
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasie
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302 Chs

Episode 120: Dream in the game becomes reality

30. Giyeon Quest Stage 8 (4)

If I were to choose the best gift left by Archduke Manuel Lucas, I would choose Arcia without hesitation.

She was like a half-god to me, a trusted ally and family member who would fight for me until the day she died.

[What are you guys doing?]Halfway through the battle with Balrog Tarnis, there was no more communication between me and Arsia.

No, it would be more accurate to say that communication has become unnecessary.

She was like my third hand, moving according to my will without me having to say anything.

She was always there when I wanted her, and I was there when she wanted me to be there too.

It was clearly revealed in Balrog Tarnis that even if the chemistry is very good, it can feel scary.

From his perspective, the two of us must have been truly possessed.

Like a butterfly fable or a flower blooming, there are still elements of growth left in the force, but Arsia and I have reached complete perfection in our fighting style.


The Balrog's wide-area weapon, Breath, extended.

But what's different from before is that instead of spewing it out in a straight line, it's spraying it all over the place like a crazy person.

One reason is to worry about surprise attacks.

It was an action that was conscious of the sharing of magic between me and Black Eagle, who used Blink to dodge behind.

Due to persistent pinpoint attacks from Black Eagle, the guy's head was already in tatters.

In addition, because I took advantage of Arcia's attention from the front and hit her with Blink, her hamstrings, Achilles tendon, and wings were torn and torn repeatedly, leaving no time for her to recover.

The way he shakes his head and lets out his breath like a crazy person now looks pitiful.

It's worth it.


[profit! Cowardly bastards!]This guy couldn't even give us a single effective hit and he was out of blood.

As I was perfectly aware of Tarnis' breath length, I used Blink to go back just before the attack ended.

The guy quickly turned his head, but the breath ended just at the right time.

I gave Ogeum the magic spell of the 7th circle that I was casting as is.


Tarnis, who had accumulated damage to his crook, fell to his knees helplessly.

He waved his scimitar at me in a hesitant manner, but unfortunately, it wasn't me that I had to worry about, it was the front.


There are many ways to avoid Tarnis attacks.

Throw your body, use Blink, or strike your wrist with Explosion to attack.

But instead of dodging his sword, I blocked it with a 7th circle defensive spell.

Thanks to this, we had a brief struggle of strength, and while Tarnis' gaze was focused on me, Arcia jumped in headfirst and plunged her sword into the guy's uvula.


[Pfft!]And right after her sword sliced ​​through its target.


Black Eagle's magic transmission created a hole in the deeply cut uvula.

"It's a loss if you get excited."

Is there a need for a monster that operates according to a well-planned program to be this emotional?

Tarnis squeaks, clutching his neck.

This was a pre-deal timing that we forced ourselves to create.

-Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak! Kwaaaaang!

-Fit! Fit! Suddenly!

Magic pouring down without mercy and Arsia's hacking.

After about 5 seconds, Arcia prepared to defend herself with her shield, and I hid behind her.

Next, Tarnis gritted his teeth at the sight of us curled up like turtles with eyes filled with madness.

A thin film had formed on the neck of the guy with the hole, showing that all of his healing power had been poured into that area.


But something is strange.

By now, it would be time to go berserk and attack randomly, but isn't Tarnis just staring at Arsia's shield?


As I was hiding behind Arcia and continuing to cast 7th circle magic and memorize (magic storage), I couldn't help but wonder at the unexpected gain of time.

The confrontation between us, armed with a shield, and the blazing guy continued for about 10 seconds.

[lost.]And with those last words, he fell to the floor and disappeared into a wisp of smoke.


Named Monster abstains now?

Arsia, who was in a fighting stance in a perplexing situation, lowered her shield and I stood up with a bewildered expression.

[The named monster Balrog Tarnis has been defeated.]The message that subsequently surfaced confirmed that Balrog had indeed abstained.

"her… … ."

It is said that only 10% of the blood is left and the vigor has completely passed, but this thing is not an artificial intelligence.

Abstaining from the structured program because it is disadvantageous?

I couldn't quite understand it.

[The conditions for opening the next area of ​​the Magic Tower have been met. The 9th floor of Manuel Lucas' Magic Tower is open.] [Would you like to go up to the 9th floor of Manuel Lucas' Magic Tower?]However, there was nothing to feel bad about in terms of saving time, so I answered yes to the message asking if I wanted to climb to the 9th floor of the Magic Tower.

Then, the surrounding scenery changed from the bleak space of the first floor of the magic tower prepared for battle to a magnificent library.

The walls were packed with books, which was the same as on the 8th floor, but what was different was the scale.

I thought that the 8th floor of the Magic Tower, which I climbed after clearing level 7 of the Giyeon Quest, was comparable in size to the palace library.

However, I can assure you that the 9th floor here will be just as overwhelming as the Royal Palace Library, not less.

The space was filled with books, which wasn't unusual even though it was almost like a shopping mall.

"It's a completely fantasy space."

What's strange is that when I take a step forward in that wide space, the surroundings quickly pass by and I move 10 meters in one go.

Since the space is so large, it seems like they created a pivot feature for convenience, but I feel like I'm going to get motion sick as the surrounding background frequently flashes by.

