
My Mate From Space: I'm Trying to Fish His Shattered Heart Again

Raiver Ashten was abandoned by his now ex-husband Leo Gruigel, a multi-billionaire tyrant. Being accused of the things he did not do, gave him no other choice but to accept his fate complete and utter destruction. Having resolved his mind to end things, he completely disappeared from his ex-husband's life and the world. The only regret he had was he wasn't able to tell his Alpha mate that he is pregnant with their child before disappearing. Leo on the other hand, found out the underlying schemes his current lover made and broke everything off. He tried to find his Omega mate again only to find out that his former wife had disappeared like a popped bubble in the air. He also discovered his former mate to be pregnant with their child. Feeling the worse regret in his life, he occupied himself with work and gathering information where could his mate went. He refuses to believe that his wife just disappeared without a cause. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Secretary Ale, tell me, I am not hallucinating right?" "No sir. Absolutely not" "Then why am I seeing my long lost wife? Is it because of my desperation?" "No sir. But it seemed to be that he lost his memory of you"

Jamie_Layfor · Fantasie
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25 Chs

23: Baiting The Mouse (1)

Two weeks have passed after Raiver's discharge.

So far, Leo's aunt has not yet to make any move.

Even though she is not doing crazy things yet, Leo couldn't let his guard down. Now that he knew what is she planning, he is keeping a close eye to the target.

He also made preparations to expose their deeds to the public if necessary.

He is horrified to his aunt and her eldest son have made. So far, the only clueless people in their family are his second uncle and the youngest.

But such secrets cannot be hide forever.

Especially is your opponent being out of your league.

Now, Leo only needs Izabelle's cooperation for his plans.

After making sure that Raiver is safe and is playing with their son, Leo left the house.

As usual, a shadow went to integrate with Leo's without his consent. Raiver already knew what he is going to do but he still needs to do it.

After all, Leo is currently his wallet. He can't afford to lose his source of money and free lounging.

The job of that shadow creature is to protect Leo from any danger.

Feeling the cold breeze in the veranda, Raiver is peacefully watching the nature from his viewpoint.

He is currently receiving feedback from Leo's conversation with Izabelle.

Raiver felt pity towards the girl. Even though she is normal beta girl, she tried to live her normal life after her break up with Leo's aunt eldest son.

But she didn't expect to get pregnant and is hoping for additional financial support for the kid.

She thought that the family of her child's father will agree to do it and marry her at the least.

But she didn't expect for her to be chased out of the house and got belittled.

She is currently having difficulties for supporting the child.

The last thing she wants to do it to put her child for adoption.

She doesn't want to do it unless necessary. After all, her child's well-being is still her top priority.

Raiver wants to reach out for this woman. He knows the struggle to raise a baby.

Especially if the father of the child is absent and the child only have you as his parent.

Such scumbag man needs his genitals to be cut off to prevent of causing problems to eve race.

While Raiver is leisurely watching through the eyes of his shadow, his eyes landed on the red lips of Leo's.

Those red and luscious lips. He wondered what does it taste like?

'What? The hell am I thinking?', Raiver suddenly want to smash his head to the wall.

Remembering the day, he and Leo's lips almost touch, the almost kiss scene of the two, the way he was hypnotized by those sinful eyes of his ex-husband painted red flush all over Raiver's cheeks.

He felt disappointed with their interrupted almost kiss.

But why?

Why would he feel disappointed?

He can still remember his heart pounding non-stop when Leo's face came closer less than an inch to his face.

His hot breath that brushed his skin, the hot minty smell of his mate's breath made Raiver's heart to skipped a beat!

'Is it… no way. Am I experiencing love?'

Realizing what he was thinking, Raiver, the tea that he was drinking spilled to the table.

He immediately called for a maid to clean the mess he made. Lea and the other made is currently out carrying Raiver's order so the only maids available are the one's Leo have.

It is really fortunate that nothing got spilled to Andrei's adorable onesie.

"Young master, are you ok?", Leo's maid asked.

"Yes, I am", the maid then bowed and got out of the veranda after cleaning the spilled tea.

Raiver then proceeded to calm himself.

He is still not sure if what he is feeling towards Leo is love or just lust.

