
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasie
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302 Chs

Episode 215: Dream in the game becomes reality


49. King Gong is a problem solver (4)

"Guards! "What are you doing!"

Ricardo desperately searched for a bodyguard, but for some reason there was no answer to his cries.



Ricardo didn't even have time to question Adrian's punch and was sent flying, crashing into the office door.

"Oh, crazy! "Is it sane for a leader of one country to attack a politician from another country?"

An excruciating pain running down my cheek.

I couldn't help but swear.

"Haha, was it sane to kidnap the president?"

When have you ever been treated like this?

Adrian's behavior, which did not make any sense through common sense, struck Ricardo as strange, and it made him feel an unfamiliar emotion called 'fear' along with anger.

Thanks to this, Ricardo's relaxed attitude disappeared and all I could think of was that I had to get out of this place quickly.

So I urgently pulled the handle of the office door.


A completely unexpected scenery unfolded.

"What is this?"

Of course, when you leave the office, you should end up in the hallway inside the mansion.

But what caught Ricardo's eyes was a canyon boasting a sheer, distant height.

The wind tickles my cheeks and the smell of moist earth stimulates my sense of smell.

Ricardo turned his head as if possessed by a ghost, and saw a familiar door floating in the empty air and the interior of the office inside.

"No matter how much you scream here, no one will pay attention."

Then, when Adrian stepped out the door, the door connecting the office and the canyon disappeared like a mirage.

"Wait. "Your Highness, let's solve it through conversation, right?"

Ricardo forced a smile and suggested that even though his expression felt awkward, perhaps because his cheek was already swollen from being punched.

"It's right for now."

But Adrian was speechless.

Today I came here only swinging my fist, as if I had come to beat you to death.

-Pfft! Bah!

"Ahhhh! stop!"

Moreover, despite his corrupt appearance, he was so strong and fast that Ricardo Ordain was no match for him even though he was a beginner-level swordsman.

Ricardo, whose front teeth fell out due to Adrian's punch, was blown away and rolled noisily on the floor, then staggered to his feet.

"Ahhhh! shit! "You crazy guy!"

Did you lose your senses due to being in an unexpected position as a punching bag?

Ricardo pointed a point at Adrian and scolded him.

"You think you can get away with this!? This country is a democratic republic! No one can be above the law! How dare you think that an event that ignores the law can be forgiven!?"

When the polite politeness he had used disappeared, Adrian grinned.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"


"Did I do something wrong?"

"Say that now. How dare you kidnap and assault the Supreme Council of the Republic and still get away with it... … ."

"Do you have any proof?"

"What is that?"

"Proof that I beat you."

Ricardo was shocked and asked what kind of nonsense this was.

I soon understood what Adrian wanted to say.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? "You're just going to take it away?"

"Maybe because he's a politician, he's smart."

In other words, although Ricardo is the one who receives the greatest suspicion in the case of the disappearance of the President of Israel, the intention was to feel the situation he is dealing with as a reverse experience.

Ricardo shouted angrily.

"There's no way this matter can go away just because it's caught!"

Nevertheless, Adrian's answer was extremely simple.

"Aren't you doing this because you think you can cover it up?"

"… … ."

"I am also a person who lives by thinking. "It means that they are not so reckless as to kidnap you and assault you."

From Adrian's confident attitude, I felt confident that he could handle this situation.

I don't know what the plan was, but it didn't seem like he was bluffing.

"It can't happen."

The person in front of us is Adrian, who is evaluated as having calculated all of his actions, even if they seem like impulsive actions.

Now that I think about it, I remembered that I was unilaterally pushed out in a public opinion war using the media.

Thanks to this, Ricardo felt fear creeping up again.

"You talked a lot."

As Adrian raised his fist again, Riccaldo cried out desperately.

"Now you are mistaken! I have nothing to do with the president's disappearance! Really! "Trust me!"

"You would get beaten less if you told me where you hid the president, but since you lied, do you think I want to get beaten more?"

