
Chapter 3

I was standing in Jacob's room, talking to him about nothing in particular, when it suddenly hit me: Liza!

Liza had been my best friend since we were could remember. I loved her so much and I had just remember as I became so worried about her as I watched as she had been captured by Caesar and Scott earlier that day. I had been trying so hard not to think about it, but now it all came flooding back.

My face must have changed drastically, because I could feel a wave of concern wash over Jacob's expression. He asked me what was wrong, and I couldn't keep it in any longer. I told him everything: I and Liza had been planned to escape, I was successful because of him but Liza was not. They dragged her back to their pack before my very eyes. As I explained the story, I had tears rolling down my eyes.

Jacob was so understanding and compassionate. He held me while I sobbed, and told me that we would figure something out. He said that he knew someone who could help us with the situation. He said that he would make some calls and see what he could do.

I was so grateful for Jacob's support. I had been so alone in this situation, but now I had someone to lean on. I felt like I could really trust him, and it made me feel a little bit better.

Jacob was true to his word. He stepped into the bathroom to make some calls and within minutes, some people were Outside, knocking his door. He turned to me and said, "I will go and rescue your friend. I do not know her face, will you accompany there? So that we could rescue her together?"

I still had shivers from earlier and I did not want to go back to the pack that had enslaved me since I was a child, but I had to. I was willing to do anything for Liza and I was sure she would do anything for me.

If it meant going back to the dreadful place to rescue her, then so be it.

I watched as Jacob opened his doors and went to his living room to have his guest come in. They stayed together for an hour strategizing how to rescue her when I heard Jacob bring up a new idea.

"Why don't we conquer their alpha and take their territory?"

It seemed like a good idea as everyone started cheering.

That got me in high spirits. If a man as kind and loving as Jacob conquered Caesar's father, he would free the slaves.

The girls would be free. My friends who were stuck in that dreadful place would be free. I jumped for joy.

Everyone had sat across a round table to make plans to resche Liza and I was so relieved. I had been so worried that I would never be able to find her, but now I had hope.

Jacob and I gathered a few of his men and set out to rescue Liza. After a few hours of driving, we were able to find the pack.


I felt a chill down my spine as Jacob knocked on the door of the wolf pack's den. I had been held as a slave of this pack for so many years, and I was scared to see them again. I had managed to escape the night before, but I was still filled with fear. I had no idea what would happen when they saw me.

Jacob had come to the rescue with his men, and I was glad that he had my back. I hid behind him as the door creaked open and Alpha Damien, the leader of the pack, stepped out. He was followed by his son Caesar and Scott, the one who had enslaved me.

My heart raced as they saw me. Alpha Damien looked at me with a mix of shock and anger. I had never seen him so angry before. I saw Caesar's eyes widen in surprise as he recognized me. Scott, however, showed no emotion. He just looked at me with a blank expression.

Jacob stepped forward and demanded that they bring us my friend, Liza, who was also held as a slave. I was relieved when Alpha Damien agreed and motioned for one of his men to go get her.

I was filled with fear and excitement as we waited for her to arrive. I had been separated from my friend and I couldn't wait to reunite with her. After what felt like an eternity, I finally saw her walking towards us.

My eyes filled with tears as I ran towards her and hugged her tight. We both cried as we hugged each other.

Jacob looked at Alpha Damien and demanded that he release the rest of the captives. Alpha Damien lauged.

I watched in horror as Alpha Damien laughed. It was a deep, menacing laugh that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Soon, his sons Caesar and Scott joined in, laughing and jeering along with their father. Alpha Damien's face twisted into an ugly sneer as he asked if Jacob was a fool to think he could order him around.

Jacob stood his ground, but I could sense his fear. I had never seen Alpha Damien so angry before, and I was scared. He suddenly began to change, his body transforming into a big black wolf. I gasped in shock, my heart hammering inside my chest.

The wolf advanced towards Jacob, growling and snarling. Its fangs were exposed, dripping with saliva and spittle. I was terrified, my body frozen with fear. I wanted to run away and hide, but I couldn't move. I felt like I was in a nightmare, unable to wake up.

The wolf lunged forward, its teeth snapping dangerously close to Jacob's face. I screamed, my voice echoing in the night. Suddenly, Caesar and Scott stepped forward, pushing their father away. The wolf snarled, but it backed away, turning to look at me with its cold, yellow eyes.

I swallowed hard, my legs trembling as I backed away. Caesar and Scott looked at me sympathetically, but I couldn't bring myself to look at them. I was too scared. I just wanted to get away from this place.

Jacob, who had been silent up until now, suddenly spoke up. He told Alpha Damien that he would forget what had happened if he released the rest of the girls or boys he had captive. Jacob has said that he would never forgive him. His words left confusing looks on Alpha Damien, Scott and Caesar's face. Everyone turned to look at each other.

My heart was still pounding as I watched with anticipation as I wondered what would happen next. I wanted to tell Jacob to run away. Him and his men because I knew how fierce Alpha Damien was in battle. He had never lost a fight before but before I could speak, Alpha Damien grabbed Liza, my best friend.

My heart raced as Alpha Damien grabbed my best friend from my grip. He was so fast, yet I couldn't do anything to stop him. I watched in horror as he bit into her flesh. I heard her screams and felt my heart break. Tears streamed down my face as I watched him tear her to pieces. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I felt like my feet were glued to the ground.

