be that hard, right? What do you want? Hermes Birkin? Diamond? a yacht? I heard you love the ocean." "I just want you to stop bothering me and leave me alone!" "Oh, I got it." "Thank god!" she muttered. "I'll give myself to you..." WHAT???? Liam swears to protect Adrianna but whenever he's near her or hear her name, his stomach rumbles with unknown feeling. He loves teasing and annoying her. While Adrianna's heart is as deep as the ocean. She appears calm and unbothered but her heart flips every time Liam stare into her eyes. They were attracted to each other like how a moth attracted to the fire. the more they try to deny the feelings, the deeper they fall for each other.

Tc_Az · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 9: A strong woman cries too!

Adrianna was in her car when she saw her dad, left to go to hospital. After 2 minutes, she exited her car and walked back into the mansion. She retreated back to her old room. After she got into the room, she closed the door.

It was all the same, butler John said; her dad commanded the maid to clean he room everyday though she no longer lived here.

Adrianna walked to her bed and took the teddy bear and hugged it. Her eyes moved to all the soft toys around her. It was all her favorites when she was a teenager. She smiled. Everything was well when she was a teenager and when her mom was still here.

Adrianna's hand moved to touch the frame on the side table. It was a picture of their family. Her dad, mom and herself. She can see her bright smile as well as her mom's beautiful face. The picture was taken during their one day family trip.

They loved to spend time together and Adrianna remembered that her mom was fond of the ocean and beaches. That could be the reason why she would feel calm and peaceful when she looked at the vast ocean. It has the memory of her and her mother.

Adrianna laid her head on the bed and brought the frame to her chest.

"Mom...I miss you" she muttered with her eyes closed. Then she drifted to her dreamland.


James knocked on Adrianna's door but there was no answer. She thought Adrianna went back to her apartment the moment he left to the hospital but the maid said, she went back to her old room.

Slowly James pushed her door opened and saw his daughter on the bed. She was asleep while hugging a picture frame. He took the frame and put it down on the side table. He caressed his late wife face.

"I'm sorry Em... I failed as a father" he smiled bitterly.

He loved Emerald Wilson so much. They were childhood sweetheart. He married Emerald after he graduated from college. Emerald was a model at that time and her career slowed down after her marriage but then she became an actress. He supported her and after two years, they gave birth to Adrianna.

Emerald wanted to name their daughter Belle but he also like Adrianna, so in the end, they choose both with Belle as her middle name. They were happy living life as husband and wife with their daughter, not until Emerald left them.

He was still young at that time and when Adrianna left to stay in hostel, he was lonely. He met Olivia during one of his company event. Olivia was his high school friend, they talked and he learnt that Olivia had a daughter but she was never married. Nancy's father left her to marry someone else. After a few meetings, Olivia confessed to him and the next day, he married her.

His dad, Stephen Winters was angry when he found out he married Olivia. He was puzzled too. What made him so eager on marrying Olivia? Was it lust? He knew not because of love. His love for Emerald is still strong even until now.

He brought Olivia to meet Adrianna for the first time, the daughter of his was so calm. She just smiled like it was nothing. Then, he brought Nancy to live in the house. He remembered Adrianna was fond of Nancy, maybe because she did not have siblings and she got pretty close to Nancy but not Olivia.

James thought was shattered when Adrianna stirred in her sleep. He tucked her long hair that covered half of her face. James pulled the blanket and covered Adrianna properly before he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Sleep tight my baby!" he whispered and left the room.

As he left the room, he sighed. How is he going to tell Adrianna the shocking news about Nancy? After she was brought to the hospital. The doctor treated Nancy and said, it was just a minor injury, she did not sliced her wrist too deep but what make them shocked when the doctor said, however; the minor injury could be fatal to her embryo.

Yes, tonight they found out Nancy was pregnant and after she woke up, Nancy confessed that she was pregnant with Jace's baby.

Olivia insisted on having Nancy warded though the doctor said, she was out of danger and can go home. Now, for sure, Olivia wouldn't let him 'chase' Nancy out of the house. Then, what about Adrianna?


