
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasie
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302 Chs

Episode 261: Dream in the game becomes reality


57. Integration (2)


"This is an unacceptable offer!"

There are four continents in Rondel.

Among them, the Tetatron and Prota continents are occupied solely by the Republic of Prius and the Allied Powers of Elysia, respectively, so 18 countries are concentrated on the remaining two continents.

However, unlike the Defteron Continent, which is teeming with powerful nations such as the Bringham Empire, the Reinharts Empire, the Holy Land of Everhill, and the Kingdom of Lucias, the Triton Continent, to which the six Eastern countries belong, is treated as an inferior continent with only a large population and no special features.

The Kingdom of Roberto, which has to watch out for its neighboring countries, the Republic of Prius in the north and the Allied Powers of Elsia in the south, and is the loser of the six countries in the East, is far behind in military and economic aspects even compared to the nearby island nation of Lyses Island.

Thanks to this, the six Eastern countries had to come together and jointly respond to external threats.

Naturally, the leaders of the six Eastern countries also want to make their countries rich and strong.

Which leader would be satisfied with being a weak country that is often ignored by the international community?

However, it was nearly impossible to break Rondel's entrenched power structure, and the six Eastern countries had to spend their days without change.

"This is a unique opportunity! If we don't take advantage of this opportunity, we will be left out even further!"

However, when Adrian proposed to the six Eastern countries to join the Rondel Peace Organization, information about the Earth was gained.

A world where miracles such as magic and divine power rarely exist, and only physical technology has developed.

The area of ​​the continent is similar to Rondel, and except for some powerful countries, the size of the countries is not that large.

In addition, thanks to magic engineering, Rondel's technology has a relative advantage over Earth's, and the same goes for its military power.

To the six Eastern countries, who were treated as weak countries in Rondel and were continuing to develop slowly, Earth seemed nothing but a land of opportunity.

Therefore, the radical leaders of the six Eastern countries, including the Kingdom of Norden and the Kingdom of Zeon, were arguing that a war of conquest should be carried out simultaneously with the unification of the two worlds.

"You don't think other powers, especially Prince Lawrence, the chairman of the Rondel Peace Organization, will quietly watch this, do you?"

Currently, 4 out of the 6 countries in the East supported the war of conquest, and only 2 countries opposed it, making them relatively inferior, but Queen Xia Lin of the Kingdom of Roberto, the loser of the Triton Continent, expressed an opposing opinion, so they could not come together. I couldn't do it.

She is a representative pro-Chairman figure.

Adrian, the chairman of the peace organization, was reluctant to make an embarrassing choice.

"What difference will it make if we immediately attack the nations of Earth to increase land mass? "We must solve the structural problems of the six Eastern countries!"

Even the weakest of the six Eastern countries has a population of over 200 million.

In other words, there was enough manpower for the country's growth, and the buried resources and land area could not be seen as being significantly lower compared to other continents.

Nevertheless, the decisive reason why the East continued to be treated as an inferior region and the development of the East was slow was the existence of 'witchcraft'.

Compared to magic, it can become stronger in the early stages, so it is favored across the six Eastern countries, but the modern mainstream is magic engineering.

It was the age of wizards.

Therefore, she argued that it would be more future-oriented to focus on nurturing wizards, breaking away from the Eastern tradition that regards individual enhancement of military power as a virtue.

"But even if we don't step forward, there will definitely be countries that think the same way. "The Brigham Empire, which is currently catering to Chairman Lawrence, will be no different."

"you're right. "With the integration of the two worlds, competition for future hegemony begins."

"Does the Queen think that we should give up and not even participate in the competition because of what Chairman Lawrence thinks?"

They ignored Queen Xia Lin's argument, saying that a war of conquest was a necessity, not an option.

The queen was momentarily taken aback by the way those in favor of the war of conquest reacted emotionally, but soon raised her voice, saying that she had to make a rational decision.

"Adrian L. Lawrence is more than just a face! "We will not allow countries and leaders to get out of control in any way!"

Many people understood that her statement was not a simple threat, as they had seen many instances of Adrian crossing the line, which could certainly be described as insanity.

However, they did not give up their argument.

"How can we achieve national development without taking that level of risk?"

"… … ."

"We are fighting the nations of Earth, not Chairman Lawrence. "No matter how much he just leaves, he can't attack us right away."

"You just have to accommodate his mood as much as possible and proceed with the work. "Isn't that what politicians exist for?"

Eventually, she gave up persuasion.

It seemed as if they had already decided to go to war in their minds and come into the meeting.

"For us, we hope that the Kingdom of Robesto will participate. "If you are a queen who is close to Chairman Lawrence, wouldn't you be able to comfort him well?"

Queen Xia Lin tried to tell him to stop since she was in a position of receiving favor, but she soon closed her mouth.

She was also the leader of the Six Nations of the East, and understood better than anyone else why they did what they did.

"Whew, let's think about it."

Her response was ambiguous.

However, since they were in a position of vehement opposition, other leaders thought it was not a bad sign.

The leaders of the six Eastern countries all had different thoughts and ideologies, but they all had the same thoughts.

After the integration of Rondel and Earth, the chaos that will befall the world will not be limited to natural disasters.

* * *

I and the group, including Arcia, were invited to the underworld of Earth.

Since it is an organization that governs the death and life of people on Earth, I thought of the underworld as a fantasy world... … .

"It's plain."

"Iknow, right."

Surprisingly, it was just a small city with a medieval feel.

In fact, it makes me think that Paris, Vienna, and Prague on Earth are more glamorous.

What's unusual is that, unlike European cities, the beings walking the streets are not tourists but ghosts?

But these ghosts stared at us, the living people, in an unpleasant way as we walked down the street.