Jacob, my saviour, tried to hold me as I broke down in tears. He was trying to comfort me, but I just couldn't seem to stop crying. I felt like my whole world had been ripped away from me in that moment.

Jacob became furious and suddenly he started to change. His body started to grow and contort, and his skin became a dark black. His eyes were glowing red and he had fangs. He had become a big black and scary werewolf.

I was beyond terrified. I had never seen anything like this before. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't bring myself to move. Jacob was growling and snarling, ready to attack Alpha Damien. I was so scared that I could barely breathe.

Suddenly, Jacob lunged forward and attacked Alpha Damien. He knocked him to the ground and started to tear him apart with his claws and fangs. It was a gruesome sight and I felt like I was going to throw up. I wanted to close my eyes, but I couldn't. I had to watch.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Jacob stopped and Alpha Damien lay motionless on the ground. Jacob had won the fight. He had saved me.

I was so relieved, but I was also filled with sadness. My best friend was gone. I had lost her forever. I couldn't believe this had happened.

Jacob wrapped me in his arms and tried to console me. He told me everything was going to be okay, but I knew it wouldn't. Nothing would ever be the same again.

I finally managed to stop crying and Jacob and I left the scene. As we were leaving, Caesar and Scott ran up to him with both ran up to him with bottles of champagne and cups in their hands. They seemed to be celebrating. I stood there, as I paused for a while, trying to understand the situation. What was really going on.

I was still confused until I heard Caesar say "Thank you Jacob. Looks like we both got what we wanted in the end. You got yourself a mate and we got rid of our father. Cheers" they said as they all clinked their glasses.

I watched as Jacob turned to me and said to them, "she's not my ideal type, but I'll manage what I get"

My heart sank. What was happening? What were they saying? What did Jacob mean?


I was still mourning the loss of my friend Liza. She was a kind and generous girl, always there for me whenever I needed her. But now she was gone, taken away by a man who wanted to keep us as his own personal slaves. It had been a hard minutes for me but I still had to find out what Jacob, Caesar, and Scott meant when they clinked their drink.

I sat down to think, trying to remember the night Liza had been taken away. I could see it in my mind as if it had happened just moments ago. We had been locked inside the house, and a fine-looking man had come to buy slaves. I remembered his face, and as I thought about it, I realized it was Jacob. He was the one who had come to buy a slave for himself.

I felt stupid and used, and sadness welled up inside me. I wanted to cry, but I knew it wouldn't do any good. All I could do was sit and think, trying to make sense of what had happened.

Suddenly, a realization struck me. Jacob, Caesar, and Scott had all clinked their drinks when they had made the deal. They had done it to celebrate. I suddenly understood why they had done it. They were celebrating the fact that they were getting a slave for free.

I felt sick and angry. How could they be so callous and cruel? How could they take someone away like that, without a thought for the person they were taking or the people they were leaving behind?

I was not sure what the deal was but seeing how happy they seemed, it must have been something like Jacob could take me but he would have to help them kill their father, Alpha Damien.

I crossed my legs as I thought of it well. Who could have plotted that evil. Was it Caesar or Scott? My best bet was Caesar. He must have wanted to be alpha and did not have the patience to wait for his father's death so he killed his father by himself. He was always a greedy bastard.

I sat, my heart broken and tears streaming down my face, as I came to the realization that I was nothing more than a trade in exchange for an alpha position. Everything had been a plan all along, a plan that I was never a part of. I felt foolish for believing that Jacob actually cared for me, when the truth was he had been using me all along. It was only now, as I felt the weight of the situation on my shoulders, that I realized the truth.

I had been nothing more than a pawn in his game, a means to an end. I had been so blinded by my feelings and my situation as of that moment that I hadn't seen the signs. I would have known. How can a drop dead gorgeous man pull up from nowhere and then help me without even knowing who I was or what I had done.

I knew it was too good to be true but I convinced myself that it could be possible. How wrong I had been.

Now, here I was, my heart broken, my dreams shattered, and my future uncertain. I had gone from being a free woman to a slave to a different master. I felt the tears streaming down my face, my heart heavy with grief and sadness. I had been so foolish to let myself be taken advantage of in this way.

I tried to remind myself that I had no one to blame but myself for this situation. I had been the one to trust him, to believe in him, and to give him my heart. But now, I wished I had never done any of that. I had been taken advantage of, and I was the one paying the price.

I knew that I had to move on, that I had to find a way to make it through this. But it was hard to see how I could, when I felt so broken and defeated. I was no longer the woman I had once been, and I no longer had my best friend Liza to motivate me. I felt broken. I weeped even more.

I was on the floor, weeping and wailing when Jacob, Caesar and Scott came to me. They were giggling until they got there.

"This one is a tough one. Make sure to train her to be a beta Luna. She always gave us a hard time here" Scott said as he drank his cup.

Caesar giggled and then I heard him say, "If not for you, we would have killed her long ago. It's just because of our deal. Anyway, we wish you a happy life with her." He turned to look at me and then said, "Good riddance to bad rubbish"

Jacob smiled as I looked to him standing while I was on my knees. He looked like he had just bought a new puppy and the former owners had told him how difficult it was to train it, so he had taken it upon himself to train that puppy.

He nodded to them and then stretched his hand out to me as he said, "Come on Amy. I am your new owner now. Let's go home"

I swallowed her as I got up to follow him. Inside me, I wondered if I would ever be free.