Adrianna woke up the next morning with the ringing of her phone. With her still closed eyes, she answered the phone.


"Ri, did you watch the video?" came Alicia's impatient voice.

"What video?" Adrianna asked groggily.

"Are you still asleep? Never mind, I'm almost there, wait for me..."


"Your apartment of course! are you still in your dream?"

Adrianna opened her eyes and looked around the room, then she remembered she came back to Winters Mansion last night.

"Hmm...I'm not home. I'm at my dad's" she answered as she yawned.

"Okay...good, I think you better stay there for a while, right now, the reporters were searching for you"

"What happened?" Adrianna was fully awake.

"I've send the video and the link to the article, you look at them yourself, I'll call you back later"

After Alicia hung up, Adrianna opened the message to see what Alicia sent her. It was a video and the moment she clicked the video. She was dumbfounded.

She can hear a conversation between Nancy, Jace and Olivia. All three of them were together in a hospital room. Probably last night since Adrianna can see the bandage around Nancy wrist. Olivia was sitting by her side while Jace was next to her.

Nancy: I'm sorry Jace. I don't know it would become this way? If I didn't attend the party, they wouldn't have the chance to drugged both of us

Jace : It was my fault too. I should take care of you since you are going to be my sister-in-law but I failed and caused you harm. I'm sorry for taking your precious first time and made you pregnant.

Nancy: I will abort this baby! I don't want to come in between you and sis Adrianna. I'll leave Winters Family and will never came in between you guys anymore.

Olivia: Nancy, what are you talking about? If you're leaving then how about mother. No, I disagree, I wouldn't let you abort my grandchild.

Nancy: But mother, Jace is Adrianna's fiancee. I am just a nobody, not even dad's biological daughter.

Jace : Adrianna don't even love me.

Nancy & Olivia : What??

Jace: She's in a relationship with someone else and she just created all this scandal about me in order to hide her real motive.

Nancy: What do you mean? Sister would never do that! I know her. Stop lying.

Jace : It was true, someone I knew send me a picture of Adrianna and a man. See this.. (Jace showed the mother and daughter something on his phone.)

Olivia: So you mean she was cheating on you first but she claimed that Nancy did that to her. What kind of woman is she. Last night, when Nancy apologize, she was acting as if Nancy committed a grave mistake and she even provoked my daughter until she... (Olivia cried while holding onto Nancy's hand)

The video ended like that. They were making as if it was a hidden camera. Someone were taking videos of them while they were unaware.

Adrianna scoffed. She clicked the link to the article. This time. she saw a few pictures of her. It was a few days ago actually.

The album was titled : [A true face of the heiress]

In the picture, she was seen having a conversation with a man in front of a Japanese Restaurant. At that time, Kyle was waiting for Liam in the car while Alicia went to bathroom. So, they were seen together. Liam was leaning towards her as he was asking a question.

In the second picture, they were together in Liam's car. They appeared intimate since it was a confined place. But of course, they have to blur Liam's face. Maybe they were afraid of the wrath from the devil himself. Liam was known to be ruthless to his enemy if they crossed his bottom line.

Adrianna read the comments under the picture

[Wow, this is the side of a popular and rich! She claimed her fiancée cheated on her but look at herself.]

[What do you expect from a person from a showbiz? of course she has to cover her scandal with another scandal]

[I pity the step-sister, she was drugged and she has to take the blame of all the hyped caused by the big 'supermodel']

[What do you mean big supermodel, there are many supermodel who's bigger than her, she's just using her rich family to get where she is today. How shameless!]

[I heard her mom also do the same thing, she was a low ranked model, got married into Winters family and later became an actress]

Adrianna clenched her fist. How dare they bring her mom's name into this matter? This is too much! Then she read another comment.

