

Game Story Episode 102 in Reality Chapter 26: Change (4)

There was some commotion, but now, no one would foolishly think they could take advantage of me. Moreover, even the Black Dragon Guild, with whom I have a contractual relationship, realized my presence once again because of this incident. "How much did you spend on this whole thing?" "About 3 billion or so, I guess?" "What? You spent 3 billion just because you were mad?" "That's not all. I heard Minki had a hand in the World Games. That's why this matter was resolved quietly." "How extraordinary must this person be?" "I don't know. But it's clear that we need to be even more diligent in recruiting from now on."

Well, rumors spread within the guild due to misunderstandings caused by the severity of the situation, but I didn't pay much attention. No matter what they imagine, I can proudly consider myself more famous than that. Thanks to that, I can say it's not a bad income to pay attention to various things in order to make hunting a little more comfortable in the guild.

[Level: 241]

I wasted time because of some crazy guy, but I quickly recovered experience points and leveled up. It was a day later than planned, but it didn't have much impact on my activities. So, I immersed myself in the game. But even while playing the game, there was something I couldn't help but pay attention to, which was the presence of Ebril, who participated in the final competition of the selection of the holy maiden. Although the final practical experience round, where sponsors including me couldn't directly intervene, I couldn't just ignore the girl who was driven by her ambition to do well. "Still, she's doing better than expected." At first, she showed some resistance, as it was an unfamiliar task, but Eric, her aide, kept her focused, and Ebril herself quickly adapted and showed great performance a week later. Especially yesterday, when she joined forces with her ally, Judy Esther, to purify the magic appearing in the Chase Kingdom and wiped out the undead caused by the magic, it was a great achievement. "Of course, it's not just them who are active." The top 5 contestants are fiercely competing in the third round. However, surprisingly, Grace, the High Elf who has been leading the pack, is showing weakness in the practical rounds, and the 5-party battle is intensifying as Francis Lady and Sia Rin Princess make advances. "Francis Lady is quite something. I thought she would quickly fall out of favor due to her arrogance, but her cool personality without any pretense is turning her arrogance into a character." "Sia Rin Princess is still a powerful dark horse. Her ability to evoke protective instincts is attracting many believers." "Judy Esther is a model of a stable priestess. Honestly, at this stage, she fits the position of the holy maiden better than Ebril. And everyone knows that." "Grace High Elf is showing signs of weakness in her backing, but her initial impact was very strong. She's a person with all her abilities evenly high, without any particular shortcomings." This was my evaluation of the four people excluding Ebril. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. I could only pray to God, trusting and waiting for Ebril. Thanks to that, I spent my time observing Ebril's situation intermittently while playing the game. "If this kind of schedule continues, I'll achieve the first condition of the Level 250 of the 8th stage quest within the next two months, at the latest within three months." After reaching Level 250, there is still a second condition, which is to battle with named monsters. But just like before, I wasn't too worried as I believed I could find a breakthrough somehow and move forward. But...

"The time has come." An event that throws a wrench into such plans has occurred. It happened because Prince Luke Wein Lineharts summoned me and other high-ranking nobles from his camp, including myself, and said so. "My father is considering abdication. Now is the perfect timing to drive out the Crown Prince and seize the throne, the last chance." This marked the beginning of the power struggle for the throne in my country, the Lineharts Kingdom. If the king abdicates, the current Crown Prince becomes the king. Therefore, Prince Luke 2 had to act before that. As the Crown Prince, he would be aware of the current gathering, so what will happen next is a clash between the two factions. In other words, civil war. "There are too many incidents... " Although it was an expected event, I couldn't help but sigh. "Aren't we all participating in the wars happening in Rondel recently?" The war with the Kroizen Empire.