But that also disappeared when we reached the center of the 9th floor, where the desk and treasure chest were located.

In that space, the scenery did not pass by quickly even if you took a step.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Chester, who came out first and was waiting, welcomed us warmly.

The moment I saw him, I could see the identity of the discomfort I felt toward Balrog.

"okay. "Chester has finished his exam."

"Yes, that's right. Tarnis was no match for you two. He was honestly surprised. "I thought he was going to struggle a lot."

Balrog Tarnis' abstention was his order.

"Honestly, we thought we were going to die three times. But when I actually fought, it was worth it."

"It's a generous assessment that you thought about it three times. "When it was originally designed, we thought it would die 30 to 50 times."

Is it because I felt like it was greatly exceeding my expectations?

When I saw him laughing, I felt good for some reason.

"But the next one won't be easy. At the last gate, there is Archduke Lucas's braised fish in abundance. And now Arsia's growth is over."

The highest level unique supporter, Arcia, has a growth limit of 250.

After reaching Grand Master this time, there will be no further growth in the game.

"I'm not too worried about that."

"is that so?"

"First of all, you become a Grand Master, right? "The levels of level 250 and 299 are the same anyway."

"Even though there are limits to abilities, skills, and items worn?"

This battle definitely made me feel better.

It is said that extremely disciplined breathing produces a synergistic effect beyond imagination.

"I can cover the shortcomings. "The day will never come when I think Arcia is useless."

In response, Chester looked like he was chewing sour fruit, and Arcia twisted her body as if she was embarrassed.

"And you said it. "She is no different from a human being, and her growth potential is endless."

"I did."

"So, even if there is no growth through Chronicle Online, there is a possibility of growth in real life?"

"That makes sense."

"She will continue to grow."

Chester burst into laughter at my assertion.

"Seeing my successor grow, I feel happy but also somewhat lonely."

No matter how different they may be, they share the same memories as Archduke Lucas.

It was natural for him to feel that way when he saw me taking away the wealth he had accumulated.

"But it's good. A successor to Archduke Lucas should be like this."

With that, he stepped aside and pointed to a treasure chest the size of a house.

I thanked Chester and moved forward.

And when I placed my hand on the treasure chest, many message windows appeared.

[Hollywood system administrator privileges '5 times' are granted.] [200 trillion root has been obtained.] [The amount will be paid to the Elysia Union Bank account where it is stored.] [An additional Union Bank account will be registered on the terminal. .] [Acquire the sky fortress Aegis.] [Acquire two Auror Master-class autonomous vanguards.] [The intelligence and assassination group Blue Moon is taken under its command.] [Acquire the underground base Hecate.] [Circle 8 is created.]Unlike before, where only one or one set of additional rewards were given in addition to money and system administrator rights, something very large was paid.


But I didn't have time to appreciate the rewards one by one.

This is because I fell to my knees in pain as if my whole body was being torn apart.

"This time you will be in a lot of pain."

"Well, I am receiving something, so is this much pain a problem?"

As I heard Chester's story, I curled up the corners of my mouth, even though I felt myself losing consciousness in pain.

* * *

After a while, I came to my senses and saw the ceiling of my bedroom in reality.

The headgear I was wearing had come off, and I was using Arcia's knees instead of a pillow.

I stood up with her support.

"Did you log out right away?"

"Yes, they say the transplant was completed without any problems."

My whole body aches.

There were some aftereffects for a while when I achieved the 7th circle, but this time I feel like I'll have a hard time for a few days.

Then, Arcia gave me a chin gesture.

Although I was in a lot of pain all over my body, my senses had become more sensitive. I knew what she was talking about, so I walked with Arcia's help.

"I meet the owner of the full moon."

When I play games, no one is allowed in the room.

But now, as many as eight men and women were bowing deeply as if they were bowing.

Among them, I saw a familiar face.

They included Auguste, a clown in a red suit, and Gregory, a swordsman who seemed to be covered in shadows.

"They are Blue Moon's special agents."

As I became the 8th circle, I became the owner of the blue moon, not its collaborator.

Now those eight people are my complete people.

Gregory answered, perhaps because he knew me or because he was senior among the special agents.

"That's right. "Master."

"Do you know why I became your master?"

Last time I saw them, they didn't seem to know about Chester.

So I thought maybe he didn't know that I was Archduke Lucas' successor.

"Yeah, I know."

But this time, perhaps because they heard that their owner had changed, they said that and kept their mouths shut.

'Can I trust it?'

Since it was a gift left behind by Archduke Lucas, there would be no disadvantage to me, but unlike other rewards, these were people, so I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

[You don't have to worry about that. It seems there are restrictions. They can never disobey Adrian's orders.]Arsia seemed to know what I was thinking just by looking at my face, and relayed it to me telepathically.

If so, you are safe.

"Let me trust you."

"thank you!"

I already suspected everything in my mind, but on the outside, I acted like I was a big guy.

At once, a large number of Auror Master-level forces came under his command. Since the acquisition of the Blue Moon was planned, their use has already been decided.

I felt a huge surge of energy as if my heart was pounding, and smiled with utmost satisfaction.