[I read somewhere, they said Adrianna hired someone to drugged her step-sister and her fiancée, she wanted them to become the scapegoat so that she can escape the marriage. Adrianna never liked her fiancée. She was never seen together with him]

[Really? I also heard the same thing. So, the step-sister was sacrificed, she lost her 'first time' and became pregnant. Last night, she was sent to hospital after trying to kill herself? Luckily, they managed to save her and her baby! if both of them died, she will become a murderer]

She drugged them? A murderer? Wow! All the netizen were quick in making stories and now she has to take all the blame for something that she did not do. Adrianna sat on the bed and laughed to herself. This is fun! a real fun!

Then she called Alicia back.

"Ali, who posted the video?" Adrianna asked.

"It was anonymous, the video was released last night by a fake account, then after the video became viral, the poster deleted the account." Alicia explained.

"Ri, are you alright?" Alicia asked.

"I'll talk to my dad. After all, this matter involved his wife and his step-daughter!"

"Alright! You take care, I'll ask Aunt Emma's opinion about this matter"

"No Ali...don't disturb Aunt Emma. She still in her vacation and I don't want to ruin that"

Adrianna got up from the bed and got into the bathroom. After she was done cleaning herself and changed her clothes, she left the room towards the dining table.

"Where is my dad?" she asked the maid named Liza.

"Master is in the dining table. He has been waiting for you, miss"

Adrianna quickly walked back into the dining room and she saw her dad was talking on the phone. From the content of his conversation alone, she believed; he was having argument with Olivia.

James ended the call the moment he saw Adrianna. His face was full with regret.


"Where are they?" she asked.

"Please listen to me.."

"No...you listen to me dad, your wife, your beloved daughter and your chosen son-in-law were in cahoots in making my life a living hell? what did I do to deserve all this?" Adrianna wiped her tears.

"I know, I've asked the IT department to removed all the videos and comments.."

Adrianna laughed in between of her tears.

"I was not mad when they mock me but they have to involve mom in this? why did they have to mention mom's name?"

"Your mom?" James faces changed.

"You know what they said? they claimed mom was a social climber, she used you to become famous and then she gave birth to someone like me!" Adrianna tried to hold back her sob. She was upset! Devastated! humiliated! It was all because of them.

"You know it wasn't true. I love your mom and she love me too. We have been together long before we married"

"I know but do they? Now, I was painted as a cheater! I drugged them because I wanted to ruin the marriage alliance between two families. What make it funny was, I caught them having sex in the house you gifted us and now they claimed they were drugged. I'll never let them go. I will sue them for defamation and I will ruin their life!" Adrianna exclaimed.

"I know you are angry, it could be a misunderstanding. I'll talk to Olivia and Nancy and --"

"You know what, now I know my worth in your eyes." Adrianna cut James sentences as she looked at her dad with a sad eyes.

"Someone else fathers, if their daughter being accused of something that she didn't do, they wouldn't hesitate to jump forward and protect them, like a lion protecting their cub but my own father..." Adrianna finally couldn't hold onto her sobbed.

"he-he chose to believe outsiders and disregard me.." She can't stop her tears as she spoke.

Butler John and a few maids were wiping their tears. They saw Adrianna growing up right in front of their eyes and they never see her weeping like this.

"Adrianna..it wasn't true...I love you...I want to protect you..." James moved to touch his daughter shoulder but Adrianna avoid his touch like a plague.

"Congratulations Mr James Winters, you finally managed to get rid of your disobedient daughter. I applauded you and your new family!" she said that as her tears were showing no sign to stop.

Adrianna couldn't stand being in the house any longer. She looked around for a last time and she continued to sob as she mad her way out of the house.

"Adrianna...baby, please listen to me...don't leave me. Adrianna..." James chased after Adrianna's car but she was quick to step on the accelerator and left the house.

After a few minutes of driving. Adrianna stopped by at the road side and she cried. Today she's going to cry to her heart content. She cried for everything. She cried for the broken relationship between her and her dad. She cried for the wrong accusation against her and she cried because she missed her mother. They said, a strong woman; don't easily cry but they were wrong. A strong woman cries too!