
My Magical System

(One of the best stories you can find in this platform!) Yeman Talisman was bullied by his classmates and framed by his best friend in his high school days. One night, an incident occurred, which he rescued his ex-girlfriend from a drug organization syndicate. Too bad with his bad luck he got killed, when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a different world? With a gaming-like system! Let’s find out what will happen to him in this world of fantasy. What if he finds out that his old classmates were the heroes of this new world and their leader was none other than his old best friend who framed him not only once, but twice? They got summoned here through a magic circle unlike him! What will happen when the system and magic clash?!!! (Yeman made a promise to himself, that the next time their path cross, he will teach them true despair.) Together with his pets, he will build his clan and rise to power!

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasie
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<Ding! New title acquired: Man of Mass Destruction!>

"This new title… how should I say this… it gives me a chill even though I am the one receiving it…" he muttered to himself.

The new title's effect was reward boosting. It includes Soul Points, Exp, Soul Collection, and even drop items. He would receive a 2x increase in rewards every time he killed a living being. Aside from reward boosts, he also gained an additional +10% to his attack and -10% sympathy towards his enemy.

That last effect gave him confusing conversations with himself. What does that mean? Isn't it natural to not sympathize with your enemy? He wondered whether it would bring good or bad effects to him later on. Like for example… whether it would cloud his judgment or make him calmer when he was facing an enemy.

"My thought is right… that this system is shaping me to become a cold-blooded killer."