He needs to confirm this.

Meanwhile in a hotel room…

Leo is waiting for the woman named "Izabelle" to enter the room.

Both have agreed to meet in personal.

He knows that the woman is one of his past girlfriends.

Although they didn't have any loving memory of being in a relationship for a short period of time, he knows that they did broke up with peace in their minds.

Leo never treated his past relationships a play. He is serious of treating his lovers of what they deserved.

It's against his morals to play his lover's heart.

That's the reason why his past lovers never have a grudge against him. Because he always explains his side and hear the other side.

He respects his lover's decision before breaking up.

It's just that he got caught up in an emotional roller coaster before he ended his relationship with his ex-wife.

If he wants to come clean and start over his relationship with Raiver, he needs to gain his affection again and clear this obstacle before it ruins his plans to make his mate fall for him again.

Raiver is the only omega in Leo's heart. Even if he hasn't yet to imprint him, he plans to do so after gaining Raiver's love again.

So that Raiver will not slip pass his reach again.

"Sir she is here", a voice came from the other side of the door informed Leo that his guest has arrived.

"Come in"

The door opened and revealed a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties.

Wearing a dark colored dress and silver heels enhanced the lady's beauty.

The bodyguards can't help but to look at this stunning lady.

No one would ever imagine that this woman already has a child.

Leo stood up from the couch and went forward to greet his guest.

"Long time no see Ms. Izabelle", Leo held his hand out.

"It's good to see you too Mr. Gruigel", Izabelle shook Leo's hand and smiled to him.

Leo led her to her seat before ordering for her tea to be served.

"I never would have thought that this day will come"

"Neither did I Ms. Izabelle", Leo said with a friendly face.

"So, what do you want from me?", Leo smiled from this woman's straight forward question.

"You never changed, Izabelle. Impatient as always", Izabelle raise her eyebrow.

"You know I hate beating around the bush", Leo puts down his tea cup before looking at Izabelle's direction.

"All right. I want your cooperation against my crazy aunt"

"Oh, that b*tch! The nerve of her to treat me like a dirt", as soon as Leo mentions his aunt, Izabelle's blood boiled.

That crazy wench who drove her away after spitting words no one has ever dared to say it to her in front.

She put up with it because the other party is a member of Gruigels.

She can't afford to offend such relative of those influential people.

But now that Leo has something to offer to get back at that b*tch, she won't hesitate to lend her cooperation.

"What do I need to do?", Leo smiled as Izabelle's determined voice.

"No hesitation I see. It seems that you want kill her", Izabelle chuckled lightly.

"Is it obvious?!", Leo chuckled at this sarcastic remark.

"I only need evidence that my aunt is threatening you and your child. Make it seem like you're the helpless victim. I know you can do it", Izabelle smiled. She can definitely do it. Her acting skills are superb!

"Done. Anything else?"

"None. Send the file over after you finish it. And I will make sure that the Gruigels will give its financial support to you and your child. Also, I will make sure that your name will not get stained in this feud. You're an actress and you need your image for it", Izabelle contentedly relaxed at Leo's compensation.

That is all she needs.

She believes in Leo's words.

After all, she knew him for a short period of time. This man will never back out from his words.

"Can I ask one thing?", Leo nodded his head.

"Why are you suddenly involving yourself in this mess?", Leo sighed.

He then narrative to her why he needs to get involved in this mess.

While explaining his side, Izabelle's face contorted from curious face into disgusted face.

Seriously? Such woman exists?!

Hah! Like mother like son. Both are rotten to the core.

Now she wonders why she fell in love with this idiot, arrogant, f*ck boy and crazy guy.

She is really stupid for falling for its face.

She feels sympathy towards Leo's second uncle. Both the mother and the son need to disappear to the society.

After the explanation, Izabelle then shared her experiences with the psycho's son.

Long silence ensued after sharing each parties side.

Both decided to eat after getting hungry from the anger they felt for the b*tch.

After eating, both leave the hotel room and went their ways.

Now the only thing Leo needs to do is to bait this mouse out and corner her.

Making sure that the mouse has no way to escape.

He smiled on his way home.

'Just you wait. I will free my uncle from your clutches and throw you out and your son out of the family'.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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