"How do you know if this is a lie or not!?"

Adrian's expression turned cold as he laughed.

As if it was just a joke.

"I know everything."

* * *

Prius Republic Ricardo Ordain's office at the residence of Supreme Councilor Ricardo Ordain.

"Huh oh oh!"

Ricardo, who had been sitting blankly, swallowed a sigh of relief and fell to the side with a suppressed groan.

I scoffed internally at the sight, but the employees who were serving refreshments separately from me were scared and ran to him.


"Councilman, are you okay!?"

As the door to the office burst open and Vanguard armed bodyguards entered, the noise became even more noisy.

Regardless, I took my time raising my teacup alone among the people making a fuss.

After a while, Ricardo, with bloodshot eyes, saw me, trembled, and pushed the bodyguards towards me.

"He tortured me."


"You were tortured! what are you doing! "Don't arrest me quickly!"

However, despite Ricardo's instructions, the subordinates only hesitated with a perplexed expression.

"Councilman, calm down first."

"Doesn't what I say sound right!? Arrest him!"

Ricardo felt something was strange in the reactions of his subordinates, but it seemed that my existence was immediately filled with too much fear.

However, as if he could not hear the butler's remarks that followed, Ricardo's movements stopped.

"You mean torture? "Isn't this the first time you've met His Highness the Duke?"


Ricardo must have been taken to an unfamiliar place and subjected to torture-like assault.

Of course, if the employer disappeared, the mansion would be in chaos.

"Ji, what are you talking about now?"

"yes? "Did I say something strange?"

The employees all just looked at him strangely and expressed their doubts.

I dealt the final blow, suppressing laughter at Ricardo's foolish expression.

"Do you think the councilor is tired? "It seems like I was just dreaming for a moment."



It means that everything he experienced until now was not real.

Ricardo's quick-witted expression hardened.

"Did this mean there would be no evidence? "Is it because it's all fantasy magic?"


To be exact, I used spirits, not magic.

I shook my head, avoiding Ricardo as if I were a psychopath.

"It looks like the congressman needs a break, so let's hold the meeting later."

"Anyone wants!"

Ricardo tried to catch me, but the employees were horrified and stopped him.

Then Ricardo remembered something and shouted into the air.

"Fortress in the sky! "Find traces of spiritual magic appearing in my mansion!"

[We accept the request of Supreme Council member Ricardo Ordain.]The Prius Republic's sky fortress reacted, but if it had been discovered in the first place, it would have reacted long ago and attacked to protect the target.

[There are no traces of mental magic caused by casting or artifacts.]"W-what?"

I said as I leisurely left the office.

"I'll come back later. "Let's talk about it carefully then."

He looked at me with a puzzled expression, and for some reason, Auguste, dressed in a neat suit, was waiting outside the office.

Then the door to the office closed, and I walked down the long hallway of the mansion, letting out a low laugh.

"It's fun, making a fool of someone like this."

Auguste, a top-class spiritual elementalist, asked me.

"Are you not going to kill me?"

"It's the president's job to judge this guy."


"Have you located the President of Israel?"

He answered with an awkward expression, perhaps because he was uncomfortable wearing modest clothing.

"It is said that the President of Israel and Marshal Ansen were thrown into the labyrinth of the southern Oslei Bay island."

"Was there a labyrinth in that place?"

The labyrinth can be seen as a kind of multidimensional space separated from reality.

It was a facility built by the now extinct giants of the mythical era, and it was a perfect space to hide or confine people.

The Labyrinth is famous for being located in the permafrost of the Brigham Empire.

It is said that many treasures are hidden, but the ban is so dangerous that it is called a miniature version of Dragonland.

"Unlike the Labyrinth of the Brigham Empire, the profitability is very low compared to the effort, and the interior is large and the roads are complicated, so if you are a first time visitor, getting out of it can take anywhere from 2 to 3 months as quickly as several years."

"is it so?"

Unlike the Brigham Empire's Labyrinth, there is little to gain, but I had no choice but to enter to save the two people.

