
my miraculous shape-shifting

my miraculous shape-shifting

zayam_khan · sci-fi
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3 Chs


Shivanya and her cousin shesha are shape-shifting serpents who wants to avenge shivanya's parents death. There were five murderers ,but shivanya was able to see only three of them:ankush,viren and shailesh. They killed shivanya's parents in a failed attempt to attain a precious gem called naagmani. As part of her revenge , shivanya enters into ankush's house as a maiden . Ankush's son Ritik , a kind-hearted joyful young man , subsequently fall in love with her . Upon finding out about Ritik's feelings for her , shivanya marries him for revenge. Latter she kills viren (the first murderer) and shailesh (the third murderer) ;shivanya and shesha also kill ankush 's friend , suri when shivanya learns from shesha that suri is the fourth murderer .shivanya soon realises that ritik is really a good person , and that he is unaware of his father's evil doings shivanya eventually falls in love with him ,much to the disappointment of shesha , who thinks that shivanya won't ba able to kill ankush because of her love for his son ritik. Later, it revealed that ankush's wife yamini is the fifth murderer , and that ritik is her fraternal nephew . Yamini and ankush had kidnapped ritik real father ,as only ritik and his father could touch the naagmani because of a sign on thier bodies.