
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasie
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302 Chs

Episode 250: A chance in a game turns into reality

 55. Expected Scenario (4)

The planet Earth shakes loudly, and the atmosphere screams in fear.

The binge drinking and shock that just occurred was not a simple accident.

"Part of the castle was destroyed?"

A single blow, a situation where the wall of the castle burst due to an impact generated from within.

This was a shock intentionally caused by someone.

In other words, it means that you have been attacked.

"Should I call it a coincidence?"

This situation occurred immediately after hearing the news of the visit of the saint and the king of heaven.

Of course, I couldn't help but be suspicious of those visitors.

Could it be that the battle occurred because the worst situation occurred between Lord Exceed, the reincarnation of Archduke Lucas, and the Heavenly King?

No, if that were the case, it wouldn't have ended in a one-time binge like this.

This is a warning.

I don't know why, but it's a warning to me.

Whether the opponent is a saint or a heavenly king, this is a situation that can only be considered a provocation.


Count Elfrid, who read the hostility on my face, looked concerned and asked if I was planning to fight with the visitors.

I responded vaguely to her common sense response.

"I will ask you two to protect my mother and younger sister."

"all right."

"Then I'll go greet the guests."

And when I got up from my seat with a cold face and walked away, Arcia, who was standing outside the door, followed behind me.

I left the worried looks of Gregory and Count Elfrid behind and headed towards the direction from where the loud noises were heard.

Since they are people who usually show little change in their facial expressions, I could tell how serious the two aides took this situation.

Maybe it's natural.

Aside from being a saint, if the appearance of the Heavenly King were true, it was a major event of the century.

"I've only been treated with respect recently, but it's been a while since I've had someone come out like this."

"Are we fighting?"

Arcia asked me about the possibility of a battle in response to my self-talk while laughing, and I answered calmly.

"Looking at the situation, it seems likely."

The Heavenly King is a being on the same level as the Demon King.

Of course, there may be a certain level of decline in abilities, as if the descending demon lords are struggling, but they will still be stronger than dragons.

At least the Elyos don't have the tendency to interfere with their colleagues as foolishly as the Demons.

But even though I was visiting the Heavenly King, I wasn't too worried.

Arcia and I had much more experience fighting strong beings than weak ones, and there were many other hidden cards.

"The landlord has appeared."

And after a while.

I could see the Elyos standing like a tyrant among the frightened, kneeling maids, and the saint trying to act calm.

"I don't know what you're doing, coming into someone else's house with feet of clay."

Gongwangseong Fortress, which has been strengthened and strengthened, can boast that it is stronger than most sky fortresses.

However, the living room where they were located had its ceiling and walls blown off, as if it had been bombed.

I smiled as I looked at the blackened living room.

To a 9th Circle wizard, this kind of provocation is nothing more or less than a joke.

When I clapped my hands, the destroyed building was neatly restored, as if going back in time.

"Rondel's civilization has made a lot of progress, right? "Maybe that's why, why is every guy I encounter so arrogant?"

"Is it okay to start an argument first and then consider it a joke to be evaluated as being arrogant?"

The heavenly people seen through the magnificence bore the unmistakable title of Heavenly King.

The name is Heriel.

Even though the stats weren't listed in detail, you could tell that it had been slightly nerfed.

In addition, the reason he came to see me did not seem to have anything to do with the devil at the moment, and his emotional state was a mixture of 'displeasure and excitement'.

Thanks to this, my remarks were without hesitation.

"How dare you react like that to the king of the Elyos. "Don't you want to live?"

"You guys are out."

I waved my hand and dismissed the maids who were kneeling.

The maids said thank you and ran away.

"Where without my permission."

The Heavenly King stretched out his hand towards the maids, but nothing happened due to the 9th Circle 'Absolute Shield' I deployed.

I spoke coldly to the Heavenly King who tried to harm my people.

"If you want to be treated well, just do something to deserve it."

Seeing me not saying a word, the saint's complexion turned black, and the Heavenly King let out a laugh, then spread his wings wide and lifted his chin.

A powerful energy spread in all directions as if showing off his might, but the expressions of Arcia and I, who had trained our resistance to abnormal conditions to the limit, did not change at all.

"You may be mistaken, but the Elyos are not divine beings that we must bow down to and uphold. Sepia is just a creature created along with us humans. Is there any reason to bow down even after being attacked by someone like that?"

And as intense hostility welled up in me, his hand stretched out roughly.

Arcia pulled out her sword and tried to strike the hand away.

But I stopped her to see what she was going to do, and the Heavenly King grabbed me by the collar and lifted me up.

My height is not short enough to reach 180cm.

However, the other person's height seemed to be well over 3 meters, so I ended up hanging in the air.

"The Elyos are a race of light chosen by Sepia. How dare you think that you can show hostility to the king of such a species and get away with it?"

Although he expressed it euphemistically, his words can be easily interpreted as follows.

'If you fight me you will die. 'Do you still want to fight?'

He immediately asked about his intention to fight.

A normal person would immediately bow his head to the Heavenly King's threats, but I did not.

"Yes, I think you'll be safe."

What I mean is, shut up and attack.

"her… ."

Why am I taking such a hard line?

Because there is something that stings right away.

They were protecting the devil and devil worshipers.

The Heavenly King spoke with an expressionless face.

"Yeah, you know that face. "A face that doesn't know if there is a sky above the sky and has an expression that says it is the best in the world."

I guess that's how I look to him.