This unexpectedly led me to explore a labyrinth.

Fortunately, thanks to Mangyeong, you won't have to get lost.

* * *

Currently, the President of the Republic of Prius, Israel, and the Commander of the National Guard, Marshal Ansen, are in a great crisis.

The crisis was not because I was thrown into a labyrinth and had to explore something I had never seen before, but because I came face to face with an extremely special being.

'oh my god… … .'

A huge fuselage lying in a corner of the labyrinth.

An appearance that seems to personally express the darkness of the world.

This is where we come face to face with the dragon, a regular material that appears in stories.

By no means was I confused with a subdragon like Drake.

The huge torso, with black scales covering its entire body, had a scale that was on a completely different level from those things.

With the boat on the ground, the head alone seemed to be about 70 to 80 meters high, and the length from head to tail seemed to easily exceed 300 meters.

Even the giant subdragons, Basilisk and Hydra, were of a size that could not be compared.

And Israel, the Grand Wizard of the 7th Circle, could clearly feel it.

Infinite magic as if facing the sea.

"Above, I see the great being. "My name is Israel Oscar Prius, President of the Republic of Prius."

It's really unlucky.

Israel thought that falling backwards and breaking one's nose must have been a proverb created for this situation.

Although I was embarrassed because I had never heard of a dragon living in the labyrinth, I greeted the other person as politely as possible to avoid offending them.

Then, the blood-red eyes of the dragon aimed at the President of Israel and Marshal Ansen flashed.

[This labyrinth is often used as a resting place, so it is unlikely that it was known to the outside world. How did they know and come to me?]Black dragons are often depicted as evil dragons in stories, but I was able to feel deep culture from the being in front of me with just a short conversation.

"Oh, no. "It was purely by chance that we met this great being."

[I understand that this labyrinth is closed to humans?]"Haha, actually, she was kidnapped by hostile forces and abandoned here."

Israel thought that there would be no benefit in trying to talk back, so he told the truth about his situation.

[It's still frustrating that members of the same species can't eat each other. Anyway, what is a human… … .]"I'm sorry."

Cold sweat runs down my back.

Even if the enemy's sword is touching your neck, you won't be this nervous.

Israel said, bowing his head to the dragon whose expression was unknown.

"We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you during your rest. "We will leave now."

I tried to retreat as much as possible without offending the other person.

[for a moment.]There was no way he would let me go easily.

[Even if I don't enjoy killing, there's no way I'd let you go alive when even the shelter has been exposed.]Even if they knew the location of the dragon's nest, no human with common sense would dare to attack it, but humans often have foolish people who do not accept common sense.

Since those annoying swarms of flies could attack, it was cleaner in many ways to get rid of them rather than trusting that they would keep quiet and letting them go.

Naturally, the faces of the President of Israel and Marshal Ansen turned dark.

"Even though he looks like this, he is the leader of a country that is a powerful nation in the human world. "If I die here, there will definitely be an investigation."

The story goes that killing yourself would be more troublesome.

Fortunately, the appeal worked for Dragon in its own way.

"I will definitely keep it quiet. If you wish, I can even make the Mana Oath."

[Mana's oath... … . But it looks like the old man next to you is not a wizard?]"Then you can just handle it for me. "I want you to just let this young man go."

When Marshal Ansen spoke of his readiness to sacrifice himself, Israel became desperate.

"Well, if you are a great being, isn't it possible for you to erase a person's memories?"

[It is possible. However, the brain is an area with many variables, so it is impossible to know how it will recover.]He shouldn't die yet, but I couldn't see any other way to get out of here right now.

Marshal Ansen tried to close his eyes, thinking that he was fortunate to have survived to become the President of Israel... … .


[huh?]Everyone expressed their doubts at the sound that echoed overhead without warning.

And soon, when it was confirmed that it was a black eagle that had made that sound, both eyes opened wide.

Because it was someone's eagle in Israel's memory.