The eyes, nose, and mouth were not clear at all, but a black eye-like hole in the new, blurry head was staring intently at me.

"What, do you want to disappear?"

I issued a threat to those souls.

Fortunately, the ghosts seemed to have maintained some sense of humor and began to quietly avoid their gaze.

"Haha, threatening a ghost is unusual."

Seeing me like this, the high-ranking demon who was guiding me and the group on behalf of Lord Exceed scratched his cheek with an awkward smile.

So we walked along the streets of the Underworld for about 5 minutes, and soon we arrived in front of a huge building that looked like a cathedral.

I tilted my head as I looked at the building.

"Where do you think I saw you?"

"It looks quite similar to the Barcelona Cathedral on Earth. "Maybe that's why you felt like you saw it."

is it?

I don't know anything about cathedrals in Spain.

No, that might be right.

As the 9th circle arrived, my brain became fully awake, so maybe I remembered the building I had only seen once on TV.

"Where are we?"

The high-ranking demon who guided us answered my question.

"This is the reincarnation hall that determines the next life of the dead. After waiting in the city for about a month, you decide whether to be reincarnated as a human, an animal, or an insect, depending on your previous tasks. "If your sins are serious, you will be sent straight to hell without reincarnation."

"What does that mean?"

"Yes, it means that it is a place where the Heavenly Kings and Demon Lords stay."

This means that this is the destination.

Afterwards, I entered the reincarnation hall with my group, and I saw about 23 people standing at the top of the inside looking down on us as if they were showing off their power.

The Heavenly King had wings with pure white feathers, and the Demon King had bat wings. Unlike the Elyos and Demons of Rondel, they all had a circular ring on top of their heads.

Regardless of whether it is the Heavenly King or the Demon King.

In the underworld, their abilities are at 100%, so it will be difficult for them to win even if just one of those 20 stands out.

But I was confident.

From their perspective, they had to use me for the success of their plan.

"I can't see Ark Scarlet."

An unknown heavenly king asked me.

I responded with the attitude of asking why I was asking the obvious.

"Like the last Lord Scream, there may be someone who wants to kill me because it is better to seduce the Demon Lord of Rondel than a human."

"Are you saying they made it impossible to make any other choices?"


Currently, the only people in my group are Arcia, Blake, and Branguiche.

Including the saint, most of the people who were problematic or would make people change their minds were left behind in Rondel.

It was a natural response for me.

However, this was no different from not trusting them, so many of the Heavenly Kings and Demon Lords showed signs of discomfort.

I asked a familiar face among them.

"How is work going?"

Lord Exceed, laughing at this, took a step forward and pointed at the ceiling with his finger.

"That one?"

As I looked up along his hand, I saw a blue crystal encrusted with it that looked larger than an average villa.

The reincarnation hall was larger than expected, so even apart from the huge crystal, there was a lot of empty space on the ceiling, and the space was filled with complex magic circles like murals.

"It is the world tree of Earth."

When you think of the world tree, you usually think of a huge tree, but the reality was completely different.

"Because that system has taken root all over the world, it is conceptually named tree."


I asked Lord Exceed what he was going to do with that.

"That's a system that doesn't exist in Rondel. "Creator Caius prepared it for the stability of the Earth before his life ended."

"Is that what the Creator's power to share meant?"


He probably didn't intend to split the crystal and share it, and a detailed explanation would follow, so I just looked at him in silence.

"From now on, I plan to split that crystal and share it."


Holy crap.

The guess I made without thinking was correct.

I had to close my eyes at this rather ignorant plan.

"Will I become a god just by eating?"

"That crystal itself is Caius's power. In theory, you will gain great power."

"But just like an ordinary person who takes Dragon Heart incorrectly, saying it is an elixir, it will lead to trouble… … ."

"Yes, that possibility exists as well."

No matter how I eat it, I can't give something dangerous like that to Arcia, who is pregnant.

I thought it would be a smarter method, but who knew it would be this simple and ignorant.

"But aren't you ordinary people? "He is a superhuman who exceeds human standards."

"Arsia may be a superhuman, but she is not an unborn child."

"No, it's entirely possible. Rather, isn't it 1+1 since your umbilical cord also affects your children?"

It's not like this person came to the supermarket in a serious situation.

I clicked my tongue briefly and looked at Arcia.

The word "incubator" lingered in my mouth again, but she just smiled and nodded.

"Let's do it."

"but… … ."

"Even if I die, I will protect my child."

"No, in that case, do the opposite."

She was more important to me than my unborn child.

I tried to stop Arcia, saying there was no need to overdo it, but she was very adamant.

Why on earth are you so stubborn?

"Adrian has reached the 9th circle, but I am still a grandmaster. "The growing difference was very stressful."

"… … ."

"If possible, I want to stay at the same level."

Although it was short, it was enough to make you feel her emotions.

I unconsciously hugged Arcia, and the Demon King and Heavenly King clicked their tongues at the sight of us like this.

"You're filming a new wave."

I cleared my throat, stepped back, and spoke to Branguiche and Blake, who were present as inductees.

"If anything goes wrong with Arcia, please help me."

"I understand."

"Leave it to me."

I looked at Road Exceed again.

"Are you doing it right away?"


As he pointed his hand into the air, other Heavenly Kings and Demon Kings also raised their hands.

Then the blue crystal embedded in the ceiling began to crack and split into 25 pieces.

Is it because the crystal that formed the core of the World Tree has disappeared?



An ominous sound echoed from all directions, as if the world was cracking.

"ruler… … . This is yours. "As soon as you absorb the energy, you will have to do your best to stabilize the world."

Small fragments of the crystal, compressed to the size of a pill, were distributed to me and Arcia.