And he grinned.

"Isn't it the king's magnanimity to educate such people?"

When I shook my head at the word "education," he swung his arm wide and beat me to the floor.

For an ordinary person, it would be such a shock that their entire body would explode.

But I held his arms and rotated my body as if I was dancing.


As a result, I did not collide with the floor, and the person who got hit was not me, but the King of Heaven.

Of course, his chin on my toes was as hard as a piece of metal, but he probably didn't think he was going to kick me, so he froze in place.

"Isn't this blasphemy?"

He asked the saint.

However, the saint could not answer and only broke into a cold sweat.

I answered on behalf of the saint.

"Anyway, the Elyos were kicked out of Rondel along with the Demons. "If such a being were to attack Rondel, it would be no different from a demon that only possesses divine power."

The respect disappeared from me.

At the same time, Arsia and I's clothes changed.

In fully armed form.

Seeing me like that, Heavenly King Heriel let out an unpleasant laugh.

No more words are needed.

It was a signal announcing the start of the battle.

"Now, just a moment. Is there any need to fight?"

For some reason, the saint spoke normal words.

Certainly, as he said, from the eyes of the general public, it seems that there is nothing to be gained by fighting the King of Heaven.

However, if you are in the position of protecting the demons, the story is different.

Demons and Elyos cannot coexist under the same sky.

In other words, they say that one side needs to be sorted out, but of course, if I had to choose between the demons that I can control and the Elyos that I cannot control, I had no choice but to choose the demons.

Therefore, they got on his nerves by fighting and made a justification for the fight.

To get rid of the Heavenly King in front of you.

"The purpose of my visit here, Heavenly King Heriel, is to obtain a compass... ."

I later found out that the purpose of the two people was to use a compass to chase after Ma, but it was irrelevant now.

"Step back."

I pushed the saint away and approached the Heavenly King.

* * *

How many minutes had passed since the battle started?


There was no more pride to be found in Heavenly King Heriel, who was laughing at her until Adrian and Arsia took up their battle stance.

I had already figured out that the opponent was a 9th circle wizard and an 8th circle grand master.

That's enough power to fight a single dragon.

However, the combat abilities of the two people who actually faced each other seemed like they could easily overwhelm most dragons.

'No, each individual's abilities are inferior to that of the dragon. The problem is the ability of the two to connect.'

The sight of two people moving as if they were one organic entity was truly an ideal linked battle, and it was a fighting method that proved that 1 plus 1 could not simply be 2, but 3 or 4.

What's more, it's annoying.

"be impertinent!"

They were fighting to prevent damage to the principality located right beneath their feet.

This meant that the opponents were fighting while looking ahead of themselves.


The heavenly king, Heriel, was violently thrown away by the aftereffects caused by the intentional collision between Arsia's sword and Adrian's hellfire.

However, perhaps because he had intended to increase the distance from the beginning, he did not panic and spread his four pairs of wings wide to maintain his balance.

Gritting his teeth, a small sun rose above his head.


It didn't just have the shape of the sun.

Although it was only small in size, it had an energy reminiscent of the real sun.

If it falls, the amount of damage will easily exceed that of Meteor.

It was powerful enough to change the topography of the principality.

However, somehow knowing the attack pattern to follow, Adrian and Arcia were facing away from the sky rather than the principality, and to attack these two people, Heriel shot a small sun into the air.


The small sun flies fiercely at a speed that cannot be compared with a fighter jet.

However, Adrian and Arcia easily dodged the attack without even looking at it.


The attack was not something that could be avoided unless one prepared in advance.

The attack range was much larger than what the eye could see, and it had sub-light speed.

It seemed as if the two could foresee the future and move one step ahead.



And what followed was Adrian and Arcia's indiscriminate attack.

A bundle of magic like a thunderbolt and a sword that becomes a single beam of light and targets your back.

Although it was not able to deliver an effective hit to Heriel, it was enough to instill a sense of crisis.


Heavenly King Heriel flew the two using the wind pressure of her wings, but had to feel like she was stuck in a swamp.

How could it not be so when the same pattern is repeated dozens of times?



But then.

A pattern different from before emerged.

Arcia holding a sword appeared in front of Heriel.

After determining that Adrian had begun to use the 9th Circle's warp magic in earnest, he tried to stop Arcia by swinging his sword, but the attack was a fake.

Arcia, who appeared before his eyes, was an illusion created so elaborately that even he could be fooled, and at the same time, the 9th circle battle magic called 'Storm of Stardust' that rose up from under her feet was the real attack.

The intense storm that dyed the world golden light turned into a huge beast and swallowed Heriel.


A plasma phenomenon that occurs like swirling star fragments and lightning strikes.

The attack magic of the 9th circle was different from the magic below it both visually and in scale.


Heriel defended against the golden storm that covered her vision with wings covered with divine power, but the magic was not strong enough to overcome it on its own.

To escape the crisis, more powerful defensive magic was needed.

But right before he deployed his defensive magic.


In the golden storm, four swords pretending to be star fragments flew towards his neck, aiming precisely at his neck.


Heriel managed to offset all attacks using defensive magic.

However, he had a long cut on his cheek and blood was flowing down.

If I had been one step late, the cut would have been my neck, not my cheek.

"her… ."

I couldn't help but admit it anymore.

The fact that he, who was called the King of Heaven, was being pushed aside by mere humans.

"Honestly, I was surprised. "I never thought there would be someone who would embarrass me like this."

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