
My Magic Upgrades All

What would you do if you have power beyond your wildest dreams.... Maybe help the world with your power.... Maybe rule the world and be the King of the world ..... Or maybe just open up your heart and live However you want..... And so we meet a simple man by the name of Noah and learn how he reincarnated to another world . He did not get overpowered the moment he reached the new world but what he got will overpower everything ....... He got the power to Upgrade Each and Everything and when I say everything I mean Everything ...... per week one chapter will come

Bloodlydevil · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 7:- Strange Start

"So how was your day?"

"How Do you think it was?"


"You Guessed it right"




"It was fun meeting you but I have to go back, so see you later"

"Love you"

"love you too"


Noah opened his eyes in the morning because of the chirping of the birds and the sound of a busy day.

The Place he slept was near a market so in the morning all sorts of noises could be heard. People were rushing to start their businesses early in the morning. The road was getting busier from people rushing to their work. Some people were quarrelling, and some were haggling prices of goods. It was a busy day.


Noah's Stomach started to make all sorts of voices. Only then did he remember he had not eaten in days, he could not focus on it because of all those do-or-die situations.


Knowing that he had to do something to satisfy his hunger, he started to think of a way to earn money. Stealing was out of option as it would be dangerous for him to do it without knowing its consequences. The next best option he could think of was just to ask around for work.

Making up his mind he started to ask around for work in every place. After countless rejections, he came to an inn named Ye Olde Hill Inn.

As soon as he entered the inn he could see a few people eating and drinking in the inn's eating place. The smell of beer was in the air.

Noah quickly reached out to what appeared to be a reception.

???:- "Welcome to Ye Olde Hill Inn, How can I help you"

Noah:- "Can I meet the manager?"

???:- "You are speaking to the manager"

Noah:- "Could I get any work here? Any sort of work will do"

???:- "Any Work?"

Noah:- "Yes, I mean No, I will work as long as it's not inappropriate"

???:- "No need to get flustered"


??? Chuckled:-"It appears this needs to be solved before you can do 'Any work' "

Noah was guided to an empty table and given a few plates of food. All the foods given were something he had never seen but each tasted more delicious than the other.

After eating all the food on the table he did not ask for more even though he did not have his fill.

???:- "Do you want more?"

Noah:- "No, Thank you"

???:-"Well then I believe we can start with your work…"

???:- "Oh! Before that Introductions are necessary"

Zoey Luna:- "My name is Zoey Luna, but you can call me Zoey"

Noah:- "My name is Noah Winters, and you can call me anything"

Zoey Luna as she introduced herself was the manager of the inn. She is a gorgeous woman and has a womanly charm around her. She has a lovely voice and a quiet outward personality. She was wearing normal cloth but they could not hide her beautiful body. She has long dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her aura was making me have a sense of respect for her. Her eyes were filled with love and kindness like that of a mother. She was looking at Noah with a kind gaze.

Zoey Luna:- "Raya, could you come here darling?"


After Zoey called Raya's hurried footsteps could be heard from the above floor. When Noah turned around to see a young girl around his age coming towards them.

Raya has almost the same face as Zoey but it looked quite younger. She looked stunningly beautiful. She had a playful look on her face. She had the same hair as Zoey but her eyes were darker than hers. She was wearing good-looking clothes and her body was still in the growing phase so no comments about it.

As soon as she reached near the group she fell flat on the floor.

Or so would she but Zoey reached there in an instant and saved her.

Zoey:- "Sweet Heart you ok? Did you get hurt anywhere?"

Raya:-"No, Mama"

Zoey:- "Thank Osiris, you are ok"

Zoey:- "But, how many times did I tell you to walk properly, and fall for no reason"

Raya:- "Do you think I fall because I like it? It just happens and I have no control over it"

Zoey:- "I want no excuses, if it happens another time then I am going to stop giving you sweets for a week"

Raya:- "Ok fine"

Zoey:- Sign! " What am I even going to do to you? May Osiris bless you"

Noah was just watching from the sideline. Seeing the scene he just imagined would this be what having a family look like, a sweet and loving mother who cares for her child. Even if she is scolding her child all Noah could see was the underlying worry and love for her child.

Noah (inaudible):-"Family…."

Zoey:- "Leave all your work for now and show him the items from the warehouse to bring here"

Raya:- "Ok, Got it"

Raya faces Noah and says

Raya:- "What are you waiting for come follow me"

Noah:- "Thank you for giving me the food and work, I needed it"

Zoey:- "It's My Pleasure, but I expect you to do the work properly, Got it?"

Noah:- "Yes Mam"

Then Noah starts following Raya into a warehouse attached to the back of the inn.

Raya:- "By the way my name is Raya Luna daughter of Zoey Luna and I am a klutz"

Noah:- "You can call me Noah"

Raya:- "Ok, so just take these, and these to the kitchen for now and rest of the things mom will tell you"

Noah:- "Got it, and thank you for showing me the way"

Raya:- "No problem, see you later"

Raya then rushes out of the warehouse but sometime later a voice of something falling was heard. And then a voice of scolding.

Noah just sat in the warehouse. Finally, he could get work and get some food to eat.

But he was not idle this whole time and he was upgrading his stats and sword as he could set the upgrading anything to be automatic.







EXP: 8/10


AGE: 16



HP: 26/26 (+82)

MP: 38/38(+128)





STR : 19

DEX : 19

AGI : 19




INT: 54 (993/1000)

PER: 44

WIS: 23




CHA : 3

API: 5

LUC : 0






NAME: NoName


EXP: 952/10000

AGE : ?


HP: ∞/∞

MP: 4/4 (+4)





STR : 1

DEX : 1

AGI : 1




INT: 1

PER: 1

WIS: 1



POINTS : 168






Hand (Passive) Lv1 Exp: 0/10


Single-hand use attacks increased by 50%

Dual hand-use attacks increased by 100%


!@#!!#(Passive) Lv1 Exp:0/10

After a certain level increase unlock new powers

Noah:- "What a strange start"

7 week streak

Bloodlydevilcreators' thoughts