Conflict with Four Self-Administrative Areas. Even participated in the war between the Bringum Empire and the Prius Republic of another country, and now it's a civil war within the kingdom. We can only see it as an outbreak of war. "On the surface, the revealed power ratio is about 6:4, so we are quite dominant." What is the Crown Prince doing exactly? The gap has widened more than I thought. If the strategic difference is about 20%, then betraying the Crown Prince at a crucial moment would make things even. For someone who has shown high abilities and confidence, the response seems too inadequate. I have no intention of overturning the contract, but I seem to be suffering from poor handling of the situation. "Hmm?" But then. While inwardly chewing out the Crown Prince, I happened to turn my head and noticed some strange information while looking around. [Ali Trantern Marquis / Circle 7 Grand Mage] Relation: Alert / Alliance (Hostile) Status: Tension / Vigilance [Aerial Royce Changeback / Circle 6 Senior Mage] Relation: Alert / Alliance (Hostile) Status: Tension / Fear [Aerial Spinell Viscount / Chief Administrator] Relation: Favorable / Alliance (Hostile) Status: Tension / Concern The oddity quickly turned into a question. It was because people marked as "Alliance (Hostile)" appeared in the relationship section with the relevant individuals indicating potential betrayal. They were the so-called "Trantern Faction" even within the Second Prince's faction. These were the ones who argued that I should be punished when the Prius Republic announced economic sanctions against our kingdom. Although they showed various signs of being marginalized by me, there was no doubt that they were the core of the Second Prince's faction. So, I smirked and glanced at the others. [Douglas Hemington Marquis / Chief Administrator] Relation: Neutral / Alliance Status: Joy / Expectation Then, the designation simply displayed "Alliance" instead of "Alliance (Hostile)." Although I follow the Crown Prince, on the surface, I am perceived as belonging to the Second Prince's faction because I am under him. Who is "Alliance" and who is "Alliance (Hostile)"...? As I organized my thoughts, I widened my eyes as I thought of one possibility. "No way, are they...?" Although I had met many people and assessed their abilities, the Crown Prince was not only intelligent but also the most talented individual in politics and administration. It was inconceivable that such a person would simply succumb to the Second Prince without resistance. But what if it's not like that? "Those marked as 'Alliance (Hostile)' in the relationship are clearly the ones scheduled for betrayal." In other words, it means that the Crown Prince has not only me but also brought in the Trantern Marquis faction. "Haha. Indeed... so that's how it is." I could now see how sinister the Crown Prince truly was. Unlike Luke 2, who drew a line and tried to attract neutral nobles, Michael the Crown Prince seemed to think it would be more advantageous to bring in hostile forces. It was certainly the most effective way if it could be done. By inflicting losses on the enemy, you could build your power, so even bringing in just one person was no different from bringing in two outsiders. The problem was that if the opponent did not succumb to persuasion, there was a high risk of the plan being leaked, but looking at the situation, I could see that the Crown Prince's choice of individuals was exquisite. Thanks to that, I, who had foreseen the Crown Prince's maneuvering, felt a chill and silently admired him. "Marquis Lawrence." "Yes, Your Highness." However, although I inwardly chuckled without expressing it outwardly, I had to keep a straight face at the story of Prince Luke 2. "Sorry, but can you give up Viscount Klein?" I couldn't help but question the Second Prince's statement, which seemed to demand Arshia's novices. "What?" "I'm planning to create a guerrilla unit centered around me and Viscount Vincent. There's no one as suitable for that unit as Viscount Arshia Klein." "I see."

He learned why he demanded Arshia from me, but I couldn't help but comply. The fact that this man couldn't let go of his lingering affection for Arshia was inevitable.

[Status: Affection / Expectation] Every time he looked at Arshia, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable seeing the emotional fluctuations marked.

"Well, then, I guess I have no choice. Understood."

However, I couldn't refuse in this situation. If Arshia were a Grand Master in the 8th Circle, I would've said 'Screw it!' and made the Second Prince explode, but...

Fortunately, the Second Prince seemed to be not in the mood to explode when looking at Arshia.

Arshia also seemed to know that there was no choice, so she nodded her head. The Second Prince seemed to be constantly satisfied, even though his days were numbered.

"We shouldn't drag out this war. If the civil war continues and weakens the kingdom's power, Kroisen Empire could invade at any time. So we need to gather our strength and make decisions quickly."

A common thought with the Crown Prince.

Civil war in a situation where there are hostile countries on the border was a big burden. Although more emotional compared to the Crown Prince, the Second Prince, as the leader of a political faction, was making proper judgments.

"Lord Vincent, you'll lead the guerrilla warfare with me. Marquis Hemington will be the overall commander of the territorial army, and Marquis Lawrence will be the deputy commander."


It seemed like a good choice that the Second Prince brought in Marquis Trantern. Since the Second Prince confirmed that Marquis Trantern ranked last among the four marquises here.

It was revealed here that I, who had only been a noble for half a year, was considered more important than Marquis Trantern. As I glanced at Marquis Trantern, he seemed to have lost even the small sense of guilt he had.

The Second Prince might not know, but he inadvertently encouraged the betrayal of someone who might have been reversible.

"Now, let's announce the units and tasks each will be responsible for."

Following the appointment of the commander and deputy commander, the Second Prince decided on the appointments.

Marquis Trantern and the Changebacks were appointed as corps commanders, the Viscount as division commanders under the corps, and lords under the marquises and viscounts as unit commanders under the divisions.

The positions were similar to those in the local army that participated in the previous war with the Kroisen Empire. However, since it was not a show of allegiance to support the royal army in local battles like annual events, the size of the participating forces was more than five times larger.

"The operation will begin two days from now. At midnight. Everyone should be prepared and discreetly prepare the territorial army."

After the meeting ended and the nobles were called back, they hurried back to their territories to prepare for war.

Since my territory and Arshia's territory were practically the same by now, we headed to Marquis Lawrence's territory together as we used to.

And as we were riding back, I expressed my concern for Arshia, who was assigned to the Second Prince's unit.

"If the Second Prince treats you unfairly, don't hold back and retaliate. I'll handle the aftermath."

"Then I'll fight without worries."

I nodded earnestly.

If the Second Prince heard, he would have shown disbelief in his treatment, but to us, he was neither more nor less than a